[Rev. 2/10/2010 9:46:41 AM]



NRS 232.005            Transfer of personnel within department authorized; powers and duties of director or chief executive officer.

NRS 232.006            Acceptance of consular identification card to identify person.

NRS 232.007            Recycling of paper required by state agencies; waiver; adoption of regulations prescribing procedures for disposition of recycled paper and recycling of waste products other than paper.


NRS 232.010            Definitions.

NRS 232.020            Creation.

NRS 232.030            Director: Creation of position.

NRS 232.040            Director: Selection; qualifications.

NRS 232.050            Director: Appointment; classification; other employment prohibited.

NRS 232.055            Assistant directors: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment.

NRS 232.060            Director: Appointment of staff.

NRS 232.070            Director: Powers and duties.

NRS 232.075            Charges for books, reports and periodicals distributed.

NRS 232.080            Attorney General is counsel for Department; designation and duties of deputy attorney general.

NRS 232.085            Advisory Board on Natural Resources: Creation; qualifications of members; meetings; compensation; officers; duties.

NRS 232.090            Composition of Department.

NRS 232.100            Division of Water Resources: Appointment of State Engineer as executive head; powers and duties.

NRS 232.110            Division of State Lands: Administrator as ex officio State Land Registrar.

NRS 232.120            Division of Forestry: Appointment of State Forester Firewarden as executive head; powers and duties.

NRS 232.125            Division of Conservation Districts: Administrative Officer; powers and duties.

NRS 232.135            Division of State Parks: Administrator; duties.

NRS 232.136            Division of Environmental Protection: Composition; appointment of Administrator.

NRS 232.139            Deputies and chief assistants of chiefs of divisions: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment.

NRS 232.140            Support of Department; legislative appropriations.

NRS 232.150            Delineation of areas subject to flooding; information to be furnished to planning agencies; cooperation of Health Division of Department of Health and Human Services.


NRS 232.212            Definitions.

NRS 232.213            Creation; composition; motor pool.

NRS 232.214            Director: Appointment; classification; other employment prohibited.

NRS 232.215            Director: Powers and duties.

NRS 232.2165          Classification of chiefs of divisions.

NRS 232.217            Deputies and chief assistants of chiefs of divisions: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment.

NRS 232.219            Department of Administration’s Operating Fund for Administrative Services: Creation; deposits; payments.

NRS 232.2195          Duties of Administrative Services Division.



NRS 232.290            Definitions.

NRS 232.300            Creation; divisions; responsibility for administering law.

NRS 232.310            Director: Appointment; classification; qualifications; other employment prohibited.

NRS 232.320            Appointment of administrators of divisions; powers and duties of Director.

NRS 232.330            Director: Employment of staff.

NRS 232.340            Administrators of divisions: Classification; duties; restrictions on other employment.

NRS 232.350            Deputies and chief assistants of administrators of divisions.

NRS 232.353            Adoption of state plans required for receipt of federal money.

NRS 232.355            Department of Health and Human Services’ Gift Fund: Creation; accounts; deposit of money; property other than money.

NRS 232.357            Limitations on sharing confidential information by divisions.

NRS 232.359            System to provide nonemergency information and referrals concerning health, welfare, human and social services: Establishment; requirements.


Commission on Mental Health and Developmental Services

NRS 232.361            Creation; composition; Chair; terms of members; vacancies.

NRS 232.363            Meetings; quorum; salary; expenses; restrictions on ownership of or employment by certain enterprises.


Grants Management Advisory Committee

NRS 232.383            Creation; composition; prohibition on grants to entity employing member; terms of members; salary; expenses; members holding public office or employed by governmental entity; meetings.

NRS 232.385            Duties.

NRS 232.387            Appointment of working groups by Chair; duties.


Office of Minority Health

NRS 232.467            Definitions.

NRS 232.468            “Advisory Committee” defined.

NRS 232.469            “Health care” defined.

NRS 232.471            “Manager” defined.

NRS 232.472            “Minority group” defined.

NRS 232.473            “Office” defined.

NRS 232.474            Creation; purposes.

NRS 232.475            Duties; assistance and cooperation.

NRS 232.476            Gifts, grants, appropriations or donations; contracts; regulations.

NRS 232.477            Appointment of Manager; qualifications.

NRS 232.478            Duties of Manager.

NRS 232.479            Biennial report to Governor and Director of Legislative Counsel Bureau.

NRS 232.481            Grants of money; regulations.

NRS 232.482            Advisory Committee: Creation; composition; terms of members; Chair.

NRS 232.483            Advisory Committee: Salary; expenses; members holding public office or employed by governmental entity.

NRS 232.484            Advisory Committee: Duties.



NRS 232.505            Definitions.

NRS 232.510            Creation; composition. [Effective through June 30, 2011.]

NRS 232.510            Creation; composition. [Effective July 1, 2011.]

NRS 232.515            Director: Appointment; classification; qualifications; other employment prohibited.

NRS 232.520            Director: Powers and duties. [Effective through June 30, 2011.]

NRS 232.520            Director: Powers and duties. [Effective July 1, 2011.]

NRS 232.521            Director: Duty to provide website link by which employers may verify social security numbers of employees.

NRS 232.522            Director: Creation of Office of Business Finance and Planning; creation of Center for Business Advocacy and Services; communication and cooperation among entities within Department.

NRS 232.525            Director: Employment of staff.

NRS 232.530            Chiefs of divisions: Classification; duties; restrictions on other employment.

NRS 232.535            Assistants of chiefs of divisions: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment.

NRS 232.538            Housing Division: Principal office.

NRS 232.540            Chief of Housing Division: Appointment, qualifications and classification of Chief Financial Officer for Division.

NRS 232.545            Investigative Account for Financial Institutions.

NRS 232.546            Account for Special Projects to Assist in the Development of Services for Business and Industry.

NRS 232.547            Regulations to conduct business electronically; fees.

NRS 232.548            Use of alternative means of dispute resolution.


Division of Industrial Relations

NRS 232.550            Definitions.

NRS 232.570            Advisory Council: Creation; composition; vacancies.

NRS 232.580            Advisory Council: Meetings; officers; bylaws; quorum.

NRS 232.590            Advisory Council: Salary of members.

NRS 232.600            Advisory Council: Powers and duties.

NRS 232.610            Administrator: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment; qualifications; prohibited interests and positions.

NRS 232.620            Administrator: Responsibilities; other powers and duties.

NRS 232.630            Assistant administrators: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment.

NRS 232.650            Employment of staff.

NRS 232.660            Legal counsel for Division: Appointment; contract services; qualifications; powers.

NRS 232.670            Administrator: Duties.

NRS 232.680            Payment of costs: Assessments; regulations; federal grants; refunds.

NRS 232.690            Cooperative agreements.

NRS 232.700            Cooperation of insurers and other divisions and agencies.


Division of Insurance

NRS 232.805            Definitions.

NRS 232.820            Commissioner of Insurance: Appointment; classification.

NRS 232.825            Powers and duties of Commissioner of Insurance; appointment, classification and restrictions on other employment of deputies.

NRS 232.840            State agencies required to cooperate and provide information.


Office of Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities

NRS 232.845            Creation; duties of Ombudsman; appointment and classification of Ombudsman.


Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs

NRS 232.850            “Commission” defined.

NRS 232.852            Creation; membership; officers.

NRS 232.854            Members: Terms of office; reappointment; vacancies.

NRS 232.856            Members: Reimbursement for certain expenses.

NRS 232.858            Meetings; quorum; annual report.

NRS 232.860            Duties.

NRS 232.862            Appointment of committees.

NRS 232.864            Staff assistance; volunteer workers and consultants.

NRS 232.866            Gifts, grants and contributions.


NRS 232.900            Definitions.

NRS 232.910            Creation; purpose; composition.

NRS 232.920            Director: Powers and duties.

NRS 232.930            Director: Appointment; classification; other employment prohibited.

NRS 232.935            Governor’s Workforce Investment Board: Appointment of members; duties; industry sector councils.

NRS 232.940            Rehabilitation Division: Composition.

NRS 232.945            Rehabilitation Division: Appointment, classification and duties of Administrator; restrictions on other employment.

NRS 232.960            Rehabilitation Division: Accounting for gifts and grants of money or other property; disposition of gifts of certain property.




      NRS 232.005  Transfer of personnel within department authorized; powers and duties of director or chief executive officer.  The director or chief executive officer of each of the departments established by law within the Executive Branch of State Government shall conduct such investigations and studies as he or she deems necessary to determine the most efficient and economical use of the personnel of the department. The director or chief executive officer may transfer the personnel of one or more divisions of his or her department to one or more other divisions if he or she finds that such transfer will result in a greater utilization of personnel, produce a more efficient operation of the department, result in economies within the department or improve the organization of the department.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 1431)

      NRS 232.006  Acceptance of consular identification card to identify person.

      1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 and NRS 483.290, 483.860 and 486.081, with respect to any activity or transaction in which a state agency accepts an identification card issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles to identify a person, the state agency may also accept a consular identification card to identify a person.

      2.  The provisions of subsection 1 apply only to the presentation of a consular identification card for purposes of identification and do not convey an independent right to receive benefits of any type.

      3.  As used in this section:

      (a) “Consular identification card” means an identification card issued by a consulate of a foreign government, which consulate is located within the State of Nevada.

      (b) “Identification card issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles” means an identification card of the type described in NRS 483.810 to 483.890, inclusive.

      (c) “State agency” means every public agency, bureau, board, commission, department or division of the Executive Department of State Government.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 1933)

      NRS 232.007  Recycling of paper required by state agencies; waiver; adoption of regulations prescribing procedures for disposition of recycled paper and recycling of waste products other than paper.

      1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, each state agency shall recycle or cause to be recycled the paper and paper products it uses. This subsection does not apply to confidential documents if there is an additional cost for recycling those documents.

      2.  A state agency may apply to the Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration for a waiver from the requirements of subsection 1. The Chief shall grant a waiver to the state agency if the Chief determines that the cost to recycle or cause to be recycled the paper and paper products used by the agency is unreasonable and would place an undue burden on the operations of the agency.

      3.  The State Environmental Commission shall, through the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, adopt regulations which prescribe the procedure for the disposition of the paper and paper products to be recycled. In adopting such regulations, the Commission:

      (a) Shall consult with any other state agencies which are coordinating or have coordinated programs for recycling paper and paper products.

      (b) May prescribe a procedure for the recycling of other waste materials produced by state agencies.

      4.  Any money received by a state agency for recycling or causing to be recycled the paper and paper products it uses must be paid by the chief administrative officer of that agency to the State Treasurer for credit to the State General Fund.

      5.  As used in this section:

      (a) “Paper” includes newspaper, high-grade office paper, fine paper, bond paper, offset paper, xerographic paper, mimeo paper, duplicator paper and any other cellulosic material which contains not more than 10 percent by weight or volume of a noncellulosic material, including, but not limited to, a laminate, binder, coating and saturant.

      (b) “Paper product” means any paper article or commodity, including, but not limited to, paper napkins, towels, cardboard, construction material, paper and any other cellulosic material which contains not more than 10 percent by weight or volume of a noncellulosic material, including, but not limited to, a laminate, binder, coating and saturant.

      (c) “State agency” means every public agency, bureau, board, commission, department, division, officer or employee of the Executive Department of State Government.

      (Added to NRS by 1991, 907; A 1999, 3182)


      NRS 232.010  Definitions.  As used in NRS 232.010 to 232.150, inclusive:

      1.  “Department” means the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

      2.  “Director” means the Director of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 646; A 1977, 1117; 1989, 512; 1993, 1482)

      NRS 232.020  Creation.  There is hereby created the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, in which is vested the administration of the provisions of NRS 232.010 to 232.150, inclusive.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 646; A 1989, 512; 1993, 1482)

      NRS 232.030  Director: Creation of position.  The position of Director of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is hereby created.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 646)

      NRS 232.040  Director: Selection; qualifications.

      1.  The Director shall be selected with special reference to his or her training, experience, capacity and interest in conservation or natural resources, or both.

      2.  The Director shall have the demonstrated ability to administer a major public agency in the field of conservation and natural resources having diverse functional divisions with related goals.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 646; A 1977, 1117)

      NRS 232.050  Director: Appointment; classification; other employment prohibited.

      1.  The Director is appointed by and is responsible to the Governor and is in the unclassified service of the State.

      2.  The Director shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the business of his or her office and shall not pursue any other business or occupation or hold any other office of profit.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 646; A 1960, 394; 1963, 1331; 1967, 1489; 1971, 1425; 1981, 1273; 1985, 405)

      NRS 232.055  Assistant directors: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment.

      1.  The Director shall appoint two assistant directors of the Department and shall assign their duties.

      2.  Each assistant director is in the unclassified service of the State.

      3.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143, each assistant director shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the business of his or her office and shall not engage in any other gainful employment or occupation.

