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                  Pennsylvania                      Auxiliary Communications Services Program


ACS program overview                     What's Happening                      List Server & Links

 PEMA is looking for a few good volunteers who can support our
                       Auxiliary Communications Serices team (ACS) during activations and exercises.
 An ACS unit is a great place to volunteer ones time and efforts, and it can be interesting
and meaningful. PEMA's ACS team activates whenever the State Emergency Operations
Center (SEOC), and/or one of the PEMA Regional Offices, is activated for disaster
response or for a significant event.
 Activities can include field response with communications vans, mobile or portable units,
equipment caches, or operations at one of the PEMA Area Office Communications Centers
(Indiana or Hamburg), or at the SEOC in Harrisburg with the PEMA ACS unit or with a county
or regional task force unit.
                                      PEMA ACS is taking applications for the following volunteer positions:
Stenographers or secretarial staff who can transcribe voice communications
•Computer networking specialists who can work with digital communications
Licensed GMRS and/or Amateur Radio communications specialists 
       For more information, and/or an application to join a Commonwealth ACS unit
or contact information for a local ACS/RACES unit, please use the contact
information below and your request will be forwarded to the appropriate
ACS/RACES Officer.
Phone: 717-651-2719
                                               Susan Singer (KB3KDC) - PEMA ACS Coordinator 
                                Travis Best (W3TMB) - Commonwealth ACS Officer
                                William Bianco (AB3PU) - Eastern Area ACS Section Chief
                                Doug Evans (K3DRE) - Central Area ACS Section Chief
                                Dave Wellman (WX3E) - Western Area ACS Section Chief 
                                Chris Post (WZ3Q) - Training & Special Operations Section Chief

                                 Rod Gallagher (KB3OTY) - Technical Specialist (SHARES/FNARS)


                                 Dave Kleber (KB3FXI) - Technical Specialist (Data Communications) 


                                 Joel Landis (AB3MT) - Technical Specialist (Special Operations)




 PEMA Call Signs

                                                     PEMA Headquarters/SEOC – KB3NIA
                                                     Central Area Office – KB3ZTJ (NO FIXED STATION)
                                                     Eastern Area Office – KB3ZTM
                                                     Western Area Office – KB3ZTL                                        

 PA ACS Network Amateur Frequencies

                                                                                             Voice Net Frequencies
 Central Area Net Frequencies:  7.2505 MHz LSB - Primary Daytime Amateur Radio Frequency
                                                      3.9935 MHz LSB - Primary Nighttime Amateur Radio Frequency
Eastern Area Net Frequencies:   7.2275 MHz LSB - Primary Daytime Amateur Radio Frequency
                                                       3.9875 MHz LSB - Primary Nighttime Amateur Radio Frequency
Western Area Net Frequencies:  7.2720 MHz LSB - Primary Daytime Amateur Radio Frequency
                                                       3.9905 MHz LSB - Primary Nighttime Amateur Radio Frequency

                                                                                                      DATA NET FREQUENCIES

paNBEMS Frequencies:  7.0725 MHz USB - using 8/500 Olivia, 1000 Hz center waterfall frequency   
                                          3.5835 MHz USB - using 8/500 Olivia, 1000 Hz center waterfall frequency
               MARS NET Frequencies
                                                                        PEMA monitors MARS NETS as assigned by MARS

                                       Alternate frequencies when propagation and band conditions warrant:

                                                                    5.3480 or 5.3680 MHz LSB (Maximum 50 Watts PEP)
                                         147.0750 MHz +600   with pl: 123    Dauphin County Repeater

                                                                                                           Training NETS

                                      PEMA Conducts Voice Training NETS the first Sunday of Each Month.
paNBEMS NETS are conducted regularly.  Times/Days may vary due to propagation.
                           Contact Your PEMA Section Chief for more  info on Training NETS.

RACES Specific Frequencies

During a national emergency when the President’s war emergency powers are not invoked, amatuer radio frequencies may be designated for RACES use and are subject to shared use on a secondary basis.  PEMA under guidance from the FCC's Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (PSHSB), has designated the following frequencies for use under a declared RACES Condition, as outlined in this plan, for RACES stations, or amateur stations operating in RACES to make initial contact with a military unit and for communications with military stations on matters requiring coordination:

3.997 MHz LSB

                                                                       7.260 MHz LSB
                                                                     14.334 MHz USB
                                                                     53.300 MHz LSB
                                             Others may be designated for local communications, as necessary