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Supplementary Homicide Report

Supplementary Homicide Report (OMB Form No. 1110-0002)

Offense 1a. Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter
(including justifiable homicide)

Search the database for records with the following data elements and all specified data values:

Data Element 1 (ORI Number)—all incidents with the same ORI number.

Data Element 3 (Incident Date/Hour)—month and year of each incident report or, when the incident date is unknown, the report date (entry of a date with an indicator of R) for identical ORIs.

Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—offense codes 09A and 09C.

Using the records found in the previous search, select the specified data values associated with each data element to provide details for each respective line and column on the summary form.

Column 1.

Incident number:


Data Element 2 (Incident Number)—assign a sequential number to each murder incident (09A, 09C); use the same number to add the incident to the Supplementary Homicide Report (SHR) form.


Column 2.

Situation type:


Situation A—Single victim/single offender


Data Element 23 (Victim [Sequence] Number)—entry of only one victim (001)


Data Element 36 (Offender [Sequence] Number)—entry of only one offender (01)




Situation B—Single victim/unknown offender(s)


Data Element 23 (Victim [Sequence] Number)—entry of only one victim (001)


Data Element 36 (Offender [Sequence] Number)—entry of only unknown (00)




Situation C —Single victim/multiple offenders


Data Element 23 (Victim [Sequence] Number)—entry of only one victim (001)


Data Element 36 (Offender [Sequence] Number)—entry of 02-99




Situation D—Multiple victims/single offender


Data Element 23 (Victim [Sequence] Number)—entry of 002-999


Data Element 36 (Offender [Sequence] Number)—entry of only one offender




Situation E—Multiple victims/multiple offenders


Data Element 23 (Victim [Sequence] Number)—entry of 002-999


Data Element 36 (Offender [Sequence] Number)—entry of 02-99




Situation F—Multiple victims/unknown offenders


Data Element 23 (Victim [Sequence] Number)—entry of 002-999


Data Element 36 (Offender [Sequence] Number)—entry of only unknown (00)


Column 3.

Age of Victim:


Data Element 26 (Age [of Victim])—use Summary age codes as follows:


01-98  =   NIBRS entry of 01-98


NB       =   NIBRS entry of NN and NB


BB       =   NIBRS entry of BB (1 week-12 months)


99       =   NIBRS entry of 99


00       =   NIBRS entry of 00 (unknown)


Column 4.

Sex of Victim:


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  M, F, or U


Column 5.

Race of Victim:


Data Element 28 (Race [of Victim])—entry of  W, B, I, A, or U


Column 7.

Age of Offender:


Data Element 37 (Age [of Offender])—use Summary age codes as follows:


01-98   =   NIBRS entry of 01-98


99        =   NIBRS entry of 99


00        =   NIBRS entry of 00 (unknown)


Column 8.

Sex of Offender:


Data Element 38 (Sex [of Offender])—entry of  M, F, or U


Column 9.

Race of Offender:


Data Element 39 (Race [of Offender])—entry of  W, B, I, A, or U


Column 14.

Weapon Used:


Data Element 13 (Type Weapon/Force Involved)—the weapon code numbers are the same for both NIBRS and Summary.  When NIBRS codes 11-15 include a suffix of

A = automatic, disregard the suffix in the conversion process.



11 - Firearm (type not stated)


12 - Handgun


13 - Rifle


14 - Shotgun


15 - Other firearm


20 - Knife/cutting instrument


30 - Blunt object


40 - Personal weapons


50 - Poison


60 - Explosives


65 - Fire/incendiary device


70 - Drugs/narcotics/sleeping pills


85 - Asphyxiation



Summarize NIBRS weapon entries of 35 = Motor Vehicles, 95 = Unknown, and 99 = None as 90 = Other.



Note 1: Of all the Summary weapon codes, three are not available in NIBRS—55-Pushed or thrown, 75-Drowning, and 80-Strangulation.



Note 2: Although NIBRS allows for up to three types of weapons to be reported with an incident, the Supplementary Homicide Report allows for only one to be associated with a murder offense.  However, the issue of which weapon to report with the offense is automatically handled by choosing the weapon from the incident that appears first in the list above, thereby applying a weapon hierarchy.  For example, if a murder involves both personal weapons and explosives, convert the weapon as personal weapons because that weapon comes before explosives in the listing above.


Column 15.

