Energy Gateway South Transmission Line

Map of Gateway South Project

PacifiCorp (doing business as Rocky Mountain Power) a regulated public utility, has filed an application for a right-of-way (ROW) to construct, operate and maintain a 500 kV overhead, alternating current transmission line to cross public and private lands for the Energy Gateway South Transmission Line Project. When completed, the Project would transmit about 1,500 megawatts of electricity generated from renewable and thermal sources at planned facilities in Wyoming.

1. Planning Assessment Phase


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

2. Notice of Intent


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

3. Scoping Phase


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

4. Preliminary Alternatives


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

5. Draft EIS: Notice of Availability


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

6. Proposed EIS: Notice of Availability


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.

7. Record of Decisions: Notice of Availability


Visit the project's ePlanning page for more information.