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Sample FOIA Letter

Although no special form is required when submitting a FOIA request by mail or facsimile, the following sample FOIA request provides general guidance for how to request information.  This sample letter includes all the essential elements of a typical FOIA request.

[Your mailing address (required)]
[Your daytime telephone number (Optional, but highly recommended)]

To:       NLRB FOIA Officer
            National Labor Relations Board
            1015 Half Street, S.E.
            4th Floor
            Washington, D.C. 20570

            [Fax number: (202) 273-FOIA (3642)]

[Fax No. (If you are faxing your request)]

FOIA Request

Dear FOIA Officer:

Please send me copies of [describe the documents you seek in as much detail as possible.  Include any file names or file numbers, if applicable.  If you are seeking general information outside the context of a particular Board case, specify the time frame and geographic region you wish covered, if applicable (e.g., copy of unfair labor practice charge filed in Case No. 12-CA-000000).]

I agree to pay all necessary costs associated with this request.


I agree to pay all necessary costs up to the amount of $xx.00.  Please contact me if you expect that the costs will exceed that amount.


[Your name]


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