      (Added to NRS by 1977, 1116; A 1981, 1273; 1985, 405; 1995, 2310)

      NRS 232.060  Director: Appointment of staff.  The Director shall appoint such technical, clerical and operational staff as the execution of his or her duties and the operation of the Department may require.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 646; A 1967, 1489; 1971, 1425; 1981, 1273; 1985, 405)

      NRS 232.070  Director: Powers and duties.

      1.  As executive head of the Department, the Director is responsible for the administration, through the divisions and other units of the Department, of all provisions of law relating to the functions of the Department, except functions assigned by law to the State Environmental Commission, the State Conservation Commission or the Commission for the Preservation of Wild Horses.

      2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, the Director shall:

      (a) Establish departmental goals, objectives and priorities.

      (b) Approve divisional goals, objectives and priorities.

      (c) Approve divisional and departmental budgets, legislative proposals, contracts, agreements and applications for federal assistance.

      (d) Coordinate divisional programs within the Department and coordinate departmental and divisional programs with other departments and with other levels of government.

      (e) Appoint the executive head of each division within the Department.

      (f) Delegate to the executive heads of the divisions such authorities and responsibilities as the Director deems necessary for the efficient conduct of the business of the Department.

      (g) Establish new administrative units or programs which may be necessary for the efficient operation of the Department, and alter departmental organization and reassign responsibilities as the Director deems appropriate.

      (h) From time to time adopt, amend and rescind such regulations as the Director deems necessary for the administration of the Department.

      3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, the Director may enter into cooperative agreements with any federal or state agency or political subdivision of the State, any public or private institution located in or outside the State of Nevada, or any other person, in connection with studies and investigations pertaining to any activities of the Department.

      4.  This section does not confer upon the Director any powers or duties which are delegated by law to the State Environmental Commission, the State Conservation Commission or the Commission for the Preservation of Wild Horses, but the Director may foster cooperative agreements and coordinate programs and activities involving the powers and duties of the commissions.

      5.  All gifts of money and other property which the Director is authorized to accept must be accounted for in the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Gift Fund which is hereby created as a trust fund.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 647; A 1959, 193; 1967, 417; 1975, 152; 1977, 1117; 1979, 102, 614; 1997, 2535)

      NRS 232.075  Charges for books, reports and periodicals distributed.

      1.  The Director is hereby authorized to make a nominal charge for any books, reports or periodicals compiled and distributed by the Department.

      2.  The money received from such charge shall be deposited in the General Fund of the State.

      (Added to NRS by 1959, 193)

      NRS 232.080  Attorney General is counsel for Department; designation and duties of deputy attorney general.  The Attorney General is the counsel and attorney for the Department. The Attorney General shall designate one of his or her deputies to be counsel and attorney for the Department in all actions, proceedings and hearings. The deputy so designated:

      1.  Is the legal adviser of the Department in all matters relating to the Department and to the powers and duties of its officers.

      2.  Shall maintain his or her office in Carson City, Nevada, in an office provided by the Department.

      3.  Is in the unclassified service of the State pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 284.140.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 647; A 1967, 724, 1489; 1971, 1425; 1979, 274; 1981, 1273; 1983, 748; 2001, 1442)

      NRS 232.085  Advisory Board on Natural Resources: Creation; qualifications of members; meetings; compensation; officers; duties.

      1.  The Advisory Board on Natural Resources, consisting of seven members appointed by the Governor, is hereby created in the Department.

      2.  The Governor shall appoint to the Board:

      (a) One member who is a representative of the interests of users of the State Park System;

      (b) One member who is an active participant in outdoor recreational activities;

      (c) One member who is a representative of the agricultural industry;

      (d) One member who is a representative of the mining industry;

      (e) One member who is a representative of forestry or fire control services;

      (f) One member who is a representative of conservation interests; and

      (g) One member who is a representative of the general public.

      3.  The Board may meet four times annually and at other times upon the call of the Chair.

      4.  The members of the Board are entitled to receive a salary of $60 for each day’s attendance at a meeting of the Board, and the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state employees generally while engaged in the business of the Board.

      5.  The Board shall elect a Chair and a Vice Chair from among its members.

      6.  The Board shall advise the Director on:

      (a) Matters relating to the establishment and maintenance of an adequate policy of forest and watershed protection;

      (b) Matters relating to the park and recreational policy of the State;

      (c) The use of land within this State which is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government;

      (d) The effect of state and federal agencies’ programs and regulations on the users of land under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, and on the problems of those users of land; and

      (e) The preservation, protection and use of the State’s natural resources.

      (Added to NRS by 1993, 1479)

      NRS 232.090  Composition of Department.

      1.  The Department consists of the Director and the following divisions:

      (a) The Division of Water Resources.

      (b) The Division of State Lands.

      (c) The Division of Forestry.

      (d) The Division of State Parks.

      (e) The Division of Conservation Districts.

      (f) The Division of Environmental Protection.

      (g) Such other divisions as the Director may from time to time establish.

      2.  The State Environmental Commission, the State Conservation Commission, the Commission for the Preservation of Wild Horses, the Nevada Natural Heritage Program and the Board to Review Claims are within the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 647; A 1963, 828; 1973, 767, 1598, 1719; 1977, 1118, 1356; 1983, 2087; 1989, 1690; 1993, 1482; 1995, 423, 1456; 1997, 2536; 2003, 1559; 2005, 2572)

      NRS 232.100  Division of Water Resources: Appointment of State Engineer as executive head; powers and duties.

      1.  The executive head of the Division of Water Resources shall be the State Engineer, who shall be appointed by and be responsible to the Director.

      2.  The State Engineer and the employees of the Division of Water Resources shall have such powers and shall perform such duties as are conferred upon the State Engineer pursuant to title 48 of NRS and the provisions of any other laws.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 647)

      NRS 232.110  Division of State Lands: Administrator as ex officio State Land Registrar.

      1.  The executive head of the Division of State Lands shall be the Administrator, who shall be ex officio State Land Registrar.

      2.  The Administrator shall be appointed by and be responsible to the Director.

      3.  The Administrator, with the consent of the Director, may appoint deputies, assistants and employees and assign duties as required to carry out the functions of the Division of State Lands.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 648; A 1975, 87)

      NRS 232.120  Division of Forestry: Appointment of State Forester Firewarden as executive head; powers and duties.

      1.  The executive head of the Division of Forestry shall be the State Forester Firewarden, who shall be appointed by and be responsible to the Director.

      2.  The State Forester Firewarden and the employees of the Division of Forestry shall have such powers and shall perform such duties as are conferred upon the State Forester Firewarden pursuant to chapters 472 and 528 of NRS and the provisions of any other laws.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 648)

      NRS 232.125  Division of Conservation Districts: Administrative Officer; powers and duties.

      1.  The head of the Division of Conservation Districts shall be an Administrative Officer, who shall be selected by the Director from a list of three people recommended by the State Conservation Commission. The Administrative Officer shall be employed in the unclassified service. The Director shall employ such other assistants as may be required to carry out the functions of the Division and shall assign their duties.

      2.  The Administrative Officer shall have the following powers and duties:

      (a) To perform staff services for the State Conservation Commission to assist it in carrying out its responsibilities under chapter 548 of NRS.

      (b) To perform such administrative acts as may be required to carry out the policies and goals established by the Commission and the powers and duties assigned to it under chapter 548 of NRS.

      (Added to NRS by 1973, 766)

      NRS 232.135  Division of State Parks: Administrator; duties.

      1.  The Division of State Parks shall be administered by the Administrator of the Nevada State Park System, who shall be appointed by and be responsible to the Director.

      2.  The Administrator and the employees of the Division of State Parks shall administer the provisions of chapter 407 of NRS and any other laws relating to state parks.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 827)

      NRS 232.136  Division of Environmental Protection: Composition; appointment of Administrator.

      1.  The Division of Environmental Protection consists of the Administrator and any other necessary personnel.

      2.  The Administrator is appointed by the Director and is in the unclassified service of the State.

      (Added to NRS by 1977, 1116)

      NRS 232.139  Deputies and chief assistants of chiefs of divisions: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment.  The chiefs of the divisions of the Department may each appoint a deputy and a chief assistant in the unclassified service of the State. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143, each deputy and chief assistant shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the business of his or her office and shall not pursue any other business or occupation or hold any other office of profit.

      (Added to NRS by 1977, 1116; A 1981, 1274; 1985, 405; 1995, 2310)

      NRS 232.140  Support of Department; legislative appropriations.

      1.  Money to carry out the provisions of NRS 232.010 to 232.150, inclusive, and to support the Department and its various divisions and other units must be provided by direct legislative appropriation from the State General Fund.

      2.  All money so appropriated must be paid out on claims approved by the Director in the same manner as other claims against the State are paid.

      (Added to NRS by 1957, 648; A 1977, 1119; 1989, 513; 1993, 1482)

      NRS 232.150  Delineation of areas subject to flooding; information to be furnished to planning agencies; cooperation of Health Division of Department of Health and Human Services.

      1.  Areas subjected to damage from floods must be delineated by the Department in cooperation with districts for the control of floods. The information must be furnished upon request to local, regional and state planning agencies.

      2.  The Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services shall cooperate with the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the accomplishment of the purposes of this section, but this section does not limit the powers and duties of the Health Division.

      (Added to NRS by 1961, 669; A 1963, 898; 1973, 1406; 1987, 706)


      NRS 232.212  Definitions.  As used in NRS 232.212 to 232.2195, inclusive, unless the context requires otherwise:

      1.  “Department” means the Department of Administration.

      2.  “Director” means the Director of the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1973, 1450; A 1993, 1483)

      NRS 232.213  Creation; composition; motor pool.

      1.  The Department of Administration is hereby created.

      2.  The Department consists of a Director and the following divisions:

      (a) Budget Division.

      (b) Risk Management Division.

      (c) Hearings Division, which consists of hearing officers, compensation officers and appeals officers.

      (d) Buildings and Grounds Division.

      (e) Purchasing Division.

      (f) Administrative Services Division.

      (g) Division of Internal Audits.

      3.  The Director may establish a Motor Pool Division or may assign the functions of the State Motor Pool to one of the other divisions of the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1973, 1451; A 1979, 626, 1065; 1981, 1673, 1682; 1989, 262; 1993, 1483; 1997, 16; 1999, 2885; 2005, 1083)

      NRS 232.214  Director: Appointment; classification; other employment prohibited.  The Director:

      1.  Is appointed by, is responsible to, and serves at the pleasure of the Governor.

      2.  Is in the unclassified service of the State.

      3.  Shall not engage in any other gainful employment or occupation.

      (Added to NRS by 1973, 1451; A 1981, 1274; 1985, 406)

      NRS 232.215  Director: Powers and duties.  The Director:

      1.  Shall appoint a Chief of the:

      (a) Risk Management Division;

      (b) Buildings and Grounds Division;

      (c) Purchasing Division;

      (d) Administrative Services Division;

      (e) Division of Internal Audits; and

      (f) Motor Pool Division, if separately established.

      2.  Shall appoint a Chief of the Budget Division, or may serve in this position if the Director has the qualifications required by NRS 353.175.

      3.  Shall serve as Chief of the Hearings Division and shall appoint the hearing officers and compensation officers. The Director may designate one of the appeals officers in the Division to supervise the administrative, technical and procedural activities of the Division.

      4.  Is responsible for the administration, through the divisions of the Department, of the provisions of chapters 331, 333 and 336 of NRS, NRS 353.150 to 353.246, inclusive, and 353A.031 to 353A.100, inclusive, and all other provisions of law relating to the functions of the divisions of the Department.

      5.  Is responsible for the administration of the laws of this State relating to the negotiation and procurement of medical services and other benefits for state agencies.

      6.  Has such other powers and duties as are provided by law.

      (Added to NRS by 1973, 1451; A 1979, 626, 1065; 1981, 1682; 1987, 1486; 1989, 262, 394; 1993, 774, 1484, 2444; 1995, 579; 1997, 17; 1999, 2885; 2001, 1919; 2005, 1083)

      NRS 232.2165  Classification of chiefs of divisions.

      1.  The Chief of:

      (a) The Buildings and Grounds Division;

      (b) The Purchasing Division;

      (c) The Administrative Services Division;

      (d) The Division of Internal Audits; and

      (e) If separately established, the Motor Pool Division,

Ê of the Department serves at the pleasure of the Director, but, except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, for all purposes except removal is in the classified service of the State.

      2.  The Chief of the Motor Pool Division, if separately established, and the Chief of the Division of Internal Audits are in the unclassified service of the State.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 1033; A 1967, 1490; 1971, 1426; 1973, 1452; 1983, 1347; 1985, 406; 1993, 1483; 1997, 17; 1999, 2886; 2005, 1084)

      NRS 232.217  Deputies and chief assistants of chiefs of divisions: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment.  Unless federal law or regulation otherwise requires, the Chief of the:

      1.  Budget Division;

      2.  Buildings and Grounds Division;

      3.  Purchasing Division;

      4.  Division of Internal Audits; and

      5.  Motor Pool Division, if separately established,

Ê may appoint a Deputy and a Chief Assistant in the unclassified service of the State, who shall not engage in any other gainful employment or occupation except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143.

