Additional Patent Data Products

Patent Assignment Text (1980-current Calendar Year)

A patent assignment is a transfer of ownership of a patent application or patent from one entity to another.

Patent assignment data contains assignor name and index and assignee name and index.

Contains daily (front file) patent assignment text (no drawings/images) derived from patent assignment recordations. The file format is eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the Patent Assignment Daily XML (PADX) Version 0.3 Document Type Definition (DTD).

Available daily (Monday-Sunday at 1:30 a.m. EST) for no charge: and

This product includes an file for each day. Within each daily zip file is a dyyyymmdd.xml file.

Patent Maintenance Fee Events (1981-current Calendar Year)

A patent maintenance fee is a charge for maintaining all granted patents.

Patent maintenance fee data contains patent number, application number, small entity designation, U.S. Application filing date, U.S. grant issue date, maintenance fee event entry date, and maintenance fee event code.

Contains recorded maintenance fee events for patents granted from September 1, 1981 to present. Each new weekly file is cumulative. The file format is ASCII.

Available weekly (Tuesdays at 3 p.m. EST) for no charge: and

This product includes a file for each week (cumulative). Within each weekly zip file is: MaintFeeEvents_yyyymmdd.txt where "yyyymmdd" is a Monday.

Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Master Classification File (MCF) - Patent Grants (Current Calendar Year)

Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Master Classification File (MCF) - Patent Applications (Current Calendar Year)

Master Classification File (MCF)-Patent Grant (1790-current Calendar Year)

A classification is a way to group patents by their subject matter.

Master classification file data contains class and subclass information as well as patent grant number.

Current U.S. classification information for all patent grants issued by the USPTO from 1790 to the current calendar year. Approximately 450 main divisions of technology, called classifications/classes, broken into approximately 150,000 subdivisions, called subclassifications/subclasses. Provided in patent grant sequence, by patent grant number with the current U.S. original classification/subclassification and any cross-reference classification/subclassifications. The format is ASCII text. Available on or before the 15th of each odd month and contains data through the end of the previous even month. Each new bimonthly file totally replaces the previous file.

Approximately 121 MB (compressed) per bimonthly file.

Available six times a year for no charge: or

Master Classification File (MCF)-Classification (1790-current Calendar Year)

Current U.S. classification information for all patent grants issued by the USPTO from 1790 to current calendar year. Approximately 450 main divisions of technology, called classifications/classes, broken into approx. 150,000 subdivisions, called subclassifications/subclasses. Provided in classification sequence, by U.S. classification/subclassification (original and cross reference) followed by patent grant number. The format is ASCII text. Available on or before the 15th of each odd month and contains data through the end of the previous even month. Each new bimonthly file totally replaces the previous file.

Approximately 119 MB (compressed) per bimonthly file.

Available six times a year for no charge:  or

Master Classification File (MCF)-Patent Application (March 15, 2001 - current Calendar Year)

Current U.S. classification information for all patent application publications (non-provisional utility and plant) published by the USPTO from March 15, 2001 to the current calendar year. Approximately 450 main divisions of technology, called classifications/classes, broken into approximately 150,000 subdivisions, called subclassifications/subclasses. Provided in published patent application number sequence with the current U.S. original classification/subclassification and any cross-reference classification/subclassifications. The format is ASCII text. Available on or before the 15th of each odd month and contains data through the end of the previous even month. Each new bimonthly file totally replaces the previous file.

Approximately 23 MB (compressed) per bimonthly file.

Available six times a year for no charge:  or

U.S. Manual of Classification File (CTAF) (current Calendar Year)

Numbers and descriptive titles of the U.S. patent classifications and subclassifications (classes/subclasses) for approximately 450 classes and approximately 150,000 subclasses of the U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) System. This file is the electronic version of the paper version of the Manual of Classification. The format is ASCII text. Available on or before the 15th of each odd month and contains data through the end of the previous even month. Each new bimonthly file totally replaces the previous file.

Approximately 2.9 MB (compressed) per bimonthly file.

Available six times a year for no charge: or

Index to the U.S. Patent Classification File (a.k.a., U.S. Classification Index File (CLASINDX)) (current Calendar Year)

Index to US Patent Class (CLASINDX)

Alphabetical list of subject headings which refer to specific U.S. classifications and subclassifications (classes/subclasses) of the U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) System - (i.e., technology categories). Also known as, the Classification or Class Index File. There are approximately 67,000 terms contained in this index. The format is ASCII text. Available on or before the 15th of each odd month and contains data through the end of the previous even month. Each new bimonthly file totally replaces the previous file.

