Fish and Aquatic Conservation

11 Freshwater Species: 10 fish and 1 crayfish  (September 30, 2016)

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is announcing a final rule on September 30 to add 11 nonnative freshwater species to the list of injurious species. There are 10 fish (crucian carp, Eurasian minnow, Prussian carp, roach, stone moroko, Nile perch, Amur sleeper, European perch, zander, wels catfish) and 1 crayfish (common yabby). 

These 11 species are not in U.S. trade or are in negligible trade, and we expect there to be only a minor, if any, effect on the U.S. economy if these species are listed. The 11 species have the potential to become highly invasive if introduced into the wild in the United States and cause harm to our freshwater habitats and our native species, as well as to the local economies these natural resources support. Therefore, the Service is taking this proactive step to keep these species out of the country before they have a chance to become invasive. The rule will go into effect on October 31, 2016. At that time, importation and interstate transport will be prohibited, except as authorized by permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for scientific, medical, educational, or zoological purposes.

News ReleaseService Acts to Prevent Harm to Native Wildlife from 11 Nonnative Species” September 29, 2016.

Final rule to list 10 fish and 1 crayfish (pdf) in Federal Register on September 30, 2016

Questions and Answers  “11 Species Proposed Rule: Questions and Answers” September 2016

Final Environmental Assessment (pdf)  July 2016

Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) (pdf)  September 2016

Final Economic Analysis (pdf)  June 2016

ESA Section 7 Intra-Agency Consultation (pdf)

Ecological Risk Screening Summaries (ERSSs)

Supplemental climate match maps (including Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. territories)

These maps were used to determine the climate match in the proposed rule. These maps were based on a broader geographic area (including Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. territories) than the maps in the Ecological Risk Screening Reports (ERSS) reports above, which were based on the lower 48 States (although the Nile perch ERSS map includes more).  These supplemental maps also may include some updated information.

11 Freshwater Species: 10 fish and 1 crayfish  (October 29, 2015)

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is announcing a proposed rule on October 30 to add 11 nonnative freshwater species to the list of injurious species. There are 10 fish (crucian carp, Eurasian minnow, Prussian carp, roach, stone moroko, Nile perch, Amur sleeper, European perch, zander, wels catfish) and 1 crayfish (common yabby). 

The proposed rule opens a public comment period that ends on December 29, 2015 (please see the proposed rule for how to submit public comments). We are also making the associated draft environmental assessment and draft economic analysis for this action available for public review and comment. These 11 species are not in U.S. trade or are in negligible trade, and we expect there to be only a minor, if any, effect on the U.S. economy if these species are listed. The 11 species have the potential to become highly invasive if introduced into the wild in the United States and cause harm to our freshwater habitats and our native species, as well as to the local economies these natural resources support. Therefore, the Service is taking this proactive step to keep these species out of the country before they have a chance to become invasive.

News Release “Threat to Native Wildlife and Local Economies from Eleven Foreign Species Prompts Service to List Them as Injurious Under the Lacey Act” October 29, 2015

Proposed rule to list 11 freshwater fish (pdf) in Federal Register on October 30, 2015

Questions and Answers  “11 Species Proposed Rule: Questions and Answers”  October 2015

Draft Environmental Assessment (pdf)  September 2015

Draft Economic Analysis (pdf)  September 2015





photo of a stone moroko
Stone Moroko. Photo Credit: Seotaro(Wikimedia Commons)

photo of a stone moroko

Prussian carp. Photo credit: CAFS






Last updated: September 30, 2016