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BLM Colorado Soil Program

BLM Colorado’s mission with soil resources is to improve the capacity of soils to provide a supporting matrix for vital ecosystem processes that sustain plants, animals, and human societies through BLM land management decisions.   BLM Colorado goals for soil resources focus on maintaining or improving the integrity of the soil ecosystem consistent with the four fundamentals of rangeland health.  

BLM Colorado relies on, and fosters the continued development of internal and external partnerships to achieve the Soil, Water and Air program mission, as well as BLM’s overall mission.  BLM Colorado is an active participant in the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS), which includes NRCS, USFS, NPS, and Colorado State University to discuss agency goals and objectives, scientific developments, promote use of soils information, and accelerating updated soils information on public land.  BLM Colorado has a long-standing relationship with the NRCS, including the determination and delineation of ecological site descriptions, implementing soils standards and procedures, and addressing the interactions of soil characteristics and properties tied to management needs and issues.  The BLM has an MOU and interagency agreement with the NRCS to conduct soil surveys and ecological site descriptions, which will inform management related to sage-grouse and implementation of land health standards.  The BLM participates in the Colorado River Salinity Control program to improve our understanding of saline soils (Mancos Shale), and complete projects that reduce salt loading to the Colorado River. The BLM is a participant in the Colorado River Salinity Forum, which is comprised of State representatives and federal partners, such as the NRCS.

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