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Brand Questionnaire
This brief questionnaire will help us determine how we brand the Army's Warrior Care Program.

All responses are anonymous.

Please select your answers.

*Warrior Care and Transition = WCT
*Warrior Transition Unit = WTU

1) Which of the following best describes your status?
2) Which program name for warrior care resonates the most with you?
Your answer
3) Do you ever refer to the program as something other than WCT?
Your answer
4) Which of the following (if any) do you associate most with the word "transition"?
Your answer
5) When you hear the term WTU (Warrior Transition Unit), how do you perceive the word “transition”?
Your answer
6) Do you associate the term “wounded warrior” with ONLY combat and/or battle injuries?
Your answer
7) How is the current Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) different from the WCTP?
Your answer
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