      (Added to NRS by 1973, 1451; A 1981, 1274; 1993, 1484; 1995, 2310; 1997, 17; 1999, 2886; 2005, 1084)

      NRS 232.219  Department of Administration’s Operating Fund for Administrative Services: Creation; deposits; payments.

      1.  The Department of Administration’s Operating Fund for Administrative Services is hereby created as an internal service fund.

      2.  The operating budget of each of the following entities must include an amount representing that entity’s share of the operating costs of the central accounting function of the Department:

      (a) State Public Works Board;

      (b) Budget Division;

      (c) Buildings and Grounds Division;

      (d) Purchasing Division;

      (e) Hearings Division;

      (f) Risk Management Division;

      (g) Division of Internal Audits; and

      (h) If separately established, the Motor Pool Division.

      3.  All money received for the central accounting services of the Department must be deposited in the State Treasury for credit to the Operating Fund.

      4.  All expenses of the central accounting function of the Department must be paid from the Fund as other claims against the State are paid.

      (Added to NRS by 1979, 99; A 1981, 254; 1993, 1483; 1995, 928; 1997, 18; 1999, 2886; 2005, 1084)

      NRS 232.2195  Duties of Administrative Services Division.  The Administrative Services Division shall:

      1.  Furnish fiscal and accounting services to the Director and to each division of the Department; and

      2.  Advise and assist the Director and each division of the Department in carrying out their functions and responsibilities.

      (Added to NRS by 1993, 1482)



      NRS 232.290  Definitions.  As used in NRS 232.290 to 232.484, inclusive, unless the context requires otherwise:

      1.  “Department” means the Department of Health and Human Services.

      2.  “Director” means the Director of the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 887; A 1967, 826; 1973, 1386, 1622; 1985, 1649, 2276; 1987, 1438; 1991, 2119; 1997, 2526, 2605; 1999, 2242; 2005, 129, 473, 2436; 2005, 22nd Special Session, 50)

      NRS 232.300  Creation; divisions; responsibility for administering law.

      1.  The Department of Health and Human Services is hereby created.

      2.  The Department consists of a Director and the following divisions:

      (a) Aging and Disability Services Division.

      (b) Health Division.

      (c) Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services.

      (d) Division of Welfare and Supportive Services.

      (e) Division of Child and Family Services.

      (f) Division of Health Care Financing and Policy.

      3.  The Department is the sole agency responsible for administering the provisions of law relating to its respective divisions.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 888; A 1965, 369, 770; 1967, 826; 1969, 915; 1971, 373; 1973, 1386, 1623, 1691; 1979, 876; 1985, 1366; 1991, 2109, 2119; 1993, 598, 599, 1487; 1997, 2605; 1999, 110, 2242, 2244; 2005, 22nd Special Session, 50; 2009, 2366)

      NRS 232.310  Director: Appointment; classification; qualifications; other employment prohibited.  The Director:

      1.  Is appointed by, is responsible to, and serves at the pleasure of the Governor.

      2.  Is in the unclassified service of the State.

      3.  Shall not engage in any other gainful employment or occupation.

      4.  Must have broad, responsible experience in the field of administration or possess broad management skills or working knowledge of the field of social services administration.

      5.  Must be selected with special reference to his or her training, experience and aptitude for coordinating related functions of public health, welfare and social service agencies. The Director’s knowledge and abilities should include the following:

      (a) A comprehensive knowledge of administrative principles, and a working knowledge of principles of public finance and the laws, rules and regulations pertaining to public agencies.

      (b) Administrative ability to assess the operating efficiency of component agencies and to delegate authority and duties to responsible division and agency heads.

      (c) Ability to organize and clearly present oral and written findings and recommendations to the Governor, the Legislature and other officials and agencies.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 888; A 1965, 703; 1967, 1491; 1971, 1428; 1973, 1623; 1981, 1276; 1985, 407)

      NRS 232.320  Appointment of administrators of divisions; powers and duties of Director.

      1.  The Director:

      (a) Shall appoint, with the consent of the Governor, administrators of the divisions of the Department, who are respectively designated as follows:

             (1) The Administrator of the Aging and Disability Services Division;

             (2) The Administrator of the Health Division;

             (3) The Administrator of the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services;

             (4) The Administrator of the Division of Child and Family Services;

             (5) The Administrator of the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy; and

             (6) The Administrator of the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services.

      (b) Shall administer, through the divisions of the Department, the provisions of chapters 63, 424, 425, 427A, 432A to 442, inclusive, 446 to 450, inclusive, 458A and 656A of NRS, NRS 127.220 to 127.310, inclusive, 422.001 to 422.410, inclusive, 422.580, 432.010 to 432.133, inclusive, 444.003 to 444.430, inclusive, and 445A.010 to 445A.055, inclusive, and all other provisions of law relating to the functions of the divisions of the Department, but is not responsible for the clinical activities of the Health Division or the professional line activities of the other divisions.

      (c) Shall administer any state program for persons with developmental disabilities established pursuant to the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, 42 U.S.C. §§ 15001 et seq.

      (d) Shall, after considering advice from agencies of local governments and nonprofit organizations which provide social services, adopt a master plan for the provision of human services in this State. The Director shall revise the plan biennially and deliver a copy of the plan to the Governor and the Legislature at the beginning of each regular session. The plan must:

             (1) Identify and assess the plans and programs of the Department for the provision of human services, and any duplication of those services by federal, state and local agencies;

             (2) Set forth priorities for the provision of those services;

             (3) Provide for communication and the coordination of those services among nonprofit organizations, agencies of local government, the State and the Federal Government;

             (4) Identify the sources of funding for services provided by the Department and the allocation of that funding;

             (5) Set forth sufficient information to assist the Department in providing those services and in the planning and budgeting for the future provision of those services; and

             (6) Contain any other information necessary for the Department to communicate effectively with the Federal Government concerning demographic trends, formulas for the distribution of federal money and any need for the modification of programs administered by the Department.

      (e) May, by regulation, require nonprofit organizations and state and local governmental agencies to provide information regarding the programs of those organizations and agencies, excluding detailed information relating to their budgets and payrolls, which the Director deems necessary for the performance of the duties imposed upon him or her pursuant to this section.

      (f) Has such other powers and duties as are provided by law.

      2.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Director, or the Director’s designee, is responsible for appointing and removing subordinate officers and employees of the Department, other than:

      (a) The Executive Director of the Nevada Indian Commission who is appointed pursuant to NRS 233A.055; and

      (b) The State Public Defender of the Office of State Public Defender who is appointed pursuant to NRS 180.010.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 888; A 1965, 369, 770; 1967, 827; 1969, 915, 1011; 1971, 374; 1973, 1387, 1625, 1692; 1975, 1633; 1977, 1120; 1979, 877; 1981, 1902; 1983, 838; 1985, 1366, 2277; 1987, 881, 1543, 1642; 1991, 332, 1054, 2109, 2114, 2115, 2120, 2137, 2139; 1993, 598, 599, 1487, 2674; 1995, 579; 1997, 2606; 1999, 111, 2242, 2244; 2001, 2371; 2003, 1127, 1321, 2635; 2005, 473, 1529; 2005, 22nd Special Session, 50; 2007, 170; 2009, 269, 2366)

      NRS 232.330  Director: Employment of staff.  The Director may employ, within the limits of legislative appropriations, such staff as is necessary to the performance of the Director’s duties.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 889; A 1985, 408)

      NRS 232.340  Administrators of divisions: Classification; duties; restrictions on other employment.  The administrator of each division of the Department:

      1.  Is in the unclassified service of the State unless federal law or regulation requires otherwise.

      2.  Shall administer the provisions of law relating to his or her division, subject to the administrative supervision of the Director.

      3.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143, shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the business of his or her office and shall not pursue any other business or occupation or hold any other office of profit.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 889; A 1965, 706; 1967, 1492; 1971, 1428; 1973, 1625; 1979, 877; 1981, 1276; 1985, 408; 1995, 2311; 1997, 2607; 1999, 2242)

      NRS 232.350  Deputies and chief assistants of administrators of divisions.  Unless federal law or regulation requires otherwise:

      1.  The administrators of the divisions of the Department, except as otherwise provided in subsections 2 and 3, may each appoint, with the consent of the Director, a deputy and a chief assistant in the unclassified service of the State.

      2.  The Administrator of the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department shall appoint, with the consent of the Director, four deputies in the unclassified service of the State, one of whom is the Deputy Administrator for Youth Corrections who is responsible only for correctional services for youths for which the Division is responsible, including, without limitation, juvenile correctional institutions, parole of juveniles, administration of juvenile justice and programs for juvenile justice.

      3.  The Administrator of the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy of the Department may appoint, with the consent of the Director, two deputies in the unclassified service of the State.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 889; A 1967, 1492; 1971, 1429; 1973, 1625; 1979, 878; 1981, 1276; 1985, 408; 1991, 2120; 1995, 2343; 1997, 2607; 1999, 2242, 2851; 2005, 22nd Special Session, 51)

      NRS 232.353  Adoption of state plans required for receipt of federal money.

      1.  In addition to the adoption of any state plan required pursuant to NRS 422.271 or 422A.260 and except as otherwise provided in NRS 427A.040, 432.0155, 432.0305, 432A.090, 439.150, 439A.081, 442.140, 442.190 and 458.025, the Director or the Director’s designee shall adopt each state plan required by the Federal Government, either directly or as a condition to the receipt of federal money, for the administration of any program for which the Department or any of the appropriate divisions of the Department is responsible. Such a plan must set forth, regarding the particular program to which the plan applies:

      (a) The requirements for eligibility;

      (b) The nature and amounts of grants and other assistance which may be provided;

      (c) The conditions imposed; and

      (d) Such other provisions relating to the development and administration of the program as the Director or the Director’s designee deems necessary.

      2.  In developing and revising such a plan, the Director or the Director’s designee shall consider, without limitation:

      (a) The amount of money available from the Federal Government;

      (b) The conditions attached to the acceptance of that money; and

      (c) The limitations of legislative appropriations and authorizations,

Ê for the particular program to which the plan applies.

      3.  If a condition to the receipt of federal money is that the program for which the money is received must apply statewide and except as otherwise required by federal law or regulation, the Director may adopt regulations establishing formulas for the:

      (a) Distribution of the federal money; and

      (b) Assessment of any penalties or other sanctions imposed on the program.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 129)

      NRS 232.355  Department of Health and Human Services’ Gift Fund: Creation; accounts; deposit of money; property other than money.

      1.  Except for gifts or grants specifically accounted for in another fund, all gifts or grants of money or other property which the divisions of the Department are authorized to accept must be accounted for in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Gift Fund, which is hereby created as a special revenue fund. The Fund is a continuing fund without reversion. The Department may establish such accounts in the Fund as are necessary to account properly for gifts received. All such money received by the divisions must be deposited in the State Treasury for credit to the Fund. The money in the Fund must be paid out on claims as other claims against the State are paid. Unless otherwise specifically provided by statute, claims against the Fund must be approved by the Director or the Director’s delegate.

      2.  Gifts of property other than money may be sold or exchanged when this is deemed by the head of the facility or agency responsible for the gift to be in the best interest of the facility or agency. The sale price must not be less than 90 percent of the value determined by a qualified appraiser appointed by the head of the facility or agency. All money received from the sale must be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the appropriate gift account in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Gift Fund. The money may be spent only for the purposes of the facility or agency named in the title of the account. The property may not be sold or exchanged if to do so would violate the terms of the gift.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 76; A 1997, 123; 1999, 9; 2001, 2749; 2005, 22nd Special Session, 51)

      NRS 232.357  Limitations on sharing confidential information by divisions.  The divisions of the Department, in the performance of their official duties, may share information in their possession amongst themselves which is otherwise declared confidential by statute, if the confidentiality of the information is otherwise maintained under the terms and conditions required by law. The divisions of the Department may share confidential information with agencies of local governments which are responsible for the collection of debts or obligations or for aiding the Department in its official duties if the confidentiality of the information is otherwise maintained under the terms and conditions required by law.

      (Added to NRS by 1987, 1438; A 1989, 1952; 1995, 1576)

      NRS 232.359  System to provide nonemergency information and referrals concerning health, welfare, human and social services: Establishment; requirements.

