USAID's Investments in Morocco - Dollars to Results

33.3 Million
Average Annual Income
$6,905 per Person

In the wake of the 2011 Arab Spring, Morocco continues to make positive strides in pursuit of political and economic reforms and remains a strong U.S. ally. Since 1957, the U.S. Government and the Government of Morocco have worked together to make real and substantial improvements in the lives of Moroccan citizens.

Note: Click on the bar chart or navigation panel below for more information.


For complete data on USAID's disbursements please visit the Foreign Assistance Dashboard.

Results of USAID’s spending in Morocco

FY 2011 $22.6 M

FY 2012 $23.8 M

FY 2013 $22.5 M

FY 2014 $12.8 M

FY 2015 $11.1 M

USAID worked with local associations, teachers, and community leaders to raise awareness among 9,568 youth, on topics such as he

USAID worked with local associations, teachers, and community leaders to raise awareness among 9,568 youth, on topics such as health and hygiene, the importance of education, and the risk of drug abuse

Dominique Zemrag, USAID

View the "Real Lives, Real Progress" infographic (PDF, 1.13MB)

Disclaimer: Dollars to Results links spending in a fiscal year to results reported for that same year. The data may differ from other USAID and U.S. Government websites because they use different timeframes and reporting parameters for information displayed. Please refer to the FAQs for more details.