Trademark Data Products

A trademark is a word, name, symbol, or device that is used in trade with goods or services to indicate the source of the goods or services and distinguish them from the goods or services of others.

A trademark data product contains images and/or text from registered trademarks and/or trademark applications.


Trademark Registration Multi-Page TIFF Images

Contains the images of each trademark registration published weekly (Tuesdays) from 1870 to July 2013 in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) Revision 6.0 with CCITT Group 4 Compression (multi-page TIFFs) from the USPTO USAMark optical disc product (discontinued 12/31/2011).

Available for no charge: and

Trademark Daily Application Image 24 Hour Box (current Calendar Year)

The USPTO Trademark Daily Application Image 24 Hour Box (XML/TIFF/JPEG) consists of two datasets:
(A) 24 Hour Box file,
(B) 24 Hour Box Supplemental file,, with optional files,,, etc.

(A) The 24 Hour Box zipfile contains images of daily Trademark applications in either JPG format (black and white, grayscale, or color) or TIFF format (black and white) processed through the Trademark Image Capture and Retrieval System (TICRS) and viewable using any standard image viewer. JPG images are accompanied by an XML file that contains text information about the application. TIFF images contain the application number embedded in the image (stamped prior to scan).

On November 2, 2003, the USPTO began accepting electronic submissions of Trademark applications from the International Bureau (IB) and continued to accept electronic submissions of Trademark applications from the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), as well as paper submissions.

Beginning November 2, 2003, the Daily Trademark Application Image 24 Hour Box contains:
1. Cropped image file(s) in JPG format (black and white, gray scale, or color) for electronic applications filed through TEAS (78 Series Code and 77 Series Code) or the IB (79 Series Code). The cropped image file(s) in JPG format will be accompanied by an XML file that contains text information about the application.
2. a. Full-page drawing image(s) in TIFF format (black and white) for black and white paper submissions of Trademark applications (76 Series Code, or any amended black and white submissions)
2. b. Full-page drawing image(s) in JPG format (color) for color paper submissions of Trademark applications (also 76 Series Code, or any amended color paper submissions).
(B) The 24 Hour Box Supplemental zip file(s) contain Trademark cropped TIFF (black and white) or cropped JPG (color) image files from paper submissions of Trademark applications. These cropped images are available one day after they appear as full-page drawing images in the 24 Hour Box zip files (See 2. a. and 2. b. above).
Available daily (Monday-Friday) at 02:00 AM U.S. Eastern Time (excludes U.S. Federal holidays) for no charge.

Average daily file sizes are 200 MB (compressed) for the 24 Hour Box zip file and 14 MB (compressed) for the 24 Hour Box Supplemental zip file(s).

Available for no charge: and

Trademark Full Text XML Frontfile and Backfile (Applications, Assignments, TTAB)

The USPTO Trademark Daily XML (Applications, Assignments, and TTAB) consists of three data sets:
(A) Applications,
(B) Assignments,
(C) Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB),

(A) Applications: Pending and registered trademark text data (no images) to include word mark, serial number, registration number, filing date, registration date, goods and services, classification number(s), status code(s), design search code(s), pseudo mark(s) in CY2013. The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the U.S. Trademark Applications Version 2.0 Document Type Definition (DTD). Average daily file size is 17 MB (compressed).
(B) Assignments: Assignment text data (no images) in CY2013. The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the U.S. Trademark Assignments Version 0.4 Document Type Definition (DTD). Average daily file size is 46 KB (compressed).
(C) Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB): TTAB text data (no images) in CY2013. The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the U.S. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Version 1.0 Document Type Definition (DTD). Average daily file size is 240 KB (compressed).

Available daily (Monday-Sunday) at 02:00 AM U.S. Eastern Time for no charge: and and and

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