Related Lawsuits

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Has anyone been sued over the patent?

Understanding whether this particular patent or patents have been litigated before can help you determine your next steps. See the Resources section of this website for websites that offer to tell you, for free, if the patent has been the subject of a lawsuit. If you find another person with a similar problem, you may consider reaching out to explore ways that you can work together.


Has anyone else received letters?

The Resources section of this website lists websites for sharing information with others who’ve gotten letters. You may also want to contact your state attorney general’s office, the state bar where the attorney who signed the demand letter is licensed to practice, or with the Federal Trade Commission to report receipt of a letter. Reaching out to others who are in a similar situation may enable you to share relevant information and experiences. Check the internet as well.


How can I find out more information about the patent and who is behind the demand?

You can search on the USPTO website or a commercial website by a specific patent number and then download a PDF copy of the patent. The Resources section of this website also lists PTO and other sites that can tell you who is listed as the registered owner of the owner and patent portfolio of the patent holder. You can also check Secretary of State records, your State Bar, the internet, and related sources for information about the entity or attorney sending letters.


Links Referenced on This Page:

Federal Trade Commission

Glossary of Patent Terms

Inter partes dispute

Patent Attorney database

Patent Ownership / Assignment

Patent Ownership information on the web

Pre-issuance submissions



State Attorney General's Office

State Resources

The information presented on this site does not constitute legal advice. It should not be considered to replace advice from an attorney. Reference to any specific organizations, attorneys, law firms, corporations, or websites does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the USPTO.

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