Conserving the Nature of America
Press Release
Public Comment Period Re-Opening for Environmental Impact Statement and Habitat Conservation Plan for Na Pua Makani Wind Project

November 15, 2016


Paul Brown,, (808) 792-9535

HONOLULU, Hawaii – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is re-opening a 30-day public comment period on the proposed Na Pua Makani Wind Project near Kahuku, Hawai’i. The Service has concluded that additional opportunity for public input on the Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement would benefit the plan’s development. The Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement includes a modified option of a project design with fewer, but larger, wind turbines.

Na Pua Makani Power Partners applied for an incidental take permit that would, if approved by the Service, authorize limited unintentional killing of listed species caused by the construction and operation of the applicant’s Na Pua Makani Wind Project for production of wind-generated electrical energy on 707 acres of public and private lands near Kahuku on the island of Oahu. The proposed project would construct up to nine wind turbines generating up to 25 megawatts of renewable wind-generated electrical energy. The 21-year permit would authorize limited take of the threatened Newell’s shearwater, and the endangered Hawaiian stilt, Hawaiian coot, Hawaiian moorhen, Hawaiian duck, Hawaiian goose, and Hawaiian hoary bat.

In accordance with the Endangered Species Act requirements for an incidental take permit, Na Pua Makani Power Partners prepared a habitat conservation plan to minimize and mitigate the impacts of incidental take likely to be caused by the project. To offset anticipated take, potential mitigation measures on Oahu include:

  • funding research to support effective management of Newell’s shearwaters;
  • fencing and predator control to conserve the Hawaiian goose at James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge;
  • a combination of bat research, and native forest restoration and management to increase Hawaiian hoary bat habitat;
  • acoustic surveys to document occupancy of the affected area by the Hawaiian hoary bat; and
  • fencing and public education opportunities at Hamakua Marsh to benefit conservation of the Hawaiian stilt, Hawaiian coot, Hawaiian moorhen and the Hawaiian duck.

The public is invited to submit comments by December 19, 2016 on the supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and Habitat Conservation Plan Comments may be submitted in the following ways:

  • E-Mail:
  • U.S. Mail: Na Pua Makani Comments, c/o Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office, Rm 3-122, 300 Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, HI, 96850 

Copies of the supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and the Habitat Conservation Plan may be downloaded at or can be requested by calling (808) 792-9400.

Federal Register notice

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