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    Environmental and Injury Epidemiology and Toxicology Unit

    1100 West 49th Street
    Austin, TX 78756

    Phone: 1-800-588-1248
    Fax: 512-776-7222

    Email any comments, questions, complaints, or feedback

Education & Information

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Helpful Fact Sheets
What is Exposure?
Groundwater Our Most Valuable Natural Resource El agua subterránea nuestro recurso más valioso
Public Health Assessment Process Proceso de Evaluación de Salud Pública
Chemicals in the Environment Productos químicos en el ambiente

Chemical Fact Sheets
What is lead? ¿Qué es el plomo?
Reducing Your Exposure (English & Spanish)
What is arsenic?    ¿Qué es el arsénico?
What is cadmium?    ¿Qué es el cadmio?
What is mercury? Lo que debe saber del mercurio o el “azogue”
Crema Aguamary & Crema Antiedad y Desmanchadora, found to contain dangerous levels of mercury
What you should know about nickel Lo que usted debe saber de níquel
What you should know about cobalt Lo que usted debe saber de cobalto
What you should know about molybdenum Lo que usted debe saber de molibdeno
What is copper? ¿Qué es el cobre?
Nitrates in Drinking Water Is The Water Your Children Drink Safe? ¿El nitrato en el agua potable ¿Es segura el agua que sus hijos toman?
What is trichloroethene?    Tricloroetileno (TCE) Hoja de datos
Trichloroethlyene (TCE) Physician Fact Sheet  
What is chromium? ¿Qué es el cromo?
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)  
What is Benzene?  

Physician Factsheets
Evaluating Mercury Exposure: Information For Healthcare Providers
Evaluating Chromium Exposure: Information For Healthcare Providers

Site Specific Information
Frisco Blood Lead Testing
Dona Park, Manchester Place, Academy Heights Blood and Urine Screening Results Summary November 2011
    Resumen del chequeo de sangre y de orina de Dona Park, Manchester Place y Academy   Heights – Noviembre 2011
Grand Prairie Vapor Intrusion Investigation
    Intrusión de Vapor en Grand Prairie Hoja de Datos de Investigación
DISH, Texas Exposure Investigation
Fishing in Lavaca Bay
Old ESCO Manufacturing Public Health Assessment Summary
Donna Reservoir and Canal System Fish Consumption
    ¿Come usted el pescado del Donna Resrvoir and Canal System?
Are You Eating Fish & Blue Crab from the San Jacinto River?
    ¿Está comiendo pescado y jaiba zaul del Río San jacinto?
Eating Vegetables from your Garden in El Paso and Doña Ana Counties
    El consume de las verduras del Jardín en los condados de El Paso y de Doña Ana
Hebbronville Arsenic Exposure Investigation
Palestine Arsenic and Lead Exposure Prevention
Palestine – Eating Vegetables From Your Garden


The Fact Sheets above were prepared by the Texas Department of State Health Services (formerly the Texas Department of Health) and certified by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 

For additional chemical specific information please visit ATSDR ToxFAQs

Any files must be viewed/printed with Adobe® Acrobat® Reader, visit our file viewing information page for download information. For additional assistance please call 512-458-7263.


Caddo Lake Mercury Consumption Investigation:


External Educational Links

  • ATSDR case studies in environmental medicine
  • EPA's Environmental Kids Club
  • Citizens League for Environmental Action Now (CLEAN)

  • *External links to other sites are inteded to be informational and do not have the endorsement of the Texas Department of State Health Services. Thesse sites may also not be accessible to people with disabilities.*


    Last updated December 28, 2015