Cadastral survey crew in Wyoming. Gurley Solar Transit. Survey marker. Gurley Solar Compass. Cadastral survey crew in Wyoming.
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Cadastral Survey

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Cadastral Survey Links

The Survey Process

Tools & References

Plats & Records

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Early Surveyors

PLSS/GCDB - updated 07/20/16

Manual of Surveying Instructions (2009)

CFedS Program

The Bureau of Land Management's Cadastral Survey Program is one of the oldest and most fundamental functions of the United States Government. Established by the Land Ordinance of 1785, Cadastral surveys are the foundation of our national land tenure system creating, reestablishing, marking, and defining land boundaries.

In addition to conducting surveys to meet BLM land management needs, Wyoming Cadastral Survey completes surveys for all federal agencies and Indian Tribes in Wyoming and Nebraska.

BLM's Cadastral Survey maintains the essential land grid known as the Rectangular Survey System or Public Land Survey System (PLSS) that is the basis for identification of legal descriptions for land parcels. Growing demands placed on public lands and complex land ownership patterns make the importance of accurate boundaries more critical today than ever before. Clearly defined boundaries provide public land managers and the American people with essential information needed to identify rights and privileges and make the best land decisions.

This site provides information about BLM Wyoming Cadastral Survey; what we do, who we are and the products and services we provide. We hope you enjoy what you discover here and find it useful. Please visit often as this site evolves and new information is added.

The Department of the Interior formally adopted the 2009 edition of the Manual of Surveying Instructions on September 24, 2009. The official version is the printed version. For purchase by the public of the 2009 edition of the Manual of Surveying Instructions, the Bureau of Land Management has partnered with the Public Land Survey System Foundation (PLSSF) and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS).

For information on how to order your copy of the Manual, visit the: NSPS e-store