Data Tools & Models


Announcing EIA's Application Programming Interface (API)

The US Energy Information Administration is committed to making its data available through an Application Programming Interface (API) to better serve our customers. APIs allows computers to more easily access our public data. By making EIA data available is this machine readable format, the creativity in the private, the non-profit, and the public sectors can be harnessed to find new ways to analyze and create added-value services powered by public data.

On September 21, 2012, EIA's API was released as a beta product with the initial 408,000 electricity series. On Jan 24, 2013 the entire State Energy Data System was added, comprised of over 30,000 additional time-series. On August 23, 126,000 petroleum and natural gas series were added. As we add EIA's coal and Annual Energy Outlook data over the coming months, a significant portion of EIA's data will become available through this interface.

The EIA API is offered as a free public service, although registration is required. The registration and compliance with the API Terms of Service will allow EIA to monitor usage and ensure service availability. The API is provided free of charge and should be used in compliance with our Copyrights and Reuse page.


Coal Data Browser

Presents time series data tables, charting, and mapping of data for production, imports and exports, shipments to electricity plants, and individual mine-level data. Maps include world trade, national, basin, state, and supplier networks.


Electricity Data Browser

Presents time series data tables, charting, and mapping of data for generation, fuel consumption, fuel cost, fuel stocks, sales, revenue and average price, with the capability to drill down to plant-level data.

Electricity Data Files

The electric power data collected by EIA surveys are for the most part not proprietary and are available in these files at the level of plants, generators, and companies. Examples of the available data include generation by plant and prime mover for each fuel consumed; retail sales by sector, seller and state; and the quality and volumes of fossil fuels delivered to power plants.

Natural Gas

Annual Company Level Natural Gas Supply and Disposition

Company level data on the supply and disposition of natural gas in the United States from an identified universe of pipelines, local distribution companies, and operators of fields, wells or gas processing plants, who distribute gas to end users or transport gas across State borders; or underground natural gas storage operators.


International Energy Statistics

Data on fuel production, consumption, imports, exports, capacity, stocks, emissions as available for all fuels and countries; population, emissions, fuel heat contents, and conversion factors as available for all countries; plus individual country energy data

Profiles for Countries

Data by country, region, and commercial group (OECD, OPEC) for 217 countries including total and crude oil production, oil consumption, natural gas production and consumption, coal production and consumption, electricity generation and consumption, primary energy, energy intensity, CO2 emissions and imports and exports for all fuels. Analysis by country (Country Analysis Briefs) for 38 countries


Profiles for U.S. States

State energy data, plus individual State and Territory Profiles that present key facts and statistics about energy markets and industries.

Excel Data Add-In

By adding an "EIA & FRED" tab to Microsoft Excel, our add-in allows you to download, directly into your spreadsheet, energy data from EIA’s data API and economic datafrom the St. Louis Federal Reserve’s Economic Data (FRED) API. Spreadsheets with fetched data series can be saved, opened later, or refreshed with new data by simply clicking the "Get Data" button. This ability to save data and analysis and rerun it later with the latest data is an immense saving of time and effort for analysts performing periodic analyses of statistics and indicators..


Performance Profiles Table Browser

Financial data collected from major energy producers including consolidated income statement, consolidated balance sheet, statement of cash flows, and more..


Short-Term Energy Outlook Custom Table Builder

Historical data back to 1996 monthly, quarterly, and yearly; plus projections out to 18 months monthly, quarterly, and yearly.

Short-Term Energy Outlook Real Energy Prices

Monthly, quarterly, and yearly energy prices in real and nominal dollars, historical and projections. Yearly data for imported crude oil goes back to 1968, regular gasoline to 1976, diesel fuel to 1979, heating oil to 1975, residential electricity to 1960, and residential natural gas to 1967.

Annual Energy Outlook Interactive Table Viewer

Provides custom data views of the AEO2015 Reference case and previous Reference cases. All available cases can be charted and the data for them downloaded.

International Energy Outlook Interactive Table Viewer

Provides custom data views of the IEO2014 Reference case and alternate cases.