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CHIPS Articles: Admiral’s Corner

Admiral’s Corner
Moving Forward from IOC
By Rear Admiral Elizabeth R. Train, Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence (COMONI) - November 6, 2014
One month ago, on October 1, both the Naval Intelligence Activity (NIA) and Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR) officially achieved Initial Operating Capability (IOC). The ONI Enterprise has aligned to these new constructs and is actively working with both organizations as each one progresses to Full Operating Capability (FOC) on April 1, 2015.

As the new Echelon II organization, NIA will provide an Enterprise approach to Naval Intelligence oversight, management and enhanced accountability across the Navy. It will exercise oversight of all intelligence activities within the Navy, ensuring support to the Fleet, Navy leadership, Defense Intelligence, and the greater U.S. Intelligence Community.

The NAVIDFOR TYCOM’s mission is to support Combatant Commanders and Navy commanders ashore and afloat by providing combat-ready Information Dominance capabilities, which are deployable, fully trained, properly manned, capably equipped, well-maintained, and combat sustainable. It will provide the capabilities and workforce necessary to maximize Navy readiness and to support Navy Information Dominance operations.

Moving forward, the ONI Enterprise will continue to focus on operations, while IDFOR will focus on readiness and supporting our capability to execute our mission. This new construct will require ONI headquarters and its Echelon IV Centers to communicate our readiness to NAVIDFOR, so NAVIDFOR can support us in mitigating our capability gaps.

Readiness assessments depend on many factors, including operational direction, tasking levels, mission, functions and tasks (MFTs) and measurement standards. We have begun working with NAVIDFOR to chart the course for determining requirements, process, formats, and battle rhythm for reporting and achieving readiness.

From the Human Resources perspective, NAVIDFOR will retain and continue with processes, tools and procedures currently employed across the ONI Enterprise to the extent possible. The Student Intern Program, Career Advancement Program (CAP) and the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) will continue uninterrupted. Additionally, the Centers will be staffed to a 92 percent fill rate.

While the organizational hierarchy for ONI and the Centers has shifted down to Echelon III and Echelon IV, respectively, the importance and value of our individual missions and functions remains high. ONI’s intelligence products and services are highly valued in the Fleet, the Navy, and the Intelligence Community, and the demand signal will continue to increase.

The value of having an IDFOR type commander dedicated to advocating for Information Dominance capabilities and readiness afloat and ashore, across the Navy, is that it will improve ONI’s operational mission effectiveness.

The Information Dominance Corps (IDC) is indispensable to the Navy’s successful implementation and execution of Information Dominance as a warfare discipline. As such, the NAVIDFOR TYCOM is central to the delivery of ready forces to the Fleet. By enabling the TYCOM, we enable Information Dominance. Our future is bright.

To be successful, we must remain focused on our mission and the three Information Dominance pillars: Assured Command and Control (C2), Enhanced Battlespace Awareness, Integrated Fires. All of these multiply combat options and increase the operational effectiveness of Navy and joint commanders.

Reprinted with permission from the ONI Intelligencer, November 2014

For more information, please go to: Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence (COMONI) Rear Adm. Elizabeth L. Train

Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence (COMONI) Rear Adm. Elizabeth L. Train
Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence (COMONI) Rear Adm. Elizabeth L. Train
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