      1.  The Department, in collaboration with any state or local agencies or community-based organizations which provide information and referral services concerning health, welfare, human and social services and any group established by the Governor to implement a statewide information and referral system concerning health, welfare, human and social services, shall establish and maintain a statewide information and referral system to provide nonemergency information and referrals to the general public concerning the health, welfare, human and social services provided by public or private entities in this State. The system must:

      (a) Integrate any information and referral systems previously established by state agencies, local agencies or community-based organizations with the system established pursuant to this section;

      (b) Be the sole system in this State which is accessible to a person by dialing the digits 2-1-1 and which provides nonemergency information and referrals to the general public concerning the health, welfare, human and social services provided by public or private entities in this State;

      (c) Be accessible to a person using the public telephone system by dialing the digits 2-1-1; and

      (d) Include information that is updated periodically.

      2.  In establishing the statewide information and referral system, the Department, any state or local agencies or community-based organizations which provide information and referral services concerning health, welfare, human and social services and any group established by the Governor to implement a statewide information and referral system concerning health, welfare, human and social services shall consult with representatives of:

      (a) The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada;

      (b) Telephone companies which provide service through a local exchange in this State;

      (c) Companies that provide wireless phone services in this State;

      (d) Existing information and referral services established by state agencies, local agencies or community-based organizations;

      (e) State and local agencies or other organizations that provide health, welfare, human and social services;

      (f) Nonprofit organizations; and

      (g) Such other agencies, entities and organizations as determined necessary by the Department, any state or local agencies or community-based organizations which provide information and referral services concerning health, welfare, human and social services or any group established by the Governor to implement a statewide information and referral system concerning health, welfare, human and social services.

      3.  The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, each telephone company which provides service through a local exchange in this State and each company that provides wireless phone services in this State shall cooperate with the Department, any state or local agencies or community-based organizations which provide information and referral services concerning health, welfare, human and social services and any group established by the Governor to implement a statewide information and referral system concerning health, welfare, human and social services in the establishment of the statewide information and referral system.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2437)

Commission on Mental Health and Developmental Services

      NRS 232.361  Creation; composition; Chair; terms of members; vacancies.

      1.  There is hereby created in the Department a Commission on Mental Health and Developmental Services consisting of 10 members appointed by the Governor, at least 3 of whom have training or experience in dealing with mental retardation.

      2.  The Governor shall appoint:

      (a) A psychiatrist licensed to practice medicine in this State, from a list of three candidates submitted by the Nevada Psychiatric Association;

      (b) A psychologist licensed to practice in this State and experienced in clinical practice, from a list of four candidates submitted by the Nevada State Psychological Association, two of whom must be from northern Nevada and two of whom must be from southern Nevada;

      (c) A physician, other than a psychiatrist, licensed to practice medicine in this State and who has experience in dealing with mental retardation, from a list of three candidates submitted by the Nevada State Medical Association;

      (d) A social worker who has a master’s degree and has experience in dealing with mental illness or mental retardation, or both;

      (e) A registered nurse licensed to practice in this State who has experience in dealing with mental illness or mental retardation, or both, from a list of three candidates submitted by the Nevada Nurses Association;

      (f) A marriage and family therapist licensed to practice in this State, from a list of three candidates submitted by the Nevada Association for Marriage and Family Therapy;

      (g) A person who has knowledge and experience in the prevention of alcohol and drug abuse and the treatment and recovery of alcohol and drug abusers through a program or service provided pursuant to chapter 458 of NRS, from a list of three candidates submitted by the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services of the Department;

      (h) A current or former recipient of mental health services provided by the State or any agency thereof;

      (i) A representative of the general public who has a special interest in the field of mental health; and

      (j) A representative of the general public who has a special interest in the field of mental retardation.

      3.  The Governor shall appoint the Chair of the Commission from among its members.

      4.  After the initial terms, each member shall serve a term of 4 years. If a vacancy occurs during a member’s term, the Governor shall appoint a person qualified under this section to replace that member for the remainder of the unexpired term.

      (Added to NRS by 1985, 2275; A 1989, 1549; 1999, 110, 1640; 2005, 547; 2007, 387)

      NRS 232.363  Meetings; quorum; salary; expenses; restrictions on ownership of or employment by certain enterprises.

      1.  The Commission shall meet at the call of the Chair at least 6 times but not more than 12 times a year. A meeting may last for more than 1 day. A majority of the members of the Commission constitutes a quorum and is required to transact any business of the Commission.

      2.  Each member of the Commission is entitled to receive a salary of not more than $80, as fixed by the Commission, for each day the member is engaged in the business of the Commission.

      3.  While engaged in the business of the Commission, each member and employee of the Commission is entitled to receive the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.

      4.  A person is ineligible for appointment to or continued service on the Commission if the person or the person’s spouse owns an interest in or is employed by any enterprise or organization, whether or not conducted for profit, which derives 25 percent or more of its gross revenues from the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services.

      (Added to NRS by 1985, 2276; A 1987, 1303; 1989, 1708; 1999, 111)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 232.306)

Grants Management Advisory Committee

      NRS 232.383  Creation; composition; prohibition on grants to entity employing member; terms of members; salary; expenses; members holding public office or employed by governmental entity; meetings.

      1.  The Grants Management Advisory Committee is hereby created within the Department.

      2.  The Advisory Committee consists of the following 15 members appointed by the Director:

      (a) A superintendent of a county school district or the superintendent’s designee;

      (b) A director of a local agency which provides services for abused or neglected children, or the director’s designee;

      (c) A member who possesses knowledge, skill and experience in the provision of services to children;

      (d) A representative of a department of juvenile justice services;

      (e) A member who possesses knowledge, skill and experience in the provision of services to senior citizens;

      (f) Two members who possess knowledge, skill and experience in finance or in business generally;

      (g) A representative of the Nevada Association of Counties;

      (h) A member who possesses knowledge, skill and experience in building partnerships between the public sector and the private sector;

      (i) Two members of the public who possess knowledge of or experience in the provision of services to persons or families who are disadvantaged or at risk;

      (j) A member who possesses knowledge, skill and experience in the provision of services to persons with disabilities;

      (k) A member who possesses knowledge, skill and experience in the provision of services relating to the cessation of the use of tobacco;

      (l) A member who possesses knowledge, skill and experience in the provision of health services to children; and

      (m) A representative who is a member of the Nevada Commission on Aging, created by NRS 427A.032, who must not be a Legislator.

      3.  An entity who employs a member of the Advisory Committee is not eligible to receive a grant. This subsection does not prohibit an entity that serves solely as the fiscal agent for a recipient of a grant from employing a member of the Advisory Committee.

      4.  The Director shall ensure that, insofar as practicable, the members whom the Director appoints reflect the ethnic and geographical diversity of this State.

      5.  After the initial terms, each member of the Advisory Committee serves for a term of 2 years. Each member of the Advisory Committee continues in office until his or her successor is appointed.

      6.  Each member of the Advisory Committee who is not an officer or employee of this State or a political subdivision of this State is entitled to receive a salary of not more than $80 per day, fixed by the Director, while engaged in the business of the Advisory Committee.

      7.  While engaged in the business of the Advisory Committee, each member of the Advisory Committee is entitled to receive the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.

      8.  A majority of the members of the Advisory Committee constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority of a quorum present at any meeting is sufficient for any official action taken by the Advisory Committee.

      9.  A member of the Advisory Committee who is an officer or employee of this State or a political subdivision of this State must be relieved from his or her duties without loss of regular compensation to prepare for and attend meetings of the Advisory Committee and perform any work necessary to carry out the duties of the Advisory Committee in the most timely manner practicable. A state agency or political subdivision of this State shall not require an officer or employee who is a member of the Advisory Committee to:

      (a) Make up the time he or she is absent from work to carry out his or her duties as a member of the Advisory Committee; or

      (b) Take annual leave or compensatory time for the absence.

      10.  The Advisory Committee shall:

      (a) At its first meeting and annually thereafter, elect a Chair from among its members;

      (b) Meet at the call of the Director, the Chair or a majority of its members as necessary, within the budget of the Advisory Committee, but not to exceed six meetings per year; and

      (c) Adopt rules for its own management and government.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 471; A 2007, 2345)

      NRS 232.385  Duties.  The Grants Management Advisory Committee created by NRS 232.383 shall:

      1.  Review all requests received by the Department for awards of money from agencies of the State or its political subdivisions and nonprofit community organizations or educational institutions which provide or will provide services to persons served by the programs administered by the Department;

      2.  Submit recommendations to the Director concerning each request for an award of money that the Advisory Committee believes should be granted, including, without limitation, the name of the agency, nonprofit community organization or educational institution that submitted the request;

      3.  Adopt policies setting forth criteria to determine which agencies, organizations and institutions to recommend for an award of money;

      4.  Monitor awards of money granted by the Department to agencies of the State or its political subdivisions, and nonprofit community organizations or educational institutions which provide or will provide services to persons served by the programs administered by the Department, including, without limitation, awards of money granted pursuant to NRS 439.630;

      5.  Assist the staff of the Department in determining the needs of local communities and in setting priorities for funding programs administered by the Department; and

      6.  Consider funding strategies for the Department, including, without limitation, seeking ways to avoid unnecessary duplication of the services for which awards of money to agencies of the State or its political subdivisions and nonprofit community organizations or educational institutions are granted, and make recommendations concerning funding strategies to the Director.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 472; A 2007, 2347)

      NRS 232.387  Appointment of working groups by Chair; duties.  The Chair of the Grants Management Advisory Committee created by NRS 232.383 may appoint working groups composed of members of the Advisory Committee, former members of the Advisory Committee and members of the public who have relevant experience or knowledge:

      1.  To consider specific problems or other matters that are related to and within the scope of the functions of the Advisory Committee; and

      2.  To review requests for awards of money related to specific programs administered by the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 473)

Office of Minority Health

      NRS 232.467  Definitions.  As used in NRS 232.467 to 232.484, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 232.468 to 232.473, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2434)

      NRS 232.468  “Advisory Committee” defined.  “Advisory Committee” means the Committee created in the Office pursuant to NRS 232.482.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2434)

      NRS 232.469  “Health care” defined.  “Health care” includes, without limitation, mental health care.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2434)

      NRS 232.471  “Manager” defined.  “Manager” means the Manager of the Office of Minority Health of the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2434)

      NRS 232.472  “Minority group” defined.  “Minority group” means a racial or ethnic minority group.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2434)

      NRS 232.473  “Office” defined.  “Office” means the Office of Minority Health of the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2434)

      NRS 232.474  Creation; purposes.  The Office of Minority Health is hereby created within the Department. The purposes of the Office are to:

      1.  Improve the quality of health care services for members of minority groups;

      2.  Increase access to health care services for members of minority groups; and

      3.  Disseminate information to and educate the public on matters concerning health care issues of interest to members of minority groups.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2434)

      NRS 232.475  Duties; assistance and cooperation.

      1.  In accomplishing its purposes, the Office shall:

      (a) Provide a central source of information for the use of the public concerning health care services for members of minority groups and health care issues of interest to those members;

      (b) Identify and use any available resources for the improvement of the quality of health care services for members of minority groups and for increased access to health care services for those members;

      (c) Develop and coordinate plans and programs to improve the quality of health care services for members of minority groups and to increase access to health care services for those members, including, without limitation, plans and programs that primarily serve local communities;

      (d) Hold conferences and provide training concerning cultural diversity in the workplace for public and private entities that offer services in the field of health care, including, without limitation, providing recommendations and opportunities for training for such public and private entities to improve recruitment of members of minority groups;

      (e) Whenever possible, incorporate the use of bilingual communication in its programs and activities;

      (f) Publicize health care issues of interest to members of minority groups; and

      (g) Develop and carry out such other programs and activities as the Office deems appropriate.

      2.  In carrying out the duties set forth in subsection 1, the Office may seek assistance from and cooperate with a public or private entity.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2434)

      NRS 232.476  Gifts, grants, appropriations or donations; contracts; regulations.  The Office may:

      1.  Apply for any available grants and accept any available gifts, grants, appropriations or donations, and use any such gifts, grants, appropriations or donations to carry out its purposes;

      2.  Contract with a public or private entity to assist in carrying out its purposes; and

      3.  Adopt such regulations as are necessary to carry out the provisions of NRS 232.467 to 232.484, inclusive.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2435)

      NRS 232.477  Appointment of Manager; qualifications.  The Director shall appoint a Manager of the Office. The Manager must be appointed on the basis of his or her education, training, experience, demonstrated abilities and interest in the provision of health care services to members of minority groups and in related programs.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2435)

      NRS 232.478  Duties of Manager.  The Manager shall:

      1.  Ensure that the purposes of the Office are carried out;

      2.  Direct and supervise all the technical and administrative activities of the Office;

      3.  Attend the meetings of the Advisory Committee, serve as secretary at those meetings and keep minutes of those meetings;

      4.  Request and consider the advice of the Advisory Committee concerning matters of policy;

      5.  Serve as the contracting officer for the Office to receive money from the Federal Government or any other source; and

      6.  Act as liaison between the Office, members of minority groups, and public and private entities offering health care services primarily to those members or offering health care information of interest to those members.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2435)

      NRS 232.479  Biennial report to Governor and Director of Legislative Counsel Bureau.  On or before March 1 of each odd-numbered year, the Manager shall submit a report to the Governor and to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to the Legislature. The report must outline the manner in which the Office has accomplished its purposes during the biennium, including, without limitation, information concerning the activities, findings and recommendations of the Office as they relate to health care services for members of minority groups and to health care issues of interest to those members.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2435)

      NRS 232.481  Grants of money; regulations.

