USAID's Investments in Lebanon - Dollars to Results

5 Million
Average Annual Income
$16,263 per Person

A small nation of more than 4 million people, Lebanon’s strategic location, the diversity  of its citizens, and its entrepreneurial spirit have long made it a center of trade and culture and a bridge between Europe and the Middle East. Since the end of the Civil War in 1990, Lebanon has been working hard, despite continued sectarian strife—and now the crisis in neighboring Syria—to rebuild its physical, social and economic infrastructure.

Note: Click on the bar chart or navigation panel below for more information.


For complete data on USAID's disbursements please visit the Foreign Assistance Dashboard.

Results of USAID’s spending in Lebanon

Together with USAID partner, the Association for Forest Development and Conservation, Lebanese youth contribute to the reforesta

Together with USAID partner, the Association for Forest Development and Conservation, Lebanese youth contribute to the reforestation of the Forest of Peace in Kawkaba.


View the "Real Lives, Real Progress" infographic (PDF, 1.13MB)

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