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Jonah Interagency Office

The Jonah Natural Gas Field is located in the Upper Green River Basin of west-central Wyoming, south of Pinedale. Jonah’s 30,000 acres of rolling sagebrush are 94 percent federally owned. The area has one of the richest concentrations of natural gas in the United States, currently estimated at more than 14 trillion cubic feet.

The Jonah Interagency Mitigation and Reclamation Office (JIO) was created by the Jonah Project Record of Decision (ROD) to provide overall management of on-site monitoring and off-site mitigation activities primarily focusing on pronghorn and Greater sage-grouse.

BLM Logo. Wyoming Department of Agriculture logo. Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality logo. Wyoming Department of Game and Fish logo.

Map showing the Jonah Gas Field, Pinedale Anticline and the area managed by the Pinedale Field Office.

Pinedale Anticline Project Office

The Pinedale Anticline Natural Gas Field is located in the Upper Green River Basin of west-central Wyoming, south of Pinedale. The Anticline’s 198,000 acres of rolling sagebrush are 80 percent federally owned. The area has one of the richest concentrations of natural gas in the United States, currently estimated at more than 25 trillion cubic feet.

The Pinedale Anticline Project Office (PAPO) was created by the Anticline Project Record of Decision (ROD) to provide overall management of on-site monitoring and off-site mitigation activities primarily focusing on mule deer, pronghorn and Greater sage-grouse.

Wyoming Department of Game and Fish logo. Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality logo. Wyoming Department of Agriculture logo. BLM Logo.