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MANAGING INVASIVE PLANTS: Concepts, Principles, and Practices

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Management Methods: Prescribed Grazing

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Key Points

1. The role of grazing

The role of grazing is different in natural, domesticated, and prescribed grazing systems.

2. Grazing is powerful

Grazing influences the biological, physical, and chemical characteristics of ecosystems through herbivory, physical impact, and deposition and may have beneficial and detrimental effects.

3. Understand your grazing system

Designing effective and ecologically beneficial grazing prescriptions requires a solid understanding of plant ecology, animal behavior, and plant-animal interactions at a particular site.

4. prescription Ingredients

Grazing prescriptions include specific information on the season and intensity of grazing and the species, breed, sex, and age class of animals. The goal of prescribed grazing for invasive plant management is to manipulate grazing parameters to place target plants at a competitive disadvantage relative to other plants in the community.

5. Management Options for Prescribed Grazing

Prescribed grazing can be used to prevent, contain, or suppress invasive plant populations, but will rarely eradicate infestations if used alone.

6. Prescribed grazing Takes Time

Prescribed grazing, especially when used alone, requires a long-term commitment.

7. Prescribed Grazing should be integrated

Prescribed grazing may significantly enhance the effectiveness or facilitate implementing other invasive plant management tools.

8. Prescribed grazing Has Benefits

Prescribed grazing treatments can be removed at any time without long-term residual effects; treatments can be applied to steep, rocky, and remote terrain; grazing animals convert the target species into a saleable product (i.e., meat or wool); and prescribed grazing can provide long-term management while reducing the use of herbicides.

9. Prescribed grazing Has Limitations

Prescribed grazing requires continual monitoring and management to achieve desired results; livestock animals may not be compatible with some sites; and appropriate animals may not be available to target some invasive species.

10. Prescribed Grazing Should be Used with care

Prescribed grazing should be used sensibly, with careful consideration of its compatibility with the habitat, land management goals, infestation characteristics, livestock needs, and resources available to implement the program successfully.

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Prescription Grazing for Vegetation Management

Behavioral Education for Human, Animal, Vegetation, & Ecosystem Management

Livestock for Landscapes

Prescribed Grazing Management Manual for New York State

The Nature Conservancy - Weed Control Methods Handbook

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December 16, 2015