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CHIPS Articles: SPAWAR Europe

By Maria Whittington, Media Specialist - July-September 2003
SPAWAR Europe is a Department of the Navy (DON) leading-edge engineering organization specializing in providing Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR), and information technology support to the joint warfighter. With a highly-skilled technical support staff of nearly 70, SPAWAR Europe has become the premier source for C4ISR and IT support in Europe.

The need for SPAWAR Europe became apparent when Dave Arellanes, an employee from SPAWAR Systems Center (SSC) Charleston was chosen to permanently relocate to Germany and lead the Bosnia Command and Control Augmentation (BC2A) project. Due to requests for assistance from European commands, SSC Charleston quickly decided to open a European office to provide high-quality in-theater C4ISR and IT support for Department of Defense (DoD) commands. Located in Stuttgart, Germany, this office is now headquarters for SPAWAR Europe. SPAWAR Europe continued to expand operations with offices in Spain, Italy, England, Bahrain and Switzerland. Our mission is to enable knowledge superiority for the joint warfighter by planning, developing, implementing, and managing effective and integrated C4ISR, IT and space systems.

SPAWAR Europe is organized into three branches, each with a distinctive focus. The C4ISR Information Systems Branch, led by Tim Mooney, is located in Stuttgart, Germany with a staff of 17, consisting primarily of engineers and computers specialists. This branch supports all C4ISR and special IT related projects. Their scope of projects includes satellite communications, LAN/WAN engineering, Web/database development, systems integration, exercise support and commercial communications support. This branch also provides on-site technical staff support for key customers such as the U.S. European Command (EUCOM).

The C4ISR Systems Engineering Branch, located in Heidelberg, Germany, is led by Mark Held. This branch is comprised of 29 personnel supporting U.S. Army Europe, V Corps and 5th Signal Command. Personnel provide services that include C4I project engineering, systems engineering, network engineering, systems administration, Web development, and communications exercise planning.

The Maritime Information Systems Branch, collocated with U.S. Naval Forces Europe in London, is temporarily led by Joe Keane. This branch is comprised of a staff of eight, geographically dispersed at major Navy commands in Europe and Bahrain. Their primary focus is the Navy and Joint Maritime environment in Europe and Southwest Asia — the largest group of personnel collocated with the fleet in Italy. Jim Condon provides overall leadership and is responsible for all aspects of the technical and business operations for SPAWAR Europe.

Customers and Projects

SPAWAR Europe supports virtually every major command located in Europe. Our largest customers include: U.S. Naval Forces Europe (NAVEUR), EUCOM, U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR), U.S. Marine Forces Europe (MARFOREUR) and U.S. Air Force Europe (USAFE).

Major C4I projects include:

•EUCOM Information Dissemination Management (IDM) Engineering
•EUCOM Global Broadcast Service (GBS), Theater Information Management
•GBS support to numerous commands
•U.S. Army MWRNet
•V Corps C4 engineering and technical support
•U.S. Army Europe G6 C4 engineering and technical support
•U.S. Navy Base Level Information Infrastructure (BLII)
•Software, database and Web development for numerous commands
•5th Signal Command Program and Project Management Office (PPMO)
•Electronic Security Systems (ESS) for the entire Stuttgart military community

Operation Iraqi Freedom

We also provide engineering and IT support to the joint warfighter in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. We provide high-tech support to EUCOM and V Corps for communications network planning,satellite management, information dissemination management and global broadcast service. SPAWAR Europe personnel have deployed to the Persian Gulf to support operations. Keith Robertson, a member of the Heidelberg Branch, is traveling with and providing technology support to the three most senior generals in V Corps. The Stuttgart Branch is providing technical support to Special Operations units.

SPAWAR Europe Now and in the Future

When SPAWAR Europe stood up in 2000; it was comprised of nine personnel located in Stuttgart, London and Naples. Due to our record of providing outstanding customer service with a highly-skilled staff, SPAWAR Europe has doubled in size each year and now totals almost 70 personnel. The greatest growth area has been in support of the joint warfighter.

With the added incentive of a living quarters allowance and the opportunity to frequently travel throughout Europe, we have attracted some of the most highly-skilled engineers and technical specialists available anywhere. Mark Held summarizes the future of the organization best, “Our growth is a result of delivering quality, cost-effective technical support and turnkey solutions to commands throughout Europe.” Future plans include continued joint warfighter emphasis, perfecting customer service — and expansion into additional European countries.

SPAWAR Europe continues to excel at their mission by enabling knowledge superiority for the joint warfighter by providing effective and integrated communications, networks and intelligence systems.

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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