      1.  The Manager may, within the limits of legislative appropriations and other available money, award a grant of money to a person for use consistent with the provisions of NRS 232.467 to 232.484, inclusive.

      2.  Before the Manager may award a grant pursuant to subsection 1, the Manager shall adopt by regulation:

      (a) Procedures by which a person may apply for a grant from the Manager;

      (b) Criteria that the Manager will consider in determining whether to award a grant; and

      (c) Procedures by which the Manager will distribute any money that the Office receives pursuant to subsection 1 of NRS 232.476.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2435)

      NRS 232.482  Advisory Committee: Creation; composition; terms of members; Chair.

      1.  There is hereby created in the Office an Advisory Committee consisting of nine members appointed by the State Board of Health.

      2.  When appointing a member to the Advisory Committee, consideration must be given to whether the members appointed to the Advisory Committee reflect the ethnic and geographical diversity of this State.

      3.  The term of each member of the Advisory Committee is 2 years. A member may be reappointed for an additional term of 2 years in the same manner as the original appointment. A vacancy occurring in the membership of the Advisory Committee must be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

      4.  At its first meeting and annually thereafter, the Advisory Committee shall elect a Chair from among its members.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2435; A 2009, 662)

      NRS 232.483  Advisory Committee: Salary; expenses; members holding public office or employed by governmental entity.

      1.  Each member of the Advisory Committee who is not an officer or employee of the State of Nevada is entitled to receive a salary of not more than $80 per day, as fixed by the Manager in consultation with the Advisory Committee, for each day or portion of a day spent on the business of the Advisory Committee. Each member of the Advisory Committee who is an officer or employee of the State of Nevada serves without additional compensation. Each member of the Advisory Committee is entitled to receive the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally. A claim for a payment pursuant to this section must be made on a voucher approved by the Manager and paid as other claims against the State are paid.

      2.  Each member of the Advisory Committee who is an officer or employee of the State of Nevada or a local government must be relieved from his or her duties without loss of regular compensation so that he or she may prepare for and attend meetings of the Advisory Committee and perform any work necessary to carry out the duties of the Advisory Committee in the most timely manner practicable. A state agency or local governmental entity may not require an employee who is a member of the Advisory Committee to make up time or take annual vacation or compensatory time for the time that he or she is absent from work to carry out his or her duties as a member of the Advisory Committee.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2436)

      NRS 232.484  Advisory Committee: Duties.  The Advisory Committee shall:

      1.  Advise the Manager on all matters concerning the manner in which the purposes of the Office are being carried out;

      2.  Review the manner in which the Office uses any gifts, grants, donations or appropriations to carry out the purposes of the Office and make recommendations; and

      3.  Review any reports to be submitted by the Manager, including, without limitation, the report required pursuant to NRS 232.479, and make recommendations.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 2436)



      NRS 232.505  Definitions.  As used in NRS 232.505 to 232.845, inclusive, unless the context requires otherwise:

      1.  “Department” means the Department of Business and Industry.

      2.  “Director” means the Director of the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 661; A 1987, 395; 1993, 1484; 1995, 2246, 2708; 1997, 662; 2007, 1270; 2009, 1502)

      NRS 232.510  Creation; composition. [Effective through June 30, 2011.]

      1.  The Department of Business and Industry is hereby created.

      2.  The Department consists of a Director and the following:

      (a) Division of Financial Institutions.

      (b) Housing Division.

      (c) Manufactured Housing Division.

      (d) Real Estate Division.

      (e) Division of Insurance.

      (f) Division of Industrial Relations.

      (g) Office of Labor Commissioner.

      (h) Taxicab Authority.

      (i) Nevada Athletic Commission.

      (j) Office of the Nevada Attorney for Injured Workers.

      (k) Nevada Transportation Authority.

      (l) Division of Mortgage Lending.

      (m) Any other office, commission, board, agency or entity created or placed within the Department pursuant to a specific statute, the budget approved by the Legislature or an executive order, or an entity whose budget or activities have been placed within the control of the Department by a specific statute.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 661; A 1973, 1071, 1481; 1975, 394, 624; 1979, 1218; 1983, 1475, 1698; 1991, 1608; 1993, 1485; 1995, 32, 2246; 1997, 1970; 1999, 3617; 2001, 2904; 2003, 3575; 2007, 2051; 2009, 2696)

      NRS 232.510  Creation; composition. [Effective July 1, 2011.]

      1.  The Department of Business and Industry is hereby created.

      2.  The Department consists of a Director and the following:

      (a) Consumer Affairs Division.

      (b) Division of Financial Institutions.

      (c) Housing Division.

      (d) Manufactured Housing Division.

      (e) Real Estate Division.

      (f) Division of Insurance.

      (g) Division of Industrial Relations.

      (h) Office of Labor Commissioner.

      (i) Taxicab Authority.

      (j) Nevada Athletic Commission.

      (k) Office of the Nevada Attorney for Injured Workers.

      (l) Nevada Transportation Authority.

      (m) Division of Mortgage Lending.

      (n) Any other office, commission, board, agency or entity created or placed within the Department pursuant to a specific statute, the budget approved by the Legislature or an executive order, or an entity whose budget or activities have been placed within the control of the Department by a specific statute.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 661; A 1973, 1071, 1481; 1975, 394, 624; 1979, 1218; 1983, 1475, 1698; 1991, 1608; 1993, 1485; 1995, 32, 2246; 1997, 1970; 1999, 3617; 2001, 2904; 2003, 3575; 2007, 2051; 2009, 2696, 2733, effective July 1, 2011)

      NRS 232.515  Director: Appointment; classification; qualifications; other employment prohibited.  The Director:

      1.  Is appointed by, is responsible to, and serves at the pleasure of the Governor.

      2.  Is in the unclassified service of the State.

      3.  Shall not engage in any other gainful employment or occupation. The Director may participate in any technical studies, statistical research, seminars or other educational activities, in the same manner as any chief of a division of the Department, to educate persons about the duties, programs and activities of the Department or to improve the administration and effectiveness of the Department, if such participation does not interfere with the performance of his or her duties as Director of the Department.

      4.  Must have had at least 5 years of responsible administrative experience in public or business administration or must possess broad management skills in areas related to the functions of agencies composing the Department.

      5.  Must be selected with special reference to his or her training, experience and aptitude for coordinating agencies dealing with commercial activities that are subject to the regulatory authority of the Department. The Director’s knowledge and abilities should include the following:

      (a) A comprehensive knowledge of administrative principles and a working knowledge of broad principles relating to subject matters under his or her administrative direction.

      (b) The administrative ability to assess the adequacy of agency operations and the protection of the public interest as related to the subject fields.

      (c) An ability to organize and present oral and written communication to the Governor, the Legislature and other pertinent officials or persons.

      (d) An ability to oversee the carrying out of the statutory responsibilities of the Department and departmental policies, rules and regulations.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 661; A 1963, 1333; 1965, 702; 1967, 1491; 1971, 1427; 1981, 1275; 1985, 406; 1991, 978; 1993, 1485)

      NRS 232.520  Director: Powers and duties. [Effective through June 30, 2011.]  The Director:

      1.  Shall appoint a chief or executive director, or both of them, of each of the divisions, offices, commissions, boards, agencies or other entities of the Department, unless the authority to appoint such a chief or executive director, or both of them, is expressly vested in another person, board or commission by a specific statute. In making the appointments, the Director may obtain lists of qualified persons from professional organizations, associations or other groups recognized by the Department, if any. The chief of the Division of Financial Institutions is the Commissioner of Financial Institutions, the chief of the Housing Division is the Administrator of the Housing Division, the chief of the Manufactured Housing Division is the Administrator of the Manufactured Housing Division, the chief of the Real Estate Division is the Real Estate Administrator, the chief of the Division of Insurance is the Commissioner of Insurance, the chief of the Division of Industrial Relations is the Administrator of the Division of Industrial Relations, the chief of the Office of Labor Commissioner is the Labor Commissioner, the chief of the Taxicab Authority is the Taxicab Administrator, the chief of the Nevada Transportation Authority is the Chair of the Authority, the chief of the Division of Mortgage Lending is the Commissioner of Mortgage Lending and the chief of any other entity of the Department has the title specified by the Director, unless a different title is specified by a specific statute.

      2.  Is responsible for the administration of all provisions of law relating to the jurisdiction, duties and functions of all divisions and other entities within the Department. The Director may, if he or she deems it necessary to carry out his or her administrative responsibilities, be considered as a member of the staff of any division or other entity of the Department for the purpose of budget administration or for carrying out any duty or exercising any power necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the Director pursuant to this subsection. This subsection does not allow the Director to preempt any authority or jurisdiction granted by statute to any division or other entity within the Department or to act or take on a function that would contravene a rule of court or a statute.

      3.  May:

      (a) Establish uniform policies for the Department, consistent with the policies and statutory responsibilities and duties of the divisions and other entities within the Department, relating to matters concerning budgeting, accounting, planning, program development, personnel, information services, dispute resolution, travel, workplace safety, the acceptance of gifts or donations, the management of records and any other subject for which a uniform departmental policy is necessary to ensure the efficient operation of the Department.

      (b) Provide coordination among the divisions and other entities within the Department, in a manner which does not encroach upon their statutory powers and duties, as they adopt and enforce regulations, execute agreements, purchase goods, services or equipment, prepare legislative requests and lease or use office space.

      (c) Define the responsibilities of any person designated to carry out the duties of the Director relating to financing, industrial development or business support services.

      4.  May, within the limits of the financial resources made available to the Director, promote, participate in the operation of, and create or cause to be created, any nonprofit corporation, pursuant to chapter 82 of NRS, which he or she determines is necessary or convenient for the exercise of the powers and duties of the Department. The purposes, powers and operation of the corporation must be consistent with the purposes, powers and duties of the Department.

      5.  For any bonds which the Director is otherwise authorized to issue, may issue bonds the interest on which is not exempt from federal income tax or excluded from gross revenue for the purposes of federal income tax.

      6.  May, except as otherwise provided by specific statute, adopt by regulation a schedule of fees and deposits to be charged in connection with the programs administered by the Director pursuant to chapters 348A and 349 of NRS. Except as otherwise provided by specific statute, the amount of any such fee or deposit must not exceed 2 percent of the principal amount of the financing.

      7.  May designate any person within the Department to perform any of the duties or responsibilities, or exercise any of the authority, of the Director on his or her behalf.

      8.  May negotiate and execute agreements with public or private entities which are necessary to the exercise of the powers and duties of the Director or the Department.

      9.  May establish a trust account in the State Treasury for depositing and accounting for money that is held in escrow or is on deposit with the Department for the payment of any direct expenses incurred by the Director in connection with any bond programs administered by the Director. The interest and income earned on money in the trust account, less any amount deducted to pay for applicable charges, must be credited to the trust account. Any balance remaining in the account at the end of a fiscal year may be:

      (a) Carried forward to the next fiscal year for use in covering the expense for which it was originally received; or

      (b) Returned to any person entitled thereto in accordance with agreements or regulations of the Director relating to those bond programs.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 1072; A 1969, 141; 1973, 1071, 1482; 1975, 394, 625; 1979, 128, 1218; 1981, 1620; 1983, 1475, 1698; 1987, 1349, 1873; 1989, 1389, 1998; 1991, 979, 1311, 1608, 1637, 2252; 1993, 614, 1485; 1995, 2246; 1997, 1971; 1999, 3617; 2001, 2904; 2003, 3575; 2009, 2697)

      NRS 232.520  Director: Powers and duties. [Effective July 1, 2011.]  The Director:

      1.  Shall appoint a chief or executive director, or both of them, of each of the divisions, offices, commissions, boards, agencies or other entities of the Department, unless the authority to appoint such a chief or executive director, or both of them, is expressly vested in another person, board or commission by a specific statute. In making the appointments, the Director may obtain lists of qualified persons from professional organizations, associations or other groups recognized by the Department, if any. The chief of the Consumer Affairs Division is the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, the chief of the Division of Financial Institutions is the Commissioner of Financial Institutions, the chief of the Housing Division is the Administrator of the Housing Division, the chief of the Manufactured Housing Division is the Administrator of the Manufactured Housing Division, the chief of the Real Estate Division is the Real Estate Administrator, the chief of the Division of Insurance is the Commissioner of Insurance, the chief of the Division of Industrial Relations is the Administrator of the Division of Industrial Relations, the chief of the Office of Labor Commissioner is the Labor Commissioner, the chief of the Taxicab Authority is the Taxicab Administrator, the chief of the Nevada Transportation Authority is the Chair of the Authority, the chief of the Division of Mortgage Lending is the Commissioner of Mortgage Lending and the chief of any other entity of the Department has the title specified by the Director, unless a different title is specified by a specific statute.

