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CHIPS Articles: Enterprise Computing Power

Enterprise Computing Power
New DON IT policies aim to reduce costs and improve cybersecurity
By DON Enterprise IT Policy & Communications - January-March 2014
Department of the Navy personnel are another step closer to the kind of enterprise computing power they need to meet mission requirements. Since 2010, by direction from the Under Secretary of the Navy, the DON Chief Information Officer has led multiple efforts to reduce business IT costs, streamline processes, increase efficiencies and improve cybersecurity. Today, the DON CIO remains steadily focused on this path.

The following is a summary of recent DON CIO policies memos aligned with enterprise efficiency efforts.

Update to [the] DON Approach to Cloud Computing
Issued June 4, 2013, this memo cancels the DON CIO memo of April 1, “DON Approach to Cloud Computing,” and provides updated DON policy on cloud computing. The policy directs organizations, system and application owners and program managers to expand their analyses of alternatives for hosting DON systems and information to include DoD and commercial cloud service providers.

Server, System, and Application Virtualization
Issued July 29, 2013. Directs DON organizations and commands to virtualize all current servers and server-based systems and applications. The process of virtualization will allow multiple operating systems and applications to be run on a single physical server, which will reduce operational costs and improve flexibility within the existing IT infrastructure.

Hosted Virtual Desktop Use and Capability
Issued July 31, 2013, this policy directs the department to evaluate the possibility of hosted virtual desktop solutions, in which a data center provides a network-centric virtual desktop, rather than a traditional desktop setup. With HVD, instead of software loaded onto a computer, a network-centric virtual desktop is provided from a data center, giving the user increased flexibility, mobility, productivity and security. Because data is not physically located on a specific device, the desktop can be provided to a wide variety of devices both inside and outside the unclassified NMCI network.

Enterprise Mobility and Cloud Service Pilot Project Governance
Issued July 31, 2013. Directs any organization planning to initiate a new enterprise mobility (EM) or cloud service pilot to submit an enterprise IT standard business case analysis (BCA), or an abbreviated BCA, justifying the initiative to the appropriate approving authority.

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988