USHMC Regional

Regional Narratives are published quarterly for each of HUD’s ten regions. Each narrative provides an overview of economic and housing market trends within the region. The reports contain an analysis of the year over year change in several key variables: nonfarm payrolls by sector, the unemployment rate, home sales, home prices, foreclosure data, vacancy rates, rents, and building permit activity. Current sales market and rental market conditions in major metropolitan areas are also discussed.

Housing Market Profiles are published on a rotating monthly basis for metropolitan areas throughout the country. Each report provides a summary of local economic, sales, and rental market conditions. The focus of the report is on changes in key variables or conditions that have occurred within the past 3-month or 12-month period relative to one year ago. The report is designed to provide a current snapshot of the market.

Market at a Glance (MAAG) reports are available for every Region, State, Metropolitan Statistical Area, Metropolitan Division and County in the country. Each report contains the most up to date data from the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics), American Community Survey, and the U.S. Census Bureau. The data in the MAAG reports is updated on a monthly basis. In certain select areas, analysis of local market conditions is also included.

The AHS is sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. The survey is the most comprehensive national housing survey in the United States. The AHS is conducted biennially between May and September in odd-numbered years. The AHS provides current information on a wide range of housing subjects, including size and composition of the nation's housing inventory, vacancies, fuel usage, physical condition of housing units, characteristics of occupants, equipment breakdowns, home improvements, mortgages and other housing costs, persons eligible for and beneficiaries of assisted housing, home values, and characteristics of recent movers.

Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis (CHMA) reports are the most in-depth reports on market conditions. Each report focuses on a particular market area and analyzes conditions and key economic, demographic, and housing variables during three main periods: between the two most recent Decennial Census years, from the most recent Decennial Census year to the current date of the study, and from the current date of the study to a 3-year forecast date. The reports are useful to HUD in its operations as well as builders, mortgagees, and others concerned with local housing conditions and trends. One of the key components of the CHMA report is the inclusion of an estimate of the demand for sales and rental housing during the three year forecast period that would need to be met in order to achieve balanced housing market conditions. CHMA reports are not released on a fixed schedule but the Department tries to publish 40-60 new reports each year.

Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachussetts Connecticut Rhode Island New York New Jersey Pennsylvania West Virginia Virginia Virginia Maryland Delaware District of Columbia Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Georgia South Carolina North Carolina Florida Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan Michigan Illinois Indiana Ohio New Mexico Oklahoma Arkansas Louisiana Texas Nebraska Kansas Iowa Missouri Montana Wyoming Utah Colorado North Dakota South Dakota California Nevada Arizona Hawaii Washington Oregon Idaho Alaska


Don Darling (Acting EMAD Field Director)


Ikuo J. Nakano (Senior Economist)


Wendy Lynn Ip


Elaine Ng
