IT Expenditure Approval Authorities Established

Published, October 13, 2011

In another move to promote effectiveness and efficiencies in the Department of the Navy, the Navy, Marine Corps and DON Secretariat have each designated an Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority (ITEAA). The ITEAAs are responsible for ensuring that all IT projects undertaken in the Department are integral parts of rationalized portfolios, aligned with DON and Department of Defense enterprise architectures.

As stated in the memos "DON Secretariat Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority," and "DON Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authorities," no resource planning, programming, or budgeting is to be done, or action is to be taken, to acquire or procure any IT software, hardware, or service with a projected lifecycle cost or purchase price totaling $100 thousand dollars or more for the Secretariat, or $1 million or more for the Navy or Marine Corps, unless the project has been approved by the appropriate ITEAA.

Although DON policy requires Navy and Marine Corps ITEAA approval for IT expenditures totaling $1 million or more, the designated ITEAAs have set lower thresholds within their areas of responsibility.

TAGS: EA, Efficiencies, Governance, Investment Management, ITEAA

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