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National Public Lands Day

National Public Lands Day is the nation’s largest, single-day volunteer event for public lands, held annually on the last Saturday in September. NPLD brings together hundreds of thousands of individual and organizational volunteers to help restore America’s public lands.  

These are the places Americans use for outdoor recreation, education, and other enjoyment. The public lands include national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges, forests, grasslands, marine sanctuaries, lakes, and reservoirs, as well as state, county, and city parks that are managed by public agencies, but that belong to and are enjoyed by everyone. 

Three volunteers plant seedlings on National Public Lands Day 2015, BLM Oregon photo
In 2015, the BLM coordinated projects at 195 BLM sites, representing nearly one-fifth of all Federal sites participating in NPLD. These projects were hosted by 101 field offices and/or Monuments and National Conservation Areas in 16 states. More than 10,000 volunteers participated in BLM enhancement and restoration activities.

NPLD events support the America’s Great Outdoors, Let’s Move, and Take It Outside! Initiative and is coordinated by National Environmental Education Foundation or NEEF

NPLD 2016 Photo Map 

The interactive map below includes public photo submissions from National Public Lands Day 2016.  

Recommended:  View the full version of this map.

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NPLD Photos

National Public Lands Day event at the Organ Mountains National Monument in New Mexico, BLM photo

View our NPLD photo collection on @mypubliclands Flickr.  That's five years of NPLD photos and lasting outdoor memories!

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