A BLM guide  helps two young hikers read a map.

The wide-open expanses of the Great Basin present a variety of experiences for recreationists on your public lands in the Silver State.

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Nevada Recreation Activities

 Your public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada range from cliff-dominated river channels to sweeping panoramas of high-elevation pinyon-juniper mountains. They include stark and expansive white playas, geologic wonders, and wide-open spaces.

This diverse and beautiful land holds dozens of fishing areas, hundreds of trails, picnic sites and developed and primitive camping opportunities for you to explore and enjoy.

Responsible recreation is essential to ensure your public lands remain open to multiple uses. Please remember to stay on existing routes and practice “Leave No Trace” principles while enjoying your public lands.


A camper sits in a green field under a gray sky.

Nevada's public lands are open to camping. There is no fee for dispersed, primitive camping, but there is a limit to the number of days one may camp in the same location. Dispersed, primitive camping is camping where there are no developed amenities such as water or toilets. Primitive campers are asked to follow the "Leave No Trace" land use ethics. Dispersed camping in a motorhome is allowed, but dumping black or gray water on public lands isn't allowed. Some campground are established that requires a fee to manage it.

A person may not occupy undeveloped public lands or designated sites or areas for more than 14 days within a 28 consecutive day period. Following the 14 days, a person and their personal property must relocate to a site outside of at least a 25 mile radius from the occupied site for a period of 14 days.



A young girl and a dog hike across a green mountainside.

Nevada's wide-open space offers the best opportunities for hiking. Please stay on established trails and watch your footing at all times. Cutting across switchbacks damages soils and plants, and severely damages the trail. To protect resources, do not collect plants, rock specimens, fossils, or disturb the wildlife. There is no developed trail system in the backcountry. Always practice "Leave No Trace" and plan ahead and be prepared. Some public trails are remote. Be sure to let someone know where you will be hiking and check the weather before heading out to hike.



A teenager helps a preschool child open a box on a mountainside.

Join the BLM and Seymour Antelope for an outdoor adventure! As you venture out on your treasure hunt, you will learn more about your public lands and visit new and exciting destinations. Geocaches are hidden throughout Nevada and as you find the locations, you can earn cool prizes. Geocaching is a worldwide treasure hunt where players navigate to a set of coordinates with a GPS unit or smart phone. A “geocache” is hidden at the location and contains a log book and fun items for trading. The caches are typically waterproof containers of varying sizes and shapes.



Located in Southern Nevada, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is one of the finest rock climbing areas in the world. The main type of rock found in Red Rock Canyon is Aztec (or Navajo) sandstone, formed years ago through the natural cementing of ancient sand dunes. Routes in Red Rock Canyon are rated via the Yosemite Decimal System. Many routes in Red Rock Canyon require significant walking, hiking and scrambling to reach them. Keep this in mind when planning for your climbs, not only as a time constraint but also in terms of water. Red Rock Canyon is located in the Mojave Desert, and even if it is not scorching hot, the air is still very dry. You should always bring a surplus of water to stay hydrated. If you have never climbed at Red Rock Canyon and are unfamiliar with route locations, a climbing guide is available with photos, route descriptions, and directions to provide you a brief idea of where to find established traditional and sport routes. Please respect the natural and cultural resources of this beautiful land, leave all natural features just as you found them. To contact any of the climbing staff, call 702-515-5358

.A rock climber ascends a white cliff.



A Nevada landscape with pinyon-junipers is seen from a mountain biker's perspective over a set of handlebars.

Mountain biking is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors. Bicycles are allowed on designated paved and unpaved roads and on trails designated for mountain bike use. However bikes are not permitted on any trails in designated wilderness areas. Stay on designated trails to avoid trampling native vegetation, and minimize potential erosion by not using wet or muddy trails or shortcutting switchbacks. Yield the right-of-way to other non-motorized recreationists. Move off the trail to allow horses to pass and stop to allow hikers adequate room to share the trail.


Nevada is a magnet for those looking for multiple-use recreation in an isolated and uncrowded setting. Backcountry hiking and camping is allowed in Nevada's public land. All stays are limited to 14 days. Backcountry areas are remote with no drinking water or firewood for campfires. Please be prepared, dress appropriately and beware of the weather. There is no developed trail system in the backcountry. To protect resources, do not collect plants, rock specimens, fossils, or disturb the wildlife. 

Two hikers in shorts walk through a dramatic red and brown cliffscape at Red Rock Canyons National Conservation Area.


A brown rock has white carvings on it of native American images of bighorn sheep or similar game.

Nevada is rich in history. It is home to numerous significant prehistoric and historic resources. Archeological sites are protected on public lands by federal law. It is illegal to remove or damage archeological materials, including, but not limited to historic structures, rock art, and stone flakes left over from primitive tool fabrication. Leave artifacts where they are so that others can see the story of the past. Removing or vandalizing artifacts limits their scientific value and the experience of future visitors. Take only pictures and leave only footprints. Please help us preserve and protect these sites for future generations.