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CHIPS Articles: DON TRACKER Receives Digital Government Achievement Award

DON TRACKER Receives Digital Government Achievement Award
By Navy Sea Warrior Program Office 240 Public Affairs - October 4, 2016
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Navy Sea Warrior Program Office (PEO EIS PMW 240) received the Digital Government Achievement Award Sept. 30 for its task and records management system known as the Department of Navy Tasking, Records and Consolidated Knowledge Enterprise Repository (DON TRACKER).

The program was awarded the DGAA in the internal government category from the Center for Digital Government. The institution presents the DGAAs to highlight outstanding agency and department websites and applications.

"This award is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of the DON TRACKER project team," said Patrick Fitzgerald, PMW 240 program manager. "The system we deployed is a huge step forward for the department to help improve tasking and records management."

DON TRACKER is the successful outcome of a Small Business Innovative Research grant to employ a commercial off-the-shelf technology platform for a single, unified enterprise-wide task management and records management solution. The secure, web-based application enables users to electronically initiate and manage task workflows, synchronize records with taskings, create detailed reports, and search across the enterprise for topics and information. DON TRACKER also provides access controls so organizations can manage security permissions based on user role.

Fitzgerald continued, "The success of DON TRACKER can be attributed to several innovative approaches. We used streamlined abbreviated acquisition, agile development approach, and an early adopter approach — all of which greatly contributed to its ultimate success."

The DON TRACKER rollout entails a phased implementation across the enterprise. The initial operating capability was deployed in April to the Marine Corps. Deployment to the DON Secretariat offices is underway, and the Navy is targeted to begin using DON TRACKER by the end of this year. This enterprise-wide capability will ultimately replace multiple legacy applications and processes with a modern, holistic solution.

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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