CHIPS celebrates 35 years in publication in 2017 as the Department of the Navy information technology magazine. Our founding motto — Dedicated to Sharing Information, Technology and Experience, aligns with our goal — to meet the information needs of our readers and the warfighter.

CHIPS Magazine is published exclusively online by the Department of the Navy and sponsored by the DON Chief Information Officer and the DON Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) Software Product Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific in partnership with SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic.

Each issue of CHIPS contains a message from the DON CIO discussing the latest IT policies and initiatives in the department, as well as guidance from DON subject matter experts in areas of vital interest that cover the range of Navy information technology/information management, tactical as well as business systems and networks, communications, C4I, ISR, innovation, process improvement, OPSEC, cybersecurity, spectrum, information warfare and diversity/professional development.

Each issue contains an easy to use ESI shopping guide — Enterprise Software Agreements — with better than GSA prices for all your technology needs.

The first issue of CHIPS was published in 1982 by the Navy Regional Data Automation Center (NARDAC). It was distributed as a newsletter titled "Chips Ahoy." Printed on standard white paper in black and white with simple graphics, it was mailed to 2,500 Navy personnel.

Since then CHIPS Magazine has undergone many changes, just like DON IT. From CHIPS inception, Rear Adm. Grace Hopper, a pioneer and champion for Navy desktop technology development, was a kind of mascot and great fan of CHIPS. She often provided encouragement to CHIPS staff with her unique blend of sharp humor and common sense.

From her first interview with CHIPS in 1986, Hopper was generous with her time and good advice. Beloved by all who were privileged to know her, Grace Hopper embodied the kind of innovative thinking that CHIPS strives to convey.

CHIPS publishes news updates daily, so check back frequently. Read CHIPS online at www.doncio.navy.mil/chips.

Please e-mail CHIPS editors at chips@navy.mil with your suggestions.

Thank you to our many loyal readers and authors for 35 great years in 2017.

Download the CHIPS mobile app
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mil.navy.chips
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/chips-magazine/id945870993?mt=8

Sharon Anderson
CHIPS Senior Editor

Department of the Navy
Chief Information Officer

Mr. Robert Foster

Department of the Navy
Deputy Chief Information Officer (Navy)

Vice Adm. Jan Tighe

Department of the Navy
Deputy Chief Information Officer (Marine Corps)

Brig. Gen. Dennis A. Crall

Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command
Rear Adm. David Lewis

Space & Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic
Commanding Officer
Capt. Scott D. Heller

Space & Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific
Commanding Officer
Capt. Gisele Bonitz

Senior Editor
Sharon Anderson

Assistant Editor
Heather Rutherford

CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988