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Restored riparian lands by the Colorado River

The Tamarisk Coalition's mission is to provide education and technical assistance for the restoration of riparian lands.

The Tamarisk Coalition is giving away stainless steel thermoses to those who invest more than $75 through membership or donation. Click here to see!

News & Highlights

See me sweep!!

Tamarisk Leaf Beetle Monitoring Workshop July 28th - Pueblo, CO

Want to help us keep tabs on the Diorhabda beetles? The Tamarisk Coalition is hosting a free tamarisk biocontrol monitoring workshop on July 28th in Pueblo, CO. Attendees will learn established protocols and methods for gathering and recording data relative to the tamarisk leaf beetle's progress and environmental impacts. Please see the event flyer for more information.

Contact Bill Cooper at wcooper@tamariskcoalition.org with questions or to RSVP

Event Flyer | Beetle Monitoring | Mapping | Colorado River | Biocontrol

March 2011 Newsletter

April 2011 Newsletter

Time for the spring 2011 Tamarisk Coalition newsletter! In this issue: Volunteer program updates; Voles as biocontrol agents?; Native plant materials update; New staff; and more! Click the link below to download the pdf

April 2011 Newsletter | Past Newsletters

Greenhill landscape

Dolores River Riparian Action Plan (DR-RAP)

The condensed version of DR-RAP is now available for download on our state-by-state web page. Happy riparian restoration recommendation reading!!

The Sustainable Funding Report

This paper explores potential long-term and sustainable funding options that will be necessary for the successful implementation of a basin-wide riparian restoration initiative. This paper discusses how several funding mechanisms might be received at varying geo-political scales and makes recommendations regarding future steps including strategies to create a financial plan that could combine various funding mechanisms discussed.

Funding Page | Overview | Full Report

San Pedro River near San Miguel, AZ

The 2011 Tamarisk Research Conference

Presentation recordings and abstracts are up! Follow the link below to download presentations from this years research conference.

Conference Page | Sponsors | Presentations & Abstracts

December 2010 Newsletter

The Tamarisk Coalition's December Newsletter provides information on the restoration progress at Watson Island, recent restoration training's/ demonstrations, 2010 year in review and much more. Download and read it here