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BLM Colorado Success Story

Colorado Resource Monitoring Initiative

As part of its multiple-use and sustained yield mission, the BLM supports grazing on healthy rangelands. Healthy rangelands are habitats that support a variety of native plants and animals and provide a productive setting for recreation, grazing, wildlife and other uses today and for future generations. More than 1,000 ranches rely on public lands in Colorado to raise livestock annually. BLM Colorado is a partner in the Colorado Resource Monitoring Initiative, which is a collaboration with federal, state and private entities with the goal of developing a voluntary program designed to bring all Colorado land management agencies into an agreement concerning what vegetation monitoring protocol should be recommended for ranchers on both public and private lands throughout Colorado. This initiative is important to the BLM because it encourages permittees to monitor their allotments, and it provides rangeland users with government and academic approved monitoring protocol supported by a large number of agencies. The BLM will continue to support this program and work with our partners to see that the goals outlined through this initiative come to fruition.