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Women's Bureau
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Latest Annual Data

Annual averages for selected labor force characteristics of women in 2014. Data by race and Hispanic origin is presented when available.

Previous latest annual data

Facts over Time

Find how selected labor force characteristics of women change over time. This section is updated biannually.


Computer and Information Technology Occupations

This section presents information on Computer and Information Technology for women in 2013.

Highest paying for women

This section presents information on highest paying for women, 30 highest paying for employed women and 30 lowest paying for employed women.

Highest paying for women: (2013)


This section presents two sets of information on occupations. The first part presents data for the 30 leading detailed for employed women. The second part presents the percent distribution of people employed in intermediate by sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity.

20 Leading for Women

Non-traditional Jobs

Most Common Occupations for Women

Quick Facts


Labor Force

Multimedia Gallery

  • Multimedia Gallery - Listen and view audio, video and photos of previous Women's Bureau events. More ›


  • Hispanic Women in the Labor Force, This infographic provides a brief overview of the status of Hispanic Women in the labor force. (PDF) - Printer friendly version

News Releases

  • Browse a listing of archived Women's Bureau press releases. More ›

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