A man with a rifle walks across an open field. BLm photo.

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Nevada Recreational Shooting

Nevada public lands offer many opportunities for target shooting and hunting.  Target shooting can be a fun activity if done safely, and is generally allowed on BLM-managed public lands.  

Public lands are multiple-use and other people and livestock may be present, so please follow these guidelines: 

  • You must be at least 1,000 feet from roads and houses.
  • Never shoot from or over any road or highway.
  • Always use a safe backdrop.
  • Glass targets are prohibited.
  • Carry in your targets and carry out all litter, brass and shell casings.
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Point of Contact

Outdoor Recreation Planner, Nevada State Office
Barb Keleher

Telephone: 775-861-6628

E-mail: bkeleher@blm.gov