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CHIPS Articles: How Can I?, April-June 2002

How Can I?, April-June 2002
By CHIPS Magazine - April-June 2002
Ask the experts at the SPAWAR Systems Center Charleston Technology Training Center Norfolk. The training team shares field experience, provides high-quality training and technical support. Service to customers includes answering users' questions. Some of the most recent inquiries are listed below.

Thanks to the following instructors for their input: Alice Butler, Donald Luckey, Dawn Adams, Steve Penn, Patty George, Kay Beasock, Pat Hutley, Tom Donnelly, Leasa Perkins, Stephanie Clark, Muriel Taylor, Jayne Soliz and Ronald Bailey.

Microsoft PowerPoint

QUESTION: Why can't I see my text in the outline pane when I can see it on the slide thumbnail?

ANSWER: Check your slide layout. You may have chosen the "blank" layout that has no placeholders built in. Therefore your slide appears blank in the outline view. You can either change the layout to something with placeholders or just leave it alone. The text will still appear on your slide.

QUESTION: Each time I try to create large tables in PowerPoint I find that I am limited by the number of columns and rows that the slide can accommodate. Trying to resize columns and rows becomes very frustrating. Is there another way to put large tables into my presentations?

ANSWER: As you stated, inserting Word tables in your PowerPoint presentations using the Table AutoLayout or the Insert Microsoft Word Table button on the Standard toolbar severely limits the number of columns and rows your table can accommodate. You can create a table that exceeds these limitations by inserting a Word document object on your slide and then inserting a table in the Word document object.

To begin, display the slide on which you'd like to insert a table, then select Insert | Object from the menu bar. Select the Create New option (if it isn't already selected), then choose Microsoft Word Document from the Object Type list box and click OK. When you do, PowerPoint inserts a new, blank Word document object on your slide and activates the Word editing environment.

To create an oversized table, select Table | Insert | Table from the menu bar, and then enter the desired number of rows and columns in the Insert Table dialog box. When you have finished, click OK. Proceed to customize the table information as desired. When you have finished, click a blank area on the slide to close the Word editing environment and return to PowerPoint.

Microsoft Outlook/Microsoft Outlook Express

QUESTION: What are the differences between Outlook and Outlook Express?

ANSWER: Outlook Express handles only e-mail while Outlook provides a full personal information manager (Calendar, Tasks, Contacts, etc.) as well as e-mail. Also, Outlook Express is included with Internet Explorer at no additional cost while Outlook is a part of the Office package and definitely not free.

QUESTION: How do you go about cleaning up the header information to forward a received e-mail?

ANSWER: This is simply a case of editing (selecting and deleting the included addresses and so forth) before you send the forwarded e-mail.

QUESTION: When you create Personal Folders, explain to me once more if you would those remain on the hard drive and not on the network so as not to clutter up the system?

ANSWER: You have the idea. Personal folders are on your machine, not the server. This means that they do not count against your limits, but also means that backup is your responsibility and that items in the folder are not available when you are logged on a different machine.

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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