      2.  Is responsible for the administration of all provisions of law relating to the jurisdiction, duties and functions of all divisions and other entities within the Department. The Director may, if he or she deems it necessary to carry out his or her administrative responsibilities, be considered as a member of the staff of any division or other entity of the Department for the purpose of budget administration or for carrying out any duty or exercising any power necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the Director pursuant to this subsection. This subsection does not allow the Director to preempt any authority or jurisdiction granted by statute to any division or other entity within the Department or to act or take on a function that would contravene a rule of court or a statute.

      3.  May:

      (a) Establish uniform policies for the Department, consistent with the policies and statutory responsibilities and duties of the divisions and other entities within the Department, relating to matters concerning budgeting, accounting, planning, program development, personnel, information services, dispute resolution, travel, workplace safety, the acceptance of gifts or donations, the management of records and any other subject for which a uniform departmental policy is necessary to ensure the efficient operation of the Department.

      (b) Provide coordination among the divisions and other entities within the Department, in a manner which does not encroach upon their statutory powers and duties, as they adopt and enforce regulations, execute agreements, purchase goods, services or equipment, prepare legislative requests and lease or use office space.

      (c) Define the responsibilities of any person designated to carry out the duties of the Director relating to financing, industrial development or business support services.

      4.  May, within the limits of the financial resources made available to the Director, promote, participate in the operation of, and create or cause to be created, any nonprofit corporation, pursuant to chapter 82 of NRS, which he or she determines is necessary or convenient for the exercise of the powers and duties of the Department. The purposes, powers and operation of the corporation must be consistent with the purposes, powers and duties of the Department.

      5.  For any bonds which the Director is otherwise authorized to issue, may issue bonds the interest on which is not exempt from federal income tax or excluded from gross revenue for the purposes of federal income tax.

      6.  May, except as otherwise provided by specific statute, adopt by regulation a schedule of fees and deposits to be charged in connection with the programs administered by the Director pursuant to chapters 348A and 349 of NRS. Except as otherwise provided by specific statute, the amount of any such fee or deposit must not exceed 2 percent of the principal amount of the financing.

      7.  May designate any person within the Department to perform any of the duties or responsibilities, or exercise any of the authority, of the Director on his or her behalf.

      8.  May negotiate and execute agreements with public or private entities which are necessary to the exercise of the powers and duties of the Director or the Department.

      9.  May establish a trust account in the State Treasury for depositing and accounting for money that is held in escrow or is on deposit with the Department for the payment of any direct expenses incurred by the Director in connection with any bond programs administered by the Director. The interest and income earned on money in the trust account, less any amount deducted to pay for applicable charges, must be credited to the trust account. Any balance remaining in the account at the end of a fiscal year may be:

      (a) Carried forward to the next fiscal year for use in covering the expense for which it was originally received; or

      (b) Returned to any person entitled thereto in accordance with agreements or regulations of the Director relating to those bond programs.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 1072; A 1969, 141; 1973, 1071, 1482; 1975, 394, 625; 1979, 128, 1218; 1981, 1620; 1983, 1475, 1698; 1987, 1349, 1873; 1989, 1389, 1998; 1991, 979, 1311, 1608, 1637, 2252; 1993, 614, 1485; 1995, 2246; 1997, 1971; 1999, 3617; 2001, 2904; 2003, 3575; 2009, 2697, 2733, effective July 1, 2011)

      NRS 232.521  Director: Duty to provide website link by which employers may verify social security numbers of employees.

      1.  The Director shall include on the Internet website maintained by the Department a link which connects to the Social Security Administration where an employer may verify the social security number of an employee.

      2.  The link required pursuant to subsection 1 must be maintained in the area of the website that encourages and promotes the growth, development and legal operation of businesses within the State of Nevada.

      (Added to NRS by 2007, 1270)

      NRS 232.522  Director: Creation of Office of Business Finance and Planning; creation of Center for Business Advocacy and Services; communication and cooperation among entities within Department.  The Director may:

      1.  Create within the Department, as part of the Office of the Director, an Office of Business Finance and Planning to:

      (a) Administer and coordinate programs related to financing for the assistance of entities engaged in business and industry in this state;

      (b) Provide information to the public concerning the regulatory programs, assistance programs, and other services and activities of the Department; and

      (c) Interact with other public or private entities to coordinate and improve access to the Department’s programs related to the growth and retention of business and industry in this state.

      2.  Create within the Department, as part of the Office of Business Finance and Planning, a Center for Business Advocacy and Services:

      (a) To assist small businesses in obtaining information about financing and other basic resources which are necessary for success;

      (b) In cooperation with the Executive Director of the Commission on Economic Development, to increase public awareness of the importance of developing manufacturing as an industry and to assist in identifying and encouraging public support of businesses and industries that manufacture goods in this state;

      (c) To serve as an advocate for small businesses, subject to the supervision of the Director or the Director’s representative, both within and outside the Department;

      (d) To assist the Office of Business Finance and Planning in establishing an information and referral service within the Department that is responsive to the inquiries of business and industry which are directed to the Department or any entity within the Department; and

      (e) In cooperation with the Executive Director of the Commission on Economic Development, to advise the Director and the Office of Business Finance and Planning in developing and improving programs of the Department to serve more effectively and support the growth, development and diversification of business and industry in this state.

      3.  Require divisions, offices, commissions, boards, agencies or other entities of the Department to work together to carry out their statutory duties, to resolve or address particular issues or projects or otherwise to increase the efficiency of the operation of the Department as a whole and the level of communication and cooperation among the various entities within the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1995, 2243)

      NRS 232.525  Director: Employment of staff.  The Director may employ, within the limits of legislative appropriations, such staff as is necessary to the performance of the Director’s duties.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 662; A 1985, 407)

      NRS 232.530  Chiefs of divisions: Classification; duties; restrictions on other employment.  The chief of each of the divisions of the Department:

      1.  Is in the unclassified service of the State.

      2.  Shall administer the provisions of law relating to his or her division, subject to the administrative supervision of the Director.

      3.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143, shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the business of his or her office and shall not pursue any other business or occupation or hold any other office of profit, except for temporary and part-time teaching duties on a university campus.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 1073; A 1967, 1491; 1971, 1427; 1973, 1071; 1979, 129; 1981, 1275; 1985, 407; 1995, 2311)

      NRS 232.535  Assistants of chiefs of divisions: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment.

      1.  The chiefs of the divisions of the Department may appoint assistants within the limits of the money available for each position and subject to the approval of the Director.

      2.  These assistants are in the unclassified service of the State. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143, each assistant shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the business of his or her office and shall not pursue any other business or occupation or hold any other office of profit.

      (Added to NRS by 1963, 662; A 1967, 1491; 1971, 1428; 1973, 1071; 1981, 1275; 1983, 1458; 1985, 407; 1991, 1609; 1993, 1486; 1995, 2311)

      NRS 232.538  Housing Division: Principal office.  The Housing Division of the Department shall maintain its principal office in Las Vegas, Nevada.

      (Added to NRS by 1995, 2708)

      NRS 232.540  Chief of Housing Division: Appointment, qualifications and classification of Chief Financial Officer for Division.

      1.  The Chief of the Housing Division of the Department shall appoint, with the consent of the Director, a Chief Financial Officer for the Housing Division.

      2.  The Chief Financial Officer for the Housing Division must:

      (a) Be a certified public accountant licensed by this state or another state of the United States;

      (b) Have 5 years of responsible experience in investment banking and general accounting; or

      (c) Have a comprehensive knowledge of the principles and practices of public finance and 5 years of responsible experience in that field.

      3.  The Chief Financial Officer for the Housing Division is:

      (a) In the unclassified service of the State.

      (b) Directly responsible to the Chief of the Housing Division.

      (Added to NRS by 1987, 395)

      NRS 232.545  Investigative Account for Financial Institutions.

      1.  An Investigative Account for Financial Institutions is hereby created in the State General Fund. The Account consists of money which is:

      (a) Received by the Department of Business and Industry in connection with the licensing of financial institutions and the investigation of persons associated with those institutions; and

      (b) Required by law to be placed therein.

      2.  The Director of the Department of Business and Industry or the Director’s designee may authorize expenditures from the Investigative Account to pay the expenses incurred:

      (a) In investigating applications for licensing of financial institutions and in investigating persons associated with those institutions;

      (b) In conducting special investigations relating to financial institutions and persons associated with those institutions; and

      (c) In connection with mergers, consolidations, conversions, receiverships and liquidations of financial institutions.

      3.  As used in this section, “financial institution” means an institution for which licensing or registration is required by the provisions of titles 55 and 56 and chapters 604A and 649 of NRS.

      (Added to NRS by 1983, 1315; A 1991, 1757; 1993, 1487; 1999, 3808; 2001, 2047; 2003, 3577; 2005, 1710)

      NRS 232.546  Account for Special Projects to Assist in the Development of Services for Business and Industry.

      1.  An Account for Special Projects to Assist in the Development of Services for Business and Industry is hereby created in the State General Fund. The Account must be administered by the Director. The Director may apply for and accept any gift, donation, bequest, grant or other source of money for deposit in the Account. The money in the Account may be expended in accordance with the terms and conditions of the gift, donation, bequest or grant, or in accordance with subsection 2.

      2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 1, the money in the Account may be used only in carrying out the duties of the director as they relate to developing and administering special projects to provide services for business and industry in this state.

      (Added to NRS by 1995, 2243)

      NRS 232.547  Regulations to conduct business electronically; fees.

      1.  A division, office, authority, commission, board or other entity set forth in NRS 232.510 may adopt regulations to establish procedures to conduct business electronically with persons who have business with that division, office, authority, commission, board or other entity. The regulations may include, without limitation, the establishment of fees to cover the costs to the division, office, authority, commission, board or other entity of conducting business electronically.

      2.  Notwithstanding any other provision, if a division, office, authority, commission, board or other entity adopts regulations to conduct business electronically pursuant to subsection 1, the division, office, authority, commission, board or other entity may provide that a declaration made pursuant to NRS 53.045 may satisfy the requirement that a signature or statement be notarized, acknowledged, verified or made under oath.

      3.  The division, office, authority, commission, board or other entity may refuse to conduct business electronically with a person who has failed to pay money owed to the division, office, authority, commission, board or other entity.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 3575)

      NRS 232.548  Use of alternative means of dispute resolution.

      1.  Except if a particular procedure for resolving a dispute is required by a specific statute, and except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the Director may authorize any entity within the Department or any natural person who is subject to the authority of the Director to use alternative means of dispute resolution in any proceeding if the alternative means can be:

      (a) Carried out by the available personnel of the Department or persons under contract with the Department; and

      (b) Paid for with money that is available in the existing budget of the affected entity of the Department.

      2.  Before authorizing an entity of the Department to use alternative means of dispute resolution, the Director must notify the Attorney General. The Attorney General, within 30 days after receiving the notification from the Director, shall respond to the Director concerning the advisability of using alternative means of dispute resolution to resolve the dispute at issue. The Director shall consider the advice of the Attorney General but may authorize an entity of the Department to use alternative means of dispute resolution unless the Attorney General indicates in his or her response that he or she officially opposes the use of such means. If the Attorney General fails to respond within 30 days after receiving the notification, the Director may authorize the use of alternative means of dispute resolution.

      3.  The alternative means of dispute resolution may include, without limitation, evaluation of the facts and issues in a dispute by a neutral person, fact-finding, mediation, arbitration or other collaborative problem-solving processes designed to encourage persons to work together to develop agreeable solutions to disputes in lieu of litigation or adjudication of contested cases in administrative hearings.

      4.  Any entity which, or natural person who, has received authorization from the Director to use alternative means of dispute resolution may enter into a contract to facilitate the use of such means, subject to the approval of the Attorney General, the limitations set forth in subsection 1 and the provisions of NRS 333.700.

      (Added to NRS by 1995, 2244; A 2009, 2232)

Division of Industrial Relations

      NRS 232.550  Definitions.  As used in NRS 232.550 to 232.700, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:

      1.  “Administrator” means the Administrator of the Division.

      2.  “Director” means the Director of the Department of Business and Industry.

      3.  “Division” means the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry.

      4.  “Insurer” includes:

      (a) A self-insured employer;

      (b) An association of self-insured public employers;

      (c) An association of self-insured private employers; and

      (d) A private carrier.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1517; A 1993, 774, 775, 1488; 1995, 531, 2040; 1999, 1809)

      NRS 232.570  Advisory Council: Creation; composition; vacancies.

