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CHIPS Articles: DON Information Management Study

DON Information Management Study
30-Day Review for DON CIO and DUSN Management processes and organizational assessment
By Tom Hicks - July-September 2014
In today’s rapidly evolving environment, the information technology, management processes, and administrative functions of the Department of the Navy are becoming increasingly integrated. All major indicators portend that reliance upon data systems and access to information will be even more critical in the future than it is today.

To ensure the DON is properly organized to thrive in this complex environment, we are in the process of conducting a 30-day strategic assessment of DON information management processes and an organizational assessment of DUSN Management and the DON CIO. The end result of this effort will be a blueprint for an effective cross-functional organization, based on sound management principles, that enables agility and pushes us to innovative ways of better to accomplishing the Department of the Navy’s mission and strategic goals.

Thomas W. Hicks, Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy, Deputy Chief Management Officer, Acting Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer
Thomas W. Hicks, Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy, Deputy Chief Management Officer, Acting Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988