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CHIPS Articles: Navy Civilian Recognized for Human Resources Impact on Four NAVSEA Commands

Navy Civilian Recognized for Human Resources Impact on Four NAVSEA Commands
By John Joyce, NSWC Dahlgren Division Corporate Communications - January 25, 2017
DAHLGREN — A human resources specialist was honored for exemplary service and personal sacrifice to support four Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) field activities, the Navy announced Jan. 25.

Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Operations Department Head Mike Purello presented the Department of the Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Medal to Janet Day at a ceremony held at the University of Mary Washington Dahlgren campus last week.

"I appreciate all of the support provided from my Dahlgren human resources team and thoroughly enjoyed working with all of the NAVSEA community, especially SUPSHIP (Supervisor of Shipbuilding), NSWC Dahlgren, CDSA (Combat Direction Systems Activity) Dam Neck, and Inactive Ships,” said Day after a ceremony with her civilian Navy colleagues in attendance.

The award citation called Day “an agent for positive change” who consistently provided exceptional support to three NSWCDD customers located in three cities — Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair at Newport News (SUPSHIPNN), CDSA Dam Neck, and the Navy Inactive Ships Office.

“I always learned from the organizations I support,” said Day, who was also cited for true excellence in public service. “These organizations and the incredibly talented, hard-working and professional military, civilians, and contractors who perform their mission on a day-to-day basis were a pleasure to work with, and for, and I thank them for the opportunity."

In addition to supporting NSWCDD employees, Day took on the challenge of leading the SUPSHIPNN human resource office in support of 380 employees, continuing in that role for more than two years.

"Janet was an invaluable asset to me and the command for her vast experience and knowledge in all human resource matters, not just labor and employee relations,” said Todd Bockwoldt, deputy supervisor of shipbuilding at the Navy’s Newport News operation. “She truly cared about the people she served and went above and beyond in her service to the personnel of SUPSHIP.”

Moreover, Day’s leadership ensured that a crucial service delivery — a major realignment — for SUPSHIP, CDSA Dam Neck, and Inactive Ships was successful across the board.

“Janet provided us advice on everything and volunteered to review our crediting plans for the large amount of hiring we did in the last two years,” Bockwoldt added. “She even volunteered to train my supervisors and personally conducted numerous training sessions. Janet was invaluable to me and the command, and her leadership, conscientiousness, integrity, sense of fairness, experience, and caring will be missed. She was a model NAVSEA and Dahlgren employee."

Day later transitioned to the NSWCDD site in Virginia Beach — CDSA Dam Neck — where she is the Senior Labor-Employee Relations Specialist.

“Mirroring her success at SUPSHIPNN, Ms. Day has built strong relationships with CDSA Dam Neck management and union leadership, including the commanding officer and the technical operations manager,” according to the award nomination. “Ms. Day has also effectively utilized partnerships with other functional areas to include security, travel, and comptroller to ensure strong collaboration and efficient operations within the organization.”

In recognition of her significant support to internal NSWCDD customers, the citation states that Day’s “leadership, professionalism, steadfastness, and expertise made her a tremendous representative of the Dahlgren HRO (Human Resources Office).”

NSWCDD, a NAVSEA warfare center division, is a premier research and development center that serves as a specialty site for weapon system integration. The command's unique ability to rapidly introduce new technology into complex warfighting systems is based on its longstanding competencies in science and technology, research and development, and test and evaluation.

CDSA Dam Neck — the only NAVSEA Warfare Center command located in a major fleet concentration area — provides research, development, test and evaluation, analysis, systems engineering, and integration of complex naval systems associated with surface warfare and strategic combat and weapons systems.

SUPSHIPNN is the liaison between the Navy and Huntington Ingalls, Incorporated-Newport News Shipbuilding who is engaged in the design and construction of new nuclear powered submarines and aircraft carriers as well as the repair and modernization of submarines and aircraft carriers in the fleet.

The Navy Inactive Ships Office manages U.S. Navy ships and craft that have reached the natural end of their lifecycle. The office is responsible for the planning, programming, budgeting, and execution of the Navy's inactivation and disposal of conventionally powered surface ships and craft.

DAHLGREN, Va. (Jan. 17, 2017) — Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Operations Department Head Mike Purello presents the Department of the Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Medal to Janet Day at a ceremony held at the University of Mary Washington Dahlgren campus. “I always learned from the organizations I support,” said Day, who was honored for her exemplary support to four Naval Sea Systems Command field activities. “These organizations and the incredibly talented, hard-working and professional military, civilians, and contractors who perform their mission on a day-to-day basis were a pleasure to work with, and for, and I thank them for the opportunity." Photo courtesy of NSWCDD.
DAHLGREN, Va. (Jan. 17, 2017) — Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Operations Department Head Mike Purello presents the Department of the Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Medal to Janet Day at a ceremony held at the University of Mary Washington Dahlgren campus. “I always learned from the organizations I support,” said Day, who was honored for her exemplary support to four Naval Sea Systems Command field activities. “These organizations and the incredibly talented, hard-working and professional military, civilians, and contractors who perform their mission on a day-to-day basis were a pleasure to work with, and for, and I thank them for the opportunity." Photo courtesy of NSWCDD.
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