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CHIPS Articles: JPEO JTRS Update, April-June 2011

JPEO JTRS Update, April-June 2011
JTRS SRW Network Manager Successfully Completes Format Qualification Test
By JPEO JTRS Strategic Communications - April-June 2011
Enterprise Business Model stimulates competition and increases innovation

The Joint Program Executive Office (JPEO) for the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Network Enterprise Domain (NED) announced the successful completion of the formal qualification test (FQT) of the Soldier Radio Waveform Network Manager (SRWNM) with multiple JTRS radios Jan. 28, 2011. Completion of the SRWNM FQT is a significant milestone in delivering an enterprise-wide network planning and management capability for JTRS radios.

SRWNM enables planning for heterogeneous SRW networks consisting of SRWcapable radios from multiple vendors, generating presets for the radios in the plan, downloading presets to the planned radio nodes, and then monitoring the planned operational SRW network. SRWNM is a key component of the JTRS Enterprise Network Manager (JENM) which provides tactical network management products for all JTRS radios. JENM enables planning, instantiation, management and over-the-air reconfiguration of tactical networks comprised of software defined radios from multiple vendors, greatly simplifying network planning and operations compared with using separate management products provided by each qualified radio vendor.

In addition to providing SRW planning and management for JTRS radios under development on government contracts, such as the Ground Mobile Radios (GMR) and Handheld/Manpack/Small Form Fit (HMS) programs, the SRWNM development and FQT included robust planning and management capabilities for the Harris Corp. AN/PRC-117G and ITT Corp. Soldier-Rifleman Radio. Both of these radio products are being developed by leveraging the JTRS Enterprise Business Model, which allows radio developers access to JTRS software capabilities for integration into their products, without using government contracts and funding.

The JTRS Enterprise Business Model is designed to stimulate competition, increase innovation and reduce government costs through software reuse while simultaneously speeding development and fielding of tactical networking capabilities. Inclusion of radio products developed under the JTRS Enterprise Business Model in the SRWNM FQT represents a unique government and industry partnership to aggressively deliver advanced tactical networking capabilities to joint warfighters. Successful completion of the SRWNM FQT with these products included validates the JTRS Enterprise Business Model effectiveness and illustrates its ability to foster a competitive environment in the defense communications and networking industry. All SRWNM and JENM releases are also made available on the JTRS Information Repository to other authorized users within the Department of Defense and industry.

JPEO JTRS Announces Approval of COALWNW Operational Requirements
Introduction of software defined radio programs with partner nations spurs requirements for interoperability

In June 2009, nine nations (Australia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and United States) agreed to jointly develop a wideband networking waveform to enable tactical interoperability among coalition forces. This waveform is known as the Coalition Wideband Networking Waveform, or COALWNW, (pronounced Coal-Win).

The JPEO JTRS announced in January 2011 the approval of the operational requirements document (ORD) underpinning the COALWNW specification. The ORD represents the consolidated and prioritized operational requirements of the nations participating in the COALWNW international agreement and is intended to support potential future development of a common, interoperable waveform. This milestone is an important step toward achieving enhanced interoperability and communication between the United States and coalition partners.

Enhanced interoperability among coalition partners is an essential requirement on the modern battlefield, with multinational coalitions becoming the norm for conducting military operations in hot spots around the world. The COALWNW tactical networking capability will allow coalition partners to exchange secure wideband voice, data and video between each nation's software defined radios in land, air and maritime domains. These capabilities will significantly contribute to improved coordination, shared situational awareness, reduced chance of fratricide, and secure provisioning of effects across multinational boundaries. The COALWNW capability will be designed, developed and tested using a three-phased approach: (1) waveform specification; (2) waveform development; and (3) interoperability testing. During the first phase, the participating nations have developed a single set of operational requirements that will underpin the COALWNW specification. To evaluate and baseline these requirements, the nations performed a comprehensive requirements definition process that included an analysis of current waveform developments.

When waveform development begins in the second phase, COALWNW will be delivered incrementally with increased functionality incorporated in later increments. In this manner, developmental risk can be effectively managed and early deployment of initial capability can be achieved. The first increment will focus on delivering interoperability within the ground environment, inclusive of many maritime and air support assets. A working group, comprised of members from the nine COALWNW nations, is studying alternatives to determine the best acquisition strategy for the initial increment. Member nations expect that other nations will join the COALWNW effort for development of the first increment.

A key enabler to the COALWNW capability is the introduction of software defined radio programs within the partner nations. In a software defined radio, the software defines the communication characteristics of the radio, and software waveforms may be reused and ported onto different radio hardware similar to computer applications. Once developed, the intent is to port COALWNW onto the various nations' software defined radio hardware hosts, thus ensuring coalition interoperability through a diverse range of platforms.

MIDS JTRS Receives Limited Production 2 Approval
Terminals slated for Navy's F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Air Force’s EC-130H Compass Call and RC-135 Rivet Joint

The Multifunctional Information Distribution System Joint Tactical Radio System (MIDS JTRS) terminal was approved for Limited Production 2 procurement. The Acquisition Decision Memorandum was signed Jan. 31, 2011, by Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Dr. Ashton B. Carter.

"The MIDS JTRS Limited Production 2 decision is another major accomplishment for the MIDS program and the JTRS enterprise and advances the program one step closer to full production and the initial operational capability (IOC) milestone," said Navy Capt. Scott Krambeck, MIDS program manager.

The MIDS program is one of five major acquisition category (ACAT) 1D programs within the JTRS enterprise. MIDS provides interoperable, affordable and secure tactical data link and programmable networking technologies and capabilities for the joint, coalition and international warfighter. MIDS JTRS is a software defined networking terminal that is not only National Security Agency (NSA) certified with the Link 16 waveform, but is also equipped with Link 16 Enhanced Throughput and Link 16 Frequency Remapping.

The MIDS JTRS terminal has demonstrated continued maturity over the past year, and with the successful completion of this Limited Production 2 decision, the MIDS JTRS program has reached another significant objective on its path to delivering the advanced networking capabilities into the hands of the warfighter. The MIDS program office is now authorized to allow MIDS JTRS to enter into a second limited production of 42 terminals for the Navy’s F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, as well as the Air Force's EC-130H Compass Call and RC-135 Rivet Joint.

Krambeck added, "While we still have some additional MIDS JTRS testing to conduct prior to full production and IOC, I am extremely pleased with the progress the team is making, the new trails we are blazing, and the lessons learned that we are sharing with our JTRS teammates. The outstanding government and industry MIDS JTRS team continues to advance and demonstrate JTRS technology and soon the warfighter will benefit. I am anxious to get MIDS JTRS operating in the fleet."

TACANMIDS JTRS: MIDS-LVT Form, Fit, Function Replacement, Programmable 4-Channel Radio (Link 16 + 3), Reserved capacity to support wideband networking waveforms (SRW, WNW, JAN-TE)
• MIDS-LVT Form, Fit, Function Replacement
• Programmable 4-Channel Radio (Link 16 + 3)
• Reserved capacity to support wideband networking waveforms (SRW, WNW, JAN-TE)

MIDS-LVT: Link 16, Secure Voice, TACAN
• Link 16
• Secure Voice
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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