      1.  There is hereby created in the Division an Advisory Council composed of seven members appointed by the Governor.

      2.  The Advisory Council must be composed of:

      (a) Three representatives of labor, at least two of whom must represent organized labor;

      (b) Three representatives of management, at least two of whom must represent employers who employ at least 250 persons; and

      (c) One representative of the general public who is knowledgeable in the field of industrial relations.

      3.  Any member who is appointed to fill a vacancy must be appointed in the same manner and possess the same general qualifications as his or her predecessor in office.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1517; A 1985, 1552; 1993, 1488)

      NRS 232.580  Advisory Council: Meetings; officers; bylaws; quorum.

      1.  The Council shall meet at least once annually at a time and place specified by a call of the Chair, the Administrator or a majority of the Council. Special meetings, not to exceed six per year, may be held at the call of the Chair, the Administrator or a majority of the Council.

      2.  The Council shall select from its members a Chair and a Vice Chair who shall hold office for 1 year. The Administrator shall act as Secretary of the Council.

      3.  The Council may prescribe such bylaws as it deems necessary for its operation.

      4.  Four members of the Council constitute a quorum, and a quorum may exercise all the power and authority conferred on the Council.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1518; A 1993, 1489; 2007, 216)

      NRS 232.590  Advisory Council: Salary of members.  Each member of the Council is entitled to receive a salary of $60 for each day’s attendance at a meeting of the Council.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1518; A 1985, 410)

      NRS 232.600  Advisory Council: Powers and duties.

      1.  The Council shall act in an advisory capacity to the Administrator and may, on its own initiative or at the request of the Administrator, conduct studies or investigations concerning the organization and administration of the Division and make recommendations to the Administrator based on the results of such studies or investigations.

      2.  The Council shall review on a quarterly basis the records of oral complaints compiled by the Division pursuant to NRS 618.336. Upon completing its review, the Council shall submit any comments or recommendations regarding the complaints or the records to the Administrator.

      3.  The Council, by the affirmative vote of a majority of its members, may remove from the records of the Division the name of a debtor and the amount of any debt owed by the debtor, if 3 years have elapsed since the debt was incurred and the Council determines that the debt remains impossible or impractical to collect. The Division shall establish a master file containing the information removed from its official records pursuant to this subsection.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1518; A 1989, 472; 1991, 2435; 1993, 1489)

      NRS 232.610  Administrator: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment; qualifications; prohibited interests and positions.  The Administrator:

      1.  Is appointed by, is responsible to and serves at the pleasure of the Director.

      2.  Is in the unclassified service of the State.

      3.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143, shall not engage in any other gainful employment or occupation.

      4.  Must have responsible administrative experience in public or business administration or possess broad management skills in areas related to the functions of the Division.

      5.  Must have the demonstrated ability to administer a major public agency in the field of industrial relations. The Administrator’s knowledge and abilities must include:

      (a) A comprehensive knowledge of administrative principles and a working knowledge of broad principles relating to the subject matters under his or her administrative direction;

      (b) An administrative ability to assess the adequacy of agency operations and the protection of the public interest as related to the subject fields; and

      (c) An ability to organize and present oral and written communication to the governor, the legislature, and other pertinent officials or other persons.

      6.  Must possess a background which indicates that he or she can impartially serve the interests of both employees and employers.

      7.  Must not, at the time of appointment or at any time during his or her term of office:

      (a) Be an officer, director or employee, or have any personal or private interest in any operating mine, mill, smelter or ore reduction plant or the products thereof;

      (b) Hold, directly or indirectly, any financial interest in any company, partnership, organization or corporation or subsidiary of a corporation, which owns, operates or has a financial interest in any mines which are subject to the provisions of chapter 512 of NRS; or

      (c) Be an officer or employee of any labor organization.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1518; A 1983, 1458; 1985, 410; 1993, 1489; 1995, 2311)

      NRS 232.620  Administrator: Responsibilities; other powers and duties.  The Administrator:

      1.  Is responsible for the administration of the provisions of chapters 512 and 616A to 618, inclusive, of NRS, and all other provisions of law relating to the functions of the Division.

      2.  Has such other powers and duties as are provided by law.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1518; A 1985, 255; 1991, 2435; 1993, 1490)

      NRS 232.630  Assistant administrators: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment.

      1.  The Administrator may appoint such assistant administrators of the Division as necessary for the administration of the Division and assign the duties of the assistant administrators.

      2.  An assistant administrator is in the unclassified service of the State.

      3.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143, an assistant administrator shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the business of his or her office and shall not engage in any other gainful employment or occupation.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1519; A 1983, 1459; 1985, 411; 1993, 1490; 1995, 2312)

      NRS 232.650  Employment of staff.  The Administrator may employ such staff as is necessary for the performance of the Administrator’s duties.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1519; A 1985, 411, 866; 1993, 1490)

      NRS 232.660  Legal counsel for Division: Appointment; contract services; qualifications; powers.

      1.  The Administrator may:

      (a) Appoint one or more legal counsel to provide services for the Division. If appointed, they are in the unclassified service of the State.

      (b) Provide for contract services to be rendered by such other legal counsel as are needed for assistance in administering the laws relating to labor and industrial relations.

      2.  Each of the legal counsel must be an attorney admitted to practice law in Nevada.

      3.  In the prosecution of all claims and actions referred to him or her, a legal counsel has the same power as that vested in the district attorneys of the several counties to:

      (a) Enforce the laws relating to labor and industrial relations; and

      (b) Prosecute for criminal violations of such laws.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1520; A 1983, 1460; 1985, 411; 1991, 2436; 1993, 1491; 1999, 1857)

      NRS 232.670  Administrator: Duties.  The Administrator shall:

      1.  Establish divisional goals, objectives and priorities.

      2.  Prepare the Division’s budget, legislative proposals, contracts, agreements and applications for federal assistance.

      3.  Coordinate divisional programs with other departments and other levels of government.

      4.  From time to time adopt such regulations as the Administrator deems necessary for the administration of the Division.

      5.  Except as otherwise provided by a specific statute, direct the Division to share information in its records with agencies of local governments which are responsible for the collection of debts or obligations if the confidentiality of the information is otherwise maintained under the terms and conditions required by law.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1519; A 1993, 1491; 1995, 1576)

      NRS 232.680  Payment of costs: Assessments; regulations; federal grants; refunds.

      1.  The cost of carrying out the provisions of NRS 232.550 to 232.700, inclusive, and of supporting the Division, a full-time employee of the Legislative Counsel Bureau and the Fraud Control Unit for Industrial Insurance established pursuant to NRS 228.420, and that portion of the cost of the Office for Consumer Health Assistance established pursuant to NRS 223.550 that is related to providing assistance to consumers and injured employees concerning workers’ compensation, must be paid from assessments payable by each insurer, including each employer who provides accident benefits for injured employees pursuant to NRS 616C.265.

      2.  The Administrator shall assess each insurer, including each employer who provides accident benefits for injured employees pursuant to NRS 616C.265. To establish the amount of the assessment, the Administrator shall determine the amount of money necessary for each of the expenses set forth in subsections 1 and 4 of this section and subsection 3 of NRS 616A.425 and determine the amount that is payable by the private carriers, the self-insured employers, the associations of self-insured public or private employers and the employers who provide accident benefits pursuant to NRS 616C.265 for each of the programs. For the expenses from which more than one group of insurers receives benefit, the Administrator shall allocate a portion of the amount necessary for that expense to be payable by each of the relevant group of insurers, based upon the expected annual expenditures for claims of each group of insurers. After allocating the amounts payable among each group of insurers for all the expenses from which each group receives benefit, the Administrator shall apply an assessment rate to the:

      (a) Private carriers that reflects the relative hazard of the employments covered by the private carriers, results in an equitable distribution of costs among the private carriers and is based upon expected annual premiums to be received;

      (b) Self-insured employers that results in an equitable distribution of costs among the self-insured employers and is based upon expected annual expenditures for claims;

      (c) Associations of self-insured public or private employers that results in an equitable distribution of costs among the associations of self-insured public or private employers and is based upon expected annual expenditures for claims; and

      (d) Employers who provide accident benefits pursuant to NRS 616C.265 that reflect the relative hazard of the employments covered by those employers, results in an equitable distribution of costs among the employers and is based upon expected annual expenditures for claims.

Ê The Administrator shall adopt regulations that establish the formula for the assessment and for the administration of payment, and any penalties that the Administrator determines are necessary to carry out the provisions of this subsection. The formula may use actual expenditures for claims. As used in this subsection, the term “group of insurers” includes the group of employers who provide accident benefits for injured employees pursuant to NRS 616C.265.

      3.  Federal grants may partially defray the costs of the Division.

      4.  Assessments made against insurers by the Division after the adoption of regulations must be used to defray all costs and expenses of administering the program of workers’ compensation, including the payment of:

      (a) All salaries and other expenses in administering the Division, including the costs of the office and staff of the Administrator.

      (b) All salaries and other expenses of administering NRS 616A.435 to 616A.460, inclusive, the offices of the Hearings Division of the Department of Administration and the programs of self-insurance and review of premium rates by the Commissioner of Insurance.

      (c) The salary and other expenses of a full-time employee of the Legislative Counsel Bureau whose principal duties are limited to conducting research and reviewing and evaluating data related to industrial insurance.

      (d) All salaries and other expenses of the Fraud Control Unit for Industrial Insurance established pursuant to NRS 228.420.

      (e) Claims against uninsured employers arising from compliance with NRS 616C.220 and 617.401.

      (f) That portion of the salaries and other expenses of the Office for Consumer Health Assistance established pursuant to NRS 223.550 that is related to providing assistance to consumers and injured employees concerning workers’ compensation.

      5.  If the Division refunds any part of an assessment, the Division shall include in that refund any interest earned by the Division from the refunded part of the assessment.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1520; A 1985, 866; 1991, 2436; 1993, 775, 1491; 1995, 579, 2040, 2164; 1997, 579; 1999, 1810; 2001, 962, 2458; 2003, 175, 2806)

      NRS 232.690  Cooperative agreements.  The Administrator may enter into cooperative agreements with any federal or state agency or political subdivision of the State, or any public or private institution located in or outside this State, or any person, corporation or association, in connection with studies and investigations pertaining to any activities of the Division.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1519; A 1993, 1492)

      NRS 232.700  Cooperation of insurers and other divisions and agencies.  The insurers and any state agency or division having functions dealing with chapter 512, 616A, 616B, 616C, 616D, 617 or 618 of NRS shall cooperate with the Administrator in the performance of the Administrator’s duties and shall provide the Administrator with any information, statistics or data in their records as the Administrator requires.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 1520; A 1985, 255; 1991, 1609; 1993, 1492)

Division of Insurance

      NRS 232.805  Definitions.  As used in NRS 232.805 to 232.840, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:

      1.  “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Insurance.

      2.  “Division” means the Division of Insurance of the Department of Business and Industry.

      (Added to NRS by 1991, 1607; A 1993, 1492)

      NRS 232.820  Commissioner of Insurance: Appointment; classification.  The Commissioner of Insurance is the head of the Division and:

      1.  Is appointed by and responsible to, and serves at the pleasure of, the Director of the Department of Business and Industry.

      2.  Is in the unclassified service of the State.

      (Added to NRS by 1991, 1607; A 1993, 1492)

      NRS 232.825  Powers and duties of Commissioner of Insurance; appointment, classification and restrictions on other employment of deputies.  The Commissioner:

      1.  May appoint three deputies. The deputies are in the unclassified service of the State. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143, each deputy shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the business of his or her office and shall not pursue any other business or occupation or hold any other office of profit.

      2.  Is responsible for the administration of the provisions of title 57 of NRS, and all other provisions of law relating to the functions of the Division.

      3.  May employ such staff as is necessary for the performance of the Commissioner’s duties.

      4.  Has such other powers and duties as are provided by law.

      (Added to NRS by 1991, 1607; A 1993, 1492; 1995, 2312; 2007, 3340)

      NRS 232.840  State agencies required to cooperate and provide information.  Each state agency or division having functions relating to title 57 of NRS shall cooperate with the Commissioner in the performance of the Commissioner’s duties and shall provide the Commissioner with any information, statistics or data in its records that the Commissioner requires.

      (Added to NRS by 1991, 1608)

Office of Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities

      NRS 232.845  Creation; duties of Ombudsman; appointment and classification of Ombudsman.

      1.  The Office of Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities is hereby created within the Office of the Director. The Ombudsman shall:

      (a) Provide for continued educational, outreach and service programs for minority groups pertaining to consumer fraud; and

      (b) Assist the Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs created by NRS 232.852.

      2.  The Director shall appoint the Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities.

      3.  The Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities is:

      (a) In the unclassified service of the State.

      (b) Directly responsible to the Director.

      (Added to NRS by 2009, 1502)

Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs

      NRS 232.850  “Commission” defined.  As used in NRS 232.850 to 232.866, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, “Commission” means the Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs created by NRS 232.852.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 20th Special Session, 266; A 2007, 1662)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 233J.010)

      NRS 232.852  Creation; membership; officers.

