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CHIPS Articles: Center for Information Warfare Training Announces Command Reorganization

Center for Information Warfare Training Announces Command Reorganization
By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Taylor L. Jackson, Center for Information Warfare Training Public Affairs - January 4, 2017
PENSACOLA, Fla. - Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) realigned its learning sites under the center's four large schoolhouses, effective Jan. 1.

CIWT's 12 learning sites, which up to now have reported directly to the center, will now be subordinated under Information Warfare Training Commands (IWTC) Virginia Beach, Corry Station, Monterey and San Diego. The CIWT detachments at Fort Gordon, Georgia and Goodfellow, Texas still report to CIWT.

The learning sites have been renamed "information warfare training sites" (IWTS).

The reorganization initiative is designed to improve CIWT's training vision and capability by allowing the IWTCs greater control over the training mission.

"The goal is to bring the sites closer to where the training happens," said Capt. Bill Lintz, CIWT commanding officer. "CIWT operates more as an immediate superior in command than as a training execution element, so subordinating our learning sites under the IWTCs provides greater oversight on the quality of training and provides the sites with an immediate superior that can provide the greatest level of assistance."

CIWT assigned each IWTS to the appropriate IWTC based on geographic location and mission alignment. IWTS Fort Meade, Maryland, for example, now reports to IWTC Monterey because they are both responsible for linguistics training. IWTS Hawaii falls under IWTC San Diego due to their proximity.

"Our mission remains the same - to provide graduates prepared to fight and win across all aspects of information warfare," said Lintz. "This initiative gives us the opportunity to fine tune how our cutting-edge training organization meets fleet requirements today and in the future in a rapidly changing world."

Center for Information Warfare Training delivers trained information warfare professionals to the Navy and joint services, enabling optimal performance of information warfare across the full spectrum of military operations.

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