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CHIPS Articles: Navy Service Migration Team Established To Migrate Navy Behind Joint Regional Security Stack

Navy Service Migration Team Established To Migrate Navy Behind Joint Regional Security Stack
By Chris Willis, Navy JIE Action Officer - March 9, 2016
NAVAL INFORMATION FORCES, SUFFOLK, Va. – The Navy Service Migration Team (SMT), led by Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR), was recently established as the Navy’s designated advisory and action group to coordinate and direct the actions to successfully migrate base network traffic behind the Joint Regional Security Stack (JRSS).

JRSS is a key security component of the Joint Information Environment (JIE) modernization framework comprised of shared information technology (IT) infrastructure, enterprise services, and a single security architecture. JIE is envisioned to achieve full spectrum superiority, improve mission effectiveness, increase security and realize IT efficiencies. As a key enabler of JIE’s security architecture, JRSS provides uniform network defense capabilities and boundary protection across all DoD Component networks.

“JRSS is designed to provide a common approach to the structure and defense of computing and networks. The JRSS target state is to provide enhanced visibility and control over DOD network transport and associated security systems with the goal to improve the performance and cost of security across all military organizations,” said Shawn Garrow, NAVIFOR Department Head, Information Environment Modernization and Integration. “As a system, JRSS aims to provide centralized network management, centralized network defenses, and network command and control.”

The DoD is currently transitioning from Combatant Command/Service/Agency unique network security implementations to JRSS on NIPRNet and SIPRNet. JRSS will replace the existing Navy cyber boundary protection allowing for greater situational awareness and a more operable and defensible network across all of DOD. Specifically, the Navy will transition from the current Enterprise and supported legacy network boundary implementations to JRSS beginning with legacy networks in FY16. This transition effort is anticipated to continue until FY19 or FY20.

In support of the maturing JIE initiatives and deployment of JRSS, all Services are charged with establishing an SMT to serve as the central authority for bringing command authorities and reach back capabilities to this major DoD cybersecurity modernization effort. Additionally, the SMTs are charged with augmenting the JRSS Joint Migration Team (JMT), comprised of the Services and DISA personnel under operational oversight of the DISA CONUS Commander.

The JMT is tasked with preparing the new JRSS environment for successful migration of Service networks. The JMT also coordinates closely with the SMTs and directs actions necessary to achieve successful migration of operational network traffic to JRSS. To date, the Army has already begun its transition to JRSS.

The establishment of the Navy SMT allows the Navy to formalize team member roles and responsibilities, begin building the actual team composition consisting of operators, engineers, and planners from various Navy commands, and train the team.

“The Navy SMT, as the primary coordination element between the JMT and Navy stakeholders, will support Navy networks and sites before, during, and after JRSS migration,” said Garrow. “Throughout JRSS migration, the team will provide situational awareness to Navy stakeholders while also identifying and coordinating the man, train, and equip impacts.”

Though the Navy’s JRSS implementation plan has yet to be finalized and the priority of specific locations is still under review, the Navy SMT is expected to begin migrating networks this year.

“While there is still much work to be done, formally establishing the Navy SMT represents the launching point for the Navy’s transition to JRSS and provides a critical step in moving the Navy toward a common, enterprise DOD security capability required in today’s cyber environment,” said Garrow.

For more information on the Navy SMT, please visit the Navy SMT Portal. To learn more about JRSS or JIE, visit the JIE Coordination Office Portal.

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