Preview Of 2015 Worst Case Housing Needs

Release Date: 

  • January 2017 (3 pages)

Posted Date:   

  • January 18, 2017
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This brief previews the forthcoming report to Congress on worst case housing needs as measured by the 2015 American Housing Survey. Worst case housing needs are experienced by unassisted very low-income renters who either pay more than one-half of their monthly income for rent, or live in severely inadequate conditions, or both. HUD defines "very low-income" as below 50 percent of the local area median income. The full report, to be released later in 2017, will continue the series of biennial worst case housing needs reports that the Department of Housing and Urban Development has issued since 1991.

Related reports can be found at Affordable Housing/Worst Case Needs Reports to Congress

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