Relationship of Victim to Offender: (identify each relationship)


Summary codes:


HU (Husband):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  SE


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  M




WI (Wife):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  SE


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  F




CH (Common-law Husband):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  CS


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  M




CW (Common-law Wife):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  CS


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  F




MO (Mother):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  PA


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  F




FA (Father):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  PA


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  M




SO (Son):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  CH


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  M




DA (Daughter):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  CH


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  F




BR (Brother):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  SB


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  M




SI (Sister):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  SB


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  F




IL (In-law):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  IL




SF (Stepfather):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  SP


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  M




SM (Stepmother):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  SP


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  F




SS (Stepson):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  SC


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  M




SD (Stepdaughter):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  SC


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  F




OF (Other Family):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of GP, GC, SS, or OF




NE (Neighbor):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  NE




AQ (Acquaintance):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  AQ




BF (Boyfriend):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  BG


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  M




GF (Girlfriend):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  BG


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  F




XH (Ex-Husband):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  XS


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  M




XW (Ex-Wife):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  XS


Data Element 27 (Sex [of Victim])—entry of  F




EE (Employee):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  EE




ER (Employer):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  ER




FR (Friend):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  FR




HO (Homosexual Relationship):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  HR


OK (Other - Known to Victim):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of CF, OK, VO, or BE




ST (Stranger):

Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  ST




UN (Unknown Relationship):


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  RU


Column 16.




To determine the Summary Murder circumstance code from a NIBRS Murder Incident Report, perform the following steps until a circumstance is determined:




Check for an accompanying Part I offense.  (See below, Summary code—Part I offenses.  For classifying purposes, Summary codes are listed in order of importance.)




Check for an accompanying Part II offense or NIBRS Aggravated Assault/Homicide circumstance code.  (See below, Summary code—Part II offenses.  For classifying purposes, Summary codes are listed in order of importance.)




Continue through the list of nonfelony-type circumstances until the Summary Murder circumstance is determined from the NIBRS information submitted for the incident.  (See below, Other than felony-type murders.  For classifying purposes, Summary codes are listed in order of importance.)



Summary Code—Part I Offenses



02-Forcible Rape:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A and 11A






Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A and 120






Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A and 220






Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A and 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G, or 23H




07-Motor Vehicle Theft:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A and 240






Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A and 200




Summary Code—Part II Offenses


18-Narcotic Drug Laws:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A and 35A or offense code 09A and Data Element 31 (Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances)—entry of  03




17-Other Sex Offenses:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A and 11B, 11C, or 11D




10-Prostitution and Commercialized Vice:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A and 40A or 40B






Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A and 39A, 39B, 39C, or 39D




26-Other-Not Specified:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A


Data Element 31 (Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances)—entry of  08






Not available in NIBRS.



Other than Felony-type Murders:




40-Lovers' Triangle:


Not available in NIBRS.




41-Child Killed by Babysitter:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A


Data Element 31 (Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances)—entry of  09


Data Element 35 (Relationship[s] of Victim to Offender[s])—entry of  BE




45-Other Arguments:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A


Data Element 31 (Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances)—entry of 01 or 06




46-Gangland Killings:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A


Data Element 31 (Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances)—entry of  04




47-Juvenile Gang Killings:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A


Data Element 31 (Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances)—entry of  05




42-Brawl Due to Influence of Alcohol:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A


Data Element 8 (Offender[s] Suspected of Using)—entry of  A




43-Brawl Due to Influence of Narcotics:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A


Data Element 8 (Offender[s] Suspected of Using)—entry of D




48-Institutional Killings:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A


Data Element 9 (Location Type)—entry of 15




44-Argument over Money or Property:


Not available in NIBRS.




49-Sniper Attack:


Not available in NIBRS.






Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A


Data Element 31 (Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances)—entry of 02, 07, or 09




70-Suspected Felony Type:


Not available in NIBRS.




99-Unable to Determine:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09A


Data Element 31 (Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances)—entry of  10



Justifiable Homicides:




80-Felon Killed by Private Citizen:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09C


Data Element 31 (Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances)—entry of  20


Data Element 32 (Additional Justifiable Homicide Circumstances)—entry of  C, D, E, F, or G




81-Felon Killed by Police Officer:


Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 09C


Data Element 31 (Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances)—entry of 21


Data Element 32 (Additional Justifiable Homicide Circumstances)—entry of  A, B, C, D, E, F, or G

Supplementary Homicide Report
Offense 1b. Manslaughter by Negligence

Do not convert NIBRS data for manslaughter by negligence to Summary data.