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Reports & Guidance

The National Labor Relations Board offers many resources on this site, where labor professionals, lawyers and the general public can learn more about the Agency's mission and how the National Labor Relations Act affects the private sector workplace in the U.S.


The NLRB offers many reports on the web for public review. Where available, archived versions are also posted.

NLRB Reports

Rules & Regulations

On December 15, 2014, the National Labor Relations Board adopted changes to its representation case procedures. Those changes became effective April 14, 2015 and are being applied to all petitions filed on or after April 14, 2015. Petitions filed before April 14, 2015 are being processed under the representation case procedures that were in effect when the petition was filed and do not include the changes that became effective April 14, 2015. Accordingly, the Rules with and without the changes appear below.

General Counsel Memos

General Counsel memoranda are issued to field offices and/or Washington offices by the General Counsel to provide policy guidance.

Operations-Management Memos

Operations-Management memoranda are issued to the field offices from the Division of Operations-Management of the General Counsel’s Office in Washington to give direction in case handling matters.


Our manuals are written for legal and non-legal audiences and provide a wealth of material useful for understanding and navigating NLRB cases. Hard copies for many of the following manuals may be ordered through the Government Printing Office here:


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