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CHIPS Articles: Team Monterey

Team Monterey
A Concentration of Information Dominance Synergy
By Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance (N2/N6) - July-September 2014
The Information Dominance Team in Monterey, California [provides] advanced, specialized learning, cutting-edge research, and data computation and analysis for Fleet warfighting readiness.

There is a substantial Information Dominance footprint in Monterey, with approximately 800 Information Dominance Corps (IDC) personnel assigned across Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC), and the Center for Information Dominance Unit (CIDU) Monterey.

Team Monterey offers unparalleled synergy for cross-IDC learning, enlisted and officer. FNMOC, NPS, and CIDU Monterey build the intellectual capital and skills that will drive Information Dominance innovation and deliver a warfighting advantage.

Naval Postgraduate School

Every academic quarter, about 100 IDC students are on the NPS campus. Student officers represent all IDC designators and the Space Cadre, and receive degrees in computer science, cyber systems and operations, electrical and computer engineering, network operations and technology, space systems, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) — a career milestone for 1800 designators, regional studies, and irregular warfare. Information System Technician (IT) and Cryptologic Technician Networks (CTN) ratings with baccalaureate degrees are also eligible for the master’s degree program in applied cyber operations.

Connecting Navy needs with academic pursuits, the Information Dominance Center for Excellence (IDCFE) at NPS advocates Information Dominance warfare in graduate education, research, and professional development.

NPS graduates approximately 100 students each year from all IDC communities, with 14 different master’s degree curricula as well as PhD programs.

Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center

FNMOC is the sole Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) center with high performance computing capabilities at all classification levels. FNMOC uses the Navy Global Environment Model (NAVGEM) and Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System, the only assured global numerical atmospheric prediction models in DoD.

FNMOC provides Joint, allied, and coalition warfighters with Battlespace Awareness through on-demand, customized meteorological and oceanographic products, including high resolution models and climatological analyses.

FNMOC maintains close ties with the Navy Research Laboratory – Marine Meteorology Division, which specializes in the advancement of atmospheric modeling technology to ensure the DoD remains on the cutting edge of NWP.

Center for Information Dominance Unit Monterey

Located at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC), CIDU Monterey develops fleet-ready Sailors with the basic foreign language skills necessary to support the nation's warfighting and intelligence operations.

CIDU Monterey graduates over 400 CTIs annually in seven languages, with over 100 earning accredited AA (associate) degrees.

For More Information

Want to see what NPS IDC students have written master’s theses about? See the IDCFE website. Have a problem or idea for an NPS thesis topic related to IDW? Enter on SIPRNET,

Vice Admiral Ted N. Branch, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance and Director of Naval Intelligence. Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy.
Vice Admiral Ted N. Branch, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance and Director of Naval Intelligence. Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy.
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