      1.  The Nevada Commission on Minority Affairs, consisting of nine members appointed by the Legislative Commission, is hereby created. Appointments to the Commission must be made from a list of persons recommended to the Legislative Commission by organizations and other entities which represent or promote the interests of minority groups in this State.

      2.  The members appointed to the Commission must represent a variety of minority groups that reflects the general population of this State.

      3.  The members of the Commission shall elect a Chair and a Vice Chair from among their number.

      4.  The term of Office of the Chair and the Vice Chair is 2 years.

      5.  Not more than four members of the Commission may be from the same minority group.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 20th Special Session, 266; A 2007, 1662)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 233J.020)

      NRS 232.854  Members: Terms of office; reappointment; vacancies.  Except for the initial members, the term of office of each member of the Commission is 2 years and commences on July 1 of the year of appointment. The members shall continue in office until their successors are appointed. Members are eligible for reappointment, except that no member may serve for any part of more than two consecutive terms. Vacancies must be filled by appointment for the unexpired terms by the Legislative Commission.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 20th Special Session, 266; A 2007, 1662)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 233J.030)

      NRS 232.856  Members: Reimbursement for certain expenses.  Members of the Commission receive no compensation for their services, but are entitled to be reimbursed for all travel and other expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in the performance of their duties, within the limits of money available to the Commission.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 20th Special Session, 266; A 2007, 1662)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 233J.040)

      NRS 232.858  Meetings; quorum; annual report.

      1.  The Commission shall meet at the call of the Chair as frequently as required to perform its duties, but no less than quarterly.

      2.  A majority of the members of the Commission constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority of those present at any meeting is sufficient for any official action taken by the Commission.

      3.  The Commission shall, on or before January 31 of each year, submit a report to the Governor summarizing the activities, needs and recommendations of the Commission.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 20th Special Session, 266; A 2007, 1662)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 233J.050)

      NRS 232.860  Duties.  The Commission shall, within the limits of available money:

      1.  Study matters affecting the social and economic welfare and well-being of minorities residing in the State of Nevada;

      2.  Collect and disseminate information on activities, programs and essential services available to minorities in the State of Nevada;

      3.  Study the:

      (a) Availability of employment for minorities in this State, and the manner in which minorities are employed;

      (b) Manner in which minorities can be encouraged to start and manage their own businesses successfully; and

      (c) Availability of affordable housing for minorities;

      4.  In cooperation with the Nevada Equal Rights Commission, act as a liaison to inform persons regarding:

      (a) The laws of this State that prohibit discriminatory practices; and

      (b) The procedures pursuant to which aggrieved persons may file complaints or otherwise take action to remedy such discriminatory practices;

      5.  To the extent practicable, strive to create networks within the business community between businesses that are owned by minorities and businesses that are not owned by minorities;

      6.  Advise the Governor on matters relating to minorities and of concern to minorities; and

      7.  Recommend proposed legislation to the Governor.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 20th Special Session, 267; A 2007, 1662)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 233J.060)

      NRS 232.862  Appointment of committees.  The Chair of the Commission may, with the approval of the Commission, appoint committees from its members to assist in carrying out any of the functions or duties of the Commission.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 20th Special Session, 267; A 2007, 1662)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 233J.070)

      NRS 232.864  Staff assistance; volunteer workers and consultants.

      1.  The Director of the Department of Administration shall provide staff assistance to the Commission as the Governor deems appropriate.

      2.  The Commission may engage the services of volunteer workers and consultants without compensation as is necessary from time to time.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 20th Special Session, 267; A 2007, 1662)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 233J.080)

      NRS 232.866  Gifts, grants and contributions.  The Commission may apply for and receive gifts, grants, contributions or other money from governmental and private agencies, affiliated associations and other persons for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this chapter and for defraying expenses incurred by the Commission in the discharge of its duties.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 20th Special Session, 267; A 2007, 1662)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 233J.090)


      NRS 232.900  Definitions.  As used in NRS 232.900 to 232.960, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:

      1.  “Department” means the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation.

      2.  “Director” means the Director of the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1993, 1480; A 1999, 869; 2009, 2279)

      NRS 232.910  Creation; purpose; composition.

      1.  The Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation is hereby created. The purpose of the Department is to plan, coordinate and carry out various services and activities designed to achieve and support employment and economic independence for residents of this State who are disadvantaged, displaced or disabled.

      2.  The Department consists of a Director and the following divisions:

      (a) Employment Security Division;

      (b) Rehabilitation Division; and

      (c) Such other divisions as the Director may establish.

      3.  The Nevada Equal Rights Commission and the Board for the Education and Counseling of Displaced Homemakers are within the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1993, 1480; A 1997, 3075)

      NRS 232.920  Director: Powers and duties.  The Director:

      1.  Shall:

      (a) Organize the Department into divisions and other operating units as needed to achieve the purposes of the Department;

      (b) Upon request, provide the Director of the Department of Administration with a list of organizations and agencies in this State whose primary purpose is the training and employment of persons with disabilities; and

      (c) Except as otherwise provided by a specific statute, direct the divisions to share information in their records with agencies of local governments which are responsible for the collection of debts or obligations if the confidentiality of the information is otherwise maintained under the terms and conditions required by law.

      2.  Is responsible for the administration, through the divisions of the Department, of the provisions of NRS 426.010 to 426.720, inclusive, 426.740, 426.790 and 426.800, and chapters 612 and 615 of NRS, and all other provisions of law relating to the functions of the Department and its divisions, but is not responsible for the professional line activities of the divisions or other operating units except as otherwise provided by specific statute.

      3.  May employ, within the limits of legislative appropriations, such staff as is necessary for the performance of the duties of the Department.

      (Added to NRS by 1993, 1480; A 1995, 1576; 1997, 1170, 3075; 1999, 636, 870, 3064; 2003, 2636; 2009, 2368)

      NRS 232.930  Director: Appointment; classification; other employment prohibited.  The Director:

      1.  Is appointed by, is responsible to, and serves at the pleasure of the Governor.

      2.  Is in the unclassified service of the State.

      3.  Shall not engage in any other gainful employment or occupation.

      (Added to NRS by 1993, 1481)

      NRS 232.935  Governor’s Workforce Investment Board: Appointment of members; duties; industry sector councils.

      1.  In appointing members of the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board, the Governor shall ensure that the membership as a whole represents:

      (a) Industry sectors which are essential to this State and which are driven primarily by demand;

      (b) Communities and areas of economic development which are essential to this State; and

      (c) The diversity of the workforce of this State, including, without limitation, geographic diversity and the diversity within regions of this State.

      2.  The Governor’s Workforce Investment Board shall:

      (a) Identify:

             (1) Industry sectors which are essential to this State; and

             (2) The region or regions of this State where the majority of the operations of each of those industry sectors is conducted.

      (b) Establish:

             (1) Regional goals for economic development for each of the industry sectors identified pursuant to paragraph (a); and

             (2) A council for each industry sector.

      (c) Consider and develop programs to promote:

             (1) Strategies to improve labor markets for industries and regions of this State, including, without limitation, improving the availability of relevant information;

             (2) Coordination of the efforts of relevant public and private agencies and organizations;

             (3) Strategies for providing funding as needed by various industry sectors;

             (4) Increased production capacities for various industry sectors;

             (5) The development of useful measurements of performance and outcomes in various industry sectors;

             (6) Participation by and assistance from state and local government agencies;

             (7) Expanded market penetration, including, without limitation, by providing assistance to employers with small numbers of employees;

             (8) Partnerships between labor and management;

             (9) Business associations;

             (10) The development of improved instructional and educational resources for employers and employees; and

             (11) The development of improved economies of scale, as applicable, in industry sectors.

      3.  Each industry sector council established pursuant to subparagraph (2) of paragraph (b) of subsection 2:

      (a) Must be composed of representatives from:

             (1) Employers within that industry;

             (2) Organized labor within that industry;

            (3) Universities and community colleges; and

             (4) Any other relevant group of persons deemed to be appropriate by the Board.

      (b) Shall, within the parameters set forth in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 or the parameters of any other program for which the federal funding is available, identify job training and education programs which the industry sector council determines to have the greatest likelihood of meeting the regional goals for economic development established for that industry sector pursuant to subparagraph (1) of paragraph (b) of subsection 2.

      4.  The Board shall:

      (a) Identify and apply for federal funding available for the job training and education programs identified pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 3;

      (b) Consider and approve or disapprove applications for money;

      (c) Provide and administer grants of money to industry sector councils for the purpose of establishing job training and education programs in industry sectors for which regional goals for economic development have been established pursuant to subparagraph (1) of paragraph (b) of subsection 2; and

      (d) Adopt regulations establishing:

             (1) Guidelines for the submission and review of applications to receive grants of money from the Department; and

             (2) Criteria and standards for the eligibility for and use of any grants made pursuant to paragraph (c).

      5.  As used in this section, “industry sector” means a group of employers closely linked by common products or services, workforce needs, similar technologies, supply chains or other economic links.

      (Added to NRS by 2009, 2277)

      NRS 232.940  Rehabilitation Division: Composition.  The Rehabilitation Division of the Department consists of the following bureaus:

      1.  Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.

      2.  Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation.

      (Added to NRS by 1993, 1481; A 1997, 1171; 1999, 1882)

      NRS 232.945  Rehabilitation Division: Appointment, classification and duties of Administrator; restrictions on other employment.

      1.  The Director shall appoint an Administrator of the Rehabilitation Division of the Department. The Administrator:

      (a) Is in the unclassified service of the State unless federal law or regulation requires otherwise, and serves at the pleasure of the Director.

      (b) Shall administer the provisions of law set forth in paragraph (d), subject to the administrative supervision of the Director.

      (c) Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.143, shall devote his or her entire time and attention to the business of his or her office and shall not pursue any other business or occupation or hold any other office of profit.

      (d) Is responsible for the administration, through the bureaus of the Rehabilitation Division, of the provisions of this section, NRS 232.940, 426.518 to 426.610, inclusive, and chapter 615 of NRS, and all other provisions of law relating to the functions of the Rehabilitation Division.

      (e) Is responsible for the preparation of a consolidated state plan for the Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired, the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation and any other program administered by the Rehabilitation Division that the Administrator considers appropriate to incorporate into the consolidated state plan before submission to the Federal Government. This subsection does not apply if any federal regulation exists that prohibits a consolidated plan.

      (f) In developing and revising state plans pursuant to paragraph (e), shall consider, without limitation:

             (1) The amount of money available from the Federal Government for the programs of the Rehabilitation Division;

             (2) The conditions attached to the acceptance of that money; and

             (3) The limitations of legislative appropriations for the programs.

      (g) May make such expenditures and investigations, require such reports and take such other actions as the Administrator deems necessary or suitable to carry out the functions of the Rehabilitation Division.

      (h) May employ, within the limits of legislative appropriations, such staff as is necessary to the performance of the duties of the Rehabilitation Division.

      (i) Shall determine the organization and methods of procedure for the Rehabilitation Division in accordance with the provisions of this section, NRS 232.940, 426.518 to 426.610, inclusive, and chapter 615 of NRS, and all other provisions of law relating to the functions of the Rehabilitation Division.

      (j) May adopt, amend or rescind such rules and regulations as the Administrator deems necessary or suitable to carry out the provisions of this section, NRS 232.940, 426.518 to 426.610, inclusive, and chapter 615 of NRS, and all other provisions of law relating to the functions of the Rehabilitation Division.

      2.  The Rehabilitation Division shall serve as the designated state unit with respect to state programs for independent living established pursuant to 29 U.S.C. §§ 796 et seq. As used in this subsection, “designated state unit” has the meaning ascribed to it in 34 C.F.R. § 364.4.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 869; A 2003, 2636; 2005, 110)

      NRS 232.960  Rehabilitation Division: Accounting for gifts and grants of money or other property; disposition of gifts of certain property.

      1.  Except for gifts or grants specifically accounted for in another fund, all gifts or grants of money or other property which the Rehabilitation Division of the Department is authorized to accept must be accounted for in the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation’s Gift Fund, which is hereby created as a special revenue fund. The Fund is a continuing fund without reversion. The Department may establish such accounts in the Fund as are necessary to account properly for gifts received. All such money received by the Division must be deposited in the State Treasury for credit to the Fund. The money in the Fund must be paid out on claims as other claims against the State are paid. Unless otherwise specifically provided by statute, claims against the Fund must be approved by the Director or the Director’s delegate.

      2.  Gifts of property other than money may be sold or exchanged when it is deemed by the Director to be in the best interest of the Rehabilitation Division. The sale price must not be less than 90 percent of the value determined by a qualified appraiser appointed by the Director. All money received from the sale must be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the Fund. The money may be spent only for the purposes of the Division. The property may not be sold or exchanged if to do so would violate the terms of the gift.

      (Added to NRS by 1993, 1481; A 2001, 2750)