Approximately 1.1 MB (compressed) per bimonthly file.

Available six times a year for no charge: or

U.S. Classification Definitions

Current classification definitions corresponding to the U.S. classifications and subclassifications (classes/subclasses) contained in the U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) System. As these definitions are updated, all existing U.S. patents granted since 1790 are reclassified to reflect these class/subclass updates. The format is XML and TIFF images. Available on or before the 15th of each odd month.

Approximately 65 MB (compressed) per bimonthly file.

Available six times a year for no charge: or

U.S. Classification Orders Index

Classification Orders are the official record of change for classifications and subclassifications (classes/subclasses) within the U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) System. This file includes the date that a class/subclass was established or abolished. The format is ASCII text. Available on or before the 15th of each odd month.

Approximately 82 KB (compressed) per bimonthly file.

Available six times a year for no charge: or

U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) to International Patent Classification (IPC) Concordance

Concordance between the U.S. patent classifications and subclassifications (classes/subclasses) and the International Patent Classifications (IPC). NOTE: There is not a one-to-one correlation between USPC and IPC. This file is the electronic version of the paper version of the Concordance. The format is ASCII text. Available on or before the 15th of each odd month.

Approximately 351 KB (compressed) per bimonthly file.

Available six times a year for no charge: or

Patent IFW Petition Decisions (2003-previous Calendar Year)

A petition is a special request to the USPTO by the inventor or attorney.

Contains the images of USPTO Petition Decisions from the USPTO Image File Wrapper (IFW) System, one of the components of the USPTO Public Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) System. The images are Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Each file contains approx.1000 pages. The IFW Petition Decisions are organized by an eight digit patent application number (two digit series code plus a six digit application number) ascending.

Available for no charge: and

Patent Application Retrieval (PAIR) System

Public PAIR is the Patent Application Information Retrieval System.

Public PAIR extract documents contain patent ownership information.

Contains published patent applications includes both text and image content from the USPTO Public Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) System. The text is tab delimited (.tsv) and the images are in Adobe format (.pdf). Each zip file contains the following:
*A README.txt file which indicates when the data was obtained.
*Data files (*.tsv), in tab-delimited text format, compatible with many spreadsheet programs. Each data file represents one tab from the PAIR interface: Address and Attorney/Agent, Application Data, Continuity Data, Foreign Priority, Image File Wrapper, Patent Term Adjustments / Extension History, Transaction History.
-¦Data tables from the PAIR interface are organized in one of two ways:
1.Labels in the first column. (Example: "Application Data" tab.) The second column contains the corresponding value (example: "Application number" and "12/102,391").
2.Labels in the first row. (Example: "Transaction History" tab, with labels such as "Date" and "Transaction Description".) Each subsequent row contains the corresponding values for one data item. (In the example, each row represents a single transaction.)
-¦Some *.tsv files contain more than one table, separated by a blank line.
-¦The "Image File Wrapper" data file is put in a separate directory along with the additional content that it links to. An extra "Filename" column is added to the *.tsv file to indicate the appropriate file for each item.
*Image files (*.pdf), in Adobe PDF format. This data is only available for patent applications which have an "Image File Wrapper" tab on the USPTO PAIR site. or

Electronic Official Gazette (eOG:P) (Rolling 52 weeks) SEARCHABLE

Published each Tuesday, the eOG:P includes bibliographic (i.e., front page) information, a representative claim, and a drawing (if applicable) of each patent grant issued that week. Patents are accessible by type of patent (utility, plant, etc.), classification (class or class/subclass), patentee name, and geographical location. Links enable users to "jump" to a specific patent from these various indexes. Includes U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Notices which provide important information and changes in rules concerning both patents and trademarks.

A rolling year's worth of eOG:P are available for no charge:

Electronic Official Gazette (eOG:P) (Rolling 52 weeks) DOWNLOADABLE

Published each Tuesday, the eOG:P includes bibliographic (i.e., front page) information, a representative claim, and a drawing (if applicable) of each patent grant issued that week. Includes U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Notices which provide important information and changes in rules concerning both patents and trademarks.

A rolling year's worth of eOG:P are available for no charge: and

Patent Technology Monitoring Team (PTMT) Statistics

Multiple products available at

For more information on bulk data products, contact