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The law protects the right of employees to engage in protected concerted activities-group action to improve wages, benefits, and working conditions and to engage in union activities and support a union. You also have a right to not engage in protected concerted or union activities.

The statements contained in this smart phone application are intended for users' general information. This application may not be cited as legal authority. Particular statements may be subject to unstated exceptions, qualifications, and/or limitations, and may even be rendered unreliable without prior notice by changes in the law. In addition, although we have sought to provide broad general guidance, we do not claim completeness. In other words, you may be subject to prohibitions under the National Labor Relations Act that are not set forth here. The National Labor Relations Board expressly disclaims any purpose or intent to furnish legal advice. You may contact your nearest regional Board office and/or an attorney to discuss your specific situation or to learn more about your rights and obligations under the NLRA.

I am represented by a union

How to Enforce Your Rights
Are You Covered?
Collective bargaining rights
Concerted Activity
Social media
Right to strike and picket
Decertification election
Right to fair representation
Union dues
Hiring Halls

I am not represented by a union

How to Enforce Your Rights
Are You Covered?
Concerted activity
Social media
Strikes, Pickets and Protest
Right to refrain
Your Right to Form a Union
Your Rights during Union Organizing

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