Office of Planning and Budget

  • Office of Planning and Budget
    Local: 571-272-3333
    Fax: 571-272-0127

The Office of Planning and Budget (OPB) supports the mission of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) by ensuring that the agency's annual performance supports the strategic plan, by efficiently and effectively executing the budget to achieve optimal performance levels across all business units, and by providing actionable budget and performance information to executive management.

Our Performance and Planning page includes useful budgetary and performance information, such as the President's Budget, Strategic Plan, and Performance and Accountability Reports.

Brendan Hourigan is the Director of the Office of Planning and Budget.

The Office of Planning and Budget is composed of the following divisions:

Budget Formulation and Performance Management Division

The Budget Formulation and Performance Management Division produces the USPTO's annual Budget by coordinating, compiling, and analyzing Agency resource requests in line with strategic priorities and performance goals. The division also prepares the annual Performance and Accountability Report (PAR), a comprehensive summary of program and financial results that assesses the USPTO's performance relative to its mission and accountability of financial resources.      

The primary responsibilities of the Budget Formulation and Performance Management Division are as follows:

  • Provide leadership, management, and direction on budget formulation and strategic planning
  • Develop annual budget requests and justifications to OMB and the Congress
  • Manage, report, and track the agency's performance against strategic goals and objectives, and
  • Manage Office of Inspector General and Government Accounting Office requests and audits
  • Coordinate the development, clearance, and management of Agency Administrative Orders
  • Serve as the focal point for budget matters with OMB and the Congress

Bonita Royall is the director of the Budget Formulation and Performance Management Division.

Budget Execution Division

The Budget Execution Division coordinates development of detailed operational spending plans including major contracts and equipment purchases for each business unit within the agency. The division monitors, analyzes and reports on current year spending, while ensuring available levels of appropriated and anticipated income. The division also ensures compliance with all laws and regulations.

The Budget Execution Division has primary responsibility for the following functions:

  • Developing and executing operational spending plans based on resource needs, strategic priorities, and anticipated income
  • Conducting assessments and evaluations of budgetary and financial resources
  • Managing regulatory and stakeholder budget controls and reporting requirements (internal and external)
  • Coordinating Inter-Agency Agreements and Memorandums of Understandings.

Scott Ewalt is the director of the Budget Execution Division.

Forecasting and Analysis Division

The Forecasting and Analysis Division provides estimates of current and future year fee collections based on anticipated economic, legislative, and business climates, incoming and in-process workloads, and expected fee rates. 

The primary responsibilities of the Forecasting and Analysis Division are as follows:

  • Model workload forecasts in concert with global economic conditions
  • Provide fee collections forecasts and analysis, used to make informed decisions on resource requirements
  • Coordinate and manage the biennial review of USPTO fees
  • Provide input to International Intellectual Property workload reporting and distribution. 

Dianne Buie is the director of the Forecasting and Analysis Division.