Bureau Wide Timber Data

Provided below are bureau wide timber data reports provided on a quarterly basis.

BLM timber cruiser marking tree
BLM timber cruiser marking tree

  • The Contract Data report pulls all unterminated timber sale contracts and those terminated contracts that have terminated during the current fiscal year. Content within the contract data includes contractor name, land status description, cutting method, etc.
  • The Transaction Data report pulls all cutting/activity reports entered within the current fiscal year and contains information about BLM harvest activity, such as current acres harvested, yarded, hauled, etc.
  • For more information, please contact Timothy Bottomley (Forester), BLM National Operations Center, Bldg. 50, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225-0047; phone 303-236-0681.


FY 2017

Cumulative through First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2017 Reports


FY 2016

Cumulative through Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2016 Reports

Cumulative through Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2016 Reports

Cumulative through Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2016 Reports

Cumulative through First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2016 Reports


FY 2015

Cumulative through Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 Reports

Cumulative through Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 Reports

Cumulative through Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 Reports

Cumulative through First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 Reports


FY 2014

Cumulative through Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 Reports

Cumulative through Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 Reports

Cumulative through First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 Reports


FY 2013

Cumulative through Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013 Reports

Cumulative through Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013 Reports

Cumulative through Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013 Reports

Cumulative through First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013 Reports


FY 2012

Cumulative through Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012 Reports

Cumulative through Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012 Reports

Cumulative through Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012 Reports

Cumulative through First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012 Reports