The Hemagglutinin Structure Prediction (HASP) Server

An interactive tool for the generation and analysis of high-quality hemagglutinin (HA) homology models

Benefits and Features

  • Integrated map-based location search for examination by geographical region
  • Display up to two models directly in a built-in molecular viewer
  • Interactive alignment to easily identify residues in the model
  • Export sequences in FASTA or models in PDB format for further analysis

Access the HASP software.


The Hemagglutinin Structure Prediction (HASP) server was designed as a scientific tool for researchers to visualize their phylogenetic, biochemical, and immunological hemagglutinin (HA) data in the three-dimensional context of the HA structure, in the hopes that the context may help researchers better interpret their data and generate new hypotheses. HASP provides high-quality homology models built using Rosetta for all publicly available HA protein sequences. HASP presents the models in such a way that researchers can gain scientific insights directly through the application and can easily retrieve the structures for more intensive offline studies and analysis.


The software is provided free of charge by NIAID.


HASP was developed by the NIAID Office of Cyber Infrastructure and Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Computational Biosciences Branch, in collaboration with the NIAID Laboratory of Infectious Diseases.

The Web interface for HASP was developed using Google Web Toolkit. Gene information was extracted from NCBI GenBank annotations and the proteins were modeled using Rosetta.

Content last reviewed on November 19, 2012