Bioinformatics-Flow Cytometry

  • Flow Cytometry Analysis Component (FLOCK)
    Flow cytometry analysis component includes: automated cell population identification; result visualization in 2D and 3D; statistical analysis of population characteristics; and automated mapping of populations across multiple samples
  • Systems Approach to Immunology/Signaling Core
    Systems Immunity focuses on dissecting the immune response to infectious disease through the application of "Systems-Guided Forward Genetics" by accelerating the identification of critical regulators of immunity.
  • Simplified Presentation of Incredibly Complex Evaluations (SPICE)
    SPICE is a data-mining software application that analyzes large FLOWJO data sets from polychromatic flow cytometry and organizes the normalized data graphically. SPICE enables users to discover potential correlations in their experimental data within complex data sets.

Contact Information

For more information on Bioinformatics-Flow Cytometry, email
Bioinformatics and Computational Sciences Branch

Content last reviewed on April 23, 2012