The Effective Health Care Program Stakeholder Guide

This Guide is intended to facilitate stakeholder involvement in the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ's) Effective Health Care (EHC) Program research. The Guide reviews the purpose and the structure of AHRQ's EHC Program, outlines EHC Program activities, and describes opportunities for participation.

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   About This Guide
   What Is the Effective Health Care Program?
   How Can You Get Involved?
   How To Use This Guide
Chapter 1: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Effective Health Care Program
   The Effective Health Care Program
   Getting the Work Done
Chapter 2: Effective Health Care Program Activities
   Horizon Scanning
   Identification of Evidence Needs
   Evidence Synthesis
   Translation and Dissemination of Research Findings to Diverse Stakeholders
   Training and Development of Clinical Researchers
   Stakeholder Input and Involvement
Chapter 3: Getting Involved in the Research Process
   Who Are Stakeholders and Why Are Their Views Important?
   Identification of Evidence Needs
   Evidence Synthesis
   Product Translation and Dissemination
Chapter 4: Using Research
Appendix A. Standardized Selection Criteria for Topics
Appendix B. Suggesting a Topic for Effective Health Care Research
Appendix C. Research Questions and PICO(TS)
Appendix D. Guide for Key Informants
Appendix E. Comparative Effectiveness Overview for Key Informants

Page last reviewed February 2014
Page originally created September 2012
Internet Citation: The Effective Health Care Program Stakeholder Guide. Content last reviewed February 2014. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.