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Recruitment Policy Studio

Federal Section
Hiring Toolkit

Hiring Decision Tool

Directions: Complete this survey to help you match potential hiring flexibilities with your agency's needs. Review each statement and choose yes or no. When you are finished, select the Submit button to see which hiring flexibilities to consider.

Hiring Decision Tool
1) Do you have a need for talent with technical skills in the areas of: information technology, acquisitions, cyber security, or medical occupations and…
a) A critical hiring need?
b) Practical workforce experience?
2) Are you seeking candidates with a track record of Federal Government service?
3) Could the position be filled with an applicant who has a severe physical disability, psychiatric disability, or intellectual disability?
4) Do you have positions that could be filled through formal training/developmental programs and…
a) Do you have the time to develop your workforce by hiring students or recent graduates?
b) Are these entry-level positions?
5) Do you have a need to bring in talent from state government, academia, or non-profits, for cross-fertilization of ideas?
6) Is the position to be filled at the expert level with responsibility for mentoring junior level staff?
7) Are you looking for candidates with advanced degrees (masters, doctorate, or professional) to help the Federal Government take the lead with solving scientific and technological challenges?
8) Do you have a critical need to fill a short-term job or need to fill a continuing job pending completion of examining, clearances, or other procedures?
9) Are you looking for candidates with international experience or cross-cultural understanding on issues ranging from health, education to business development?
10) Are you looking for tech talent/digital services experts to work on forward facing, high tech projects?
11) Do you have a need to fill non-permanent positions to work on projects of limited duration?
12) Does the candidate have superior qualifications or does the agency have a special need for the candidate’s services?
13) Does the candidate have a Federal rate of pay that could be used to set pay above his or her entitlement?
14) Is the position you are recruiting for likely to be difficult to fill in the absence of an incentive?
15) Has a current Government employee applied for a position that is likely to be difficult to fill in the absence of an incentive and the employee must relocate to accept the position?
16) Does the highly-qualified candidate for the position you are filling have a Federally insured student loan?
17) Are the skills and experience that the candidate possesses necessary to achieve an important agency mission or performance goal?