LTNP Study

Study Name

Leukapheresis Procedures to Study HIV-Specific Immunity

Study Number


Goal of Study

The National Institutes of Health is conducting a research study to evaluate patients who have been able to control the progression of HIV for long periods without the use of antiretroviral therapy. Some immune system-related genes have been identified in people who are often labeled “long-term non-progressors” (LTNP). These HLA genes include B27, B35, B44, B57, B58 and/or A02. We will conduct genetic testing, blood collection and tissue sampling in the hope of better understanding how some rare individuals can suppress HIV without medications. Volunteers will be compensated.

Study Regimen

We will collect white blood cells by a process called leukapheresis, a standard blood collection procedure, which will remove white cells first, and then replace the red cells, through the same needle. We will accept HIV+ participants who meet the eligibility criteria listed below. Volunteers will be compensated.

Eligibility Criteria

  • You are age 18 or older, with documented HIV-infection.
  • You are healthy and do not need to take antiretroviral medications.
  • You consent to leukapheresis, genetic testing, and storing of samples.
  • You have a normal platelet count.
  • You are not pregnant.
  • You are not anemic.
  • You do not have uncontrolled high blood pressure.
Content last reviewed on October 26, 2011