Dollars to Results

General Questions

Dollars to Results provides information on the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) impact around the world by linking annual spending (inputs) to results (outputs and outcomes) in some of the more than 100 developing countries where we work.

This website is one of the many ways USAID is improving its transparency and accountability.

Although the majority of the public believes that 25 percent of the federal budget is spent on foreign assistance, in reality U.S. foreign aid accounts for less than 1 percent of the total federal budget.

For more information about foreign assistance spending please visit the Foreign Assistance Dashboard.

USAID partners with a wide variety of organizations including: 1) U.S. nonprofit and for-profit organizations; 2) host country governments, civil society, and private sector organizations; and 3) multilateral and nonprofit international organizations.

All financial data displayed, including income data, are in U.S. dollars.

The U.S. Congress appropriates funding to USAID. The spending reported in Dollars to Results is managed by USAID. It includes funds that have been given to another federal agency and transferred to USAID for implementation (for example, The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief transfers money to USAID for its HIV/AIDS work). Dollars to Results does not include funds that USAID transferred to other federal agencies before disbursement for implementation.

Spent funds refer to government outlays, disbursements, and expenditures. These are measures of government spending and include the amount of checks issued, cash disbursed, interest accrued, and net of refunds and reimbursements. They are payments to liquidate obligations (other than the repayment of debt). 

Data Questions

Dollars to Results includes USAID foreign assistance spending and results data. These figures come from the Agency’s enterprise-wide financial management system, Phoenix, and the interagency foreign assistance reporting tool, FACTS Info, which is managed by the Department of State.

Population data comes from the Population Reference Bureau World Population Data Sheet.

Gross National Income (GNI) data comes from the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Reports.

Exceptions: West Bank and Gaza population information comes from the World Bank. West Bank and Gaza, Kosovo, and South Sudan GNI data comes form the World Bank.

No. Dollars to Results currently links spending to results achieved for some of the more than 100 developing countries where USAID works, with plans to expand in the future. The results are a snapshot of USAID’s work. More information about our work in highlighted countries can be found in the Related Links to USAID country pages, project information, and evaluations.

Dollars to Results links Country Mission spending in a fiscal year to results reported by the Mission for that same year. Dollars to Results does not include:

  • Activity level information, and 
  • Spending by USAID/Washington for global programs.

Financial information is indicative of U.S. dollars spent by the Mission and may be related to funding appropriated over various years. 


Dollars to Results financial data differ from other USAID and U.S. Government websites because each of these websites has different funding timeframes and reporting parameters for what is displayed. Please refer to each of these websites for more detail.

The website will be updated once a year when new fiscal year spending and results information is available.

South Sudan gained independence from Sudan on July 9, 2011. Spending and results for fiscal year 2011 include USAID non-humanitarian development activities in Sudan as whole, the majority of which was focused in South Sudan. Future data will be exclusive to the new nation.

All spent amounts are rounded to the nearest $100 thousand.


There are instances when funds are de-obligated from a program or activity due to changes in scope of activities. A de-obligation is an agency’s cancellation or downward adjustment of previously incurred obligations. Negative disbursements appear for reconciliations and tracking.


ca​n appear as negative amounts​ when USAID advances money to an activity before the activity occurs. For more information on activity advances​ please visit USAID's policy on advances.

Program Management includes activities required to ensure effective oversight of USAID programs. It includes direct administrative costs, and monitoring and evaluation. Examples of Program Management include:

·         Salaries and benefits for program funded personnel;

·         Administration and oversight;

·         The development of needs assessments, baseline studies, and targeted evaluations, and

·         Information gathering efforts for the design, monitoring, and evaluation of USAID programs.


Program Management is not broken down by sector or sub-sector, because efforts are crosscutting.  


There are many reasons why results may not appear under certain sectors for a Mission. For example: 

  • Missions implement a wide variety of programs, all of which are monitored for performance at the Mission level; however, to keep administrative reporting burdens manageable, Missions are not required to report to Washington results for every disbursement.
  • Results may occur in the subsequent year. For example, money spent at the end of FY2012 may not yield results until FY2013 or later.

Cross-Cutting Results are those which relate to more than one of the sectors shown on Dollars to Results. These include the overarching themes of:  Capacity Building; Gender Equality/Women’s Empowerment; Science, Technology, Innovation, and Research; Public Private Partnerships; and Multilateral Coordination Such Cross-Cutting results are identified with the phrase, “Cross-Cutting Result,” which appears before the result explanation.

Cross-Cutting Results shown under each sector are the cumulative total for the performance indicator for that country. For example, a result of “5,000 people reached by gender based violence (GBV) services” may appear under three separate sectors within a single country. This does not mean a total 15,000 people were reached, but that 5,000 people were reached and the result was applicable to three sectors.

The USAID investments shown for each country represent how much USAID spent in that country in a given fiscal year (FY). The figures come directly from USAID’s financial accounting system, Phoenix. Dollars to Results visually displays  results that were reported by a Mission in a FY next to the Mission disbursements (spending) for the same FY, regardless of whether the result was achieved due to spending in that FY or other FYs.

Due to the nature of foreign assistance programs, it is difficult to directly link FY disbursements to FY results. There is often a time lag between when a dollar is disbursed and when a result is achieved from that investment. For example, if USAID builds a school, most of the spending takes place in the first several years of the project as construction begins. However, results may not be achieved until years later when the school opens and classes begin.

The results shown for each Mission are illustrative, and not comprehensive of all that is achieved through foreign assistance in any given country. Results shown on the website give a snapshot of the type of results achieved by USAID. The website is not a comprehensive reporting tool and should not be considered as such.

USAID’s interactive map and evaluation database provide more details about our work and long-term results data.

There are many reasons why results may not appear under certain sectors for a Mission. For example:

  • Missions implement a wide variety of programs, all of which are monitored for performance at the Mission level; however, to keep administrative reporting burdens manageable, Missions are not required to report to Washington results  for every disbursement.
  • Results may occur in the subsequent year. For example, money spent at the end of FY2012 may not yield results